
Intermission - Day in the life of *Haley* (3)

Everyone suddenly stopped and looked at Haley.

This time, she wasn't able to hide it as her face was still red.

Kevin was the one that came forward to ask, "Miss, are you alright?"

Haley didn't answer at first as she took a moment to adjust herself before saying, "I'm fine. My leg just cramped a bit."

Kevin raised a brow as if he didn't believe this, but since they were in front of outsiders, he didn't question it in the end. He just gave a simple nod before taking the lead from Haley and leading the way to the back.

On the side, the baron's eyes lit up.

After all, he thought that this was a sign that he was about to succeed.

He thought that Haley was reacting like this because of him.

There was a smile that appeared on the baron's face as he watched her walking in front of him. The way that her hips swayed as she walked, he couldn't help being entranced to the point that he didn't even notice that they had arrived.
