
What must come will come (5)

It took no time for her soldiers and knights to saddle up.

Half of them were still on the wall defending against the stones being thrown at them and the other half had saddled up with her.

The one thing that they had over the monsters was their speed.

The horses that they had were able to outrun the monsters and they had the cover of the archers if the monsters chased them too close to the walls, so they would be using this advantage to its full potential.

Cecilia was going to lead a cavalry charge to disrupt the monsters from throwing rocks at the walls.

Of course, this was very dangerous since it meant clashing head on with the monster wave. This meant throwing away their advantage of being on the walls and avoiding a physical fight which the monsters had the advantage in.

But there was no other choice.

If they didn't do this, they would be crushed by the flying stones eventually.
