
First placer and Second placer

Qingdu City, Shuhui Middle School. 

Teachers from various years and classes, as well as Principal Cheng, had gathered in the school's faculty, waiting for the results of the examination to be released. 

Students can see their individual results as well as their specific scores for each subject but they as the teachers, can only check their students' results through the overall ranking of the National College Entrance Examination, which will be posted an hour after the students are allowed to check their results.

As the time they were finally waiting for struck, every teacher in each third-year class had their eyes fixed on the screen of their computer, and even teachers from lower years were checking the results.

All of the teachers were hoping for the best for all of the students, but they hoped that at least one student from their class would obtain a high rank because it would help the school's and the teacher's reputation and image.
