
Chapter 44: 2 Children with Souls of Monsters.

3rd pov

In Berlun, the Capital of the Empire, the Dacian Crown Prince Ferdinand Von Rotenburg was enjoying the party that had been prepared for him, with several important figures from the Government and the Imperial Army.

Ferdinand was talking to several important people, who wanted to speak with him after the young Prince finished the conversation he was having with the Kaiser.

Hans Von Zettour and Kurt Von Rudersdorf were in the distance talking to Kaiser in a separate corner of the party.

"So? Is everything ready?" asked Friedrich VI as he looked at Zettour, who nodded.

"Yes, Your Imperial Majesty, young Prince Ferdinand will know the Military power of the Empire, we are sure he will be impressed by our might." Responds Zettour in the calmest and most respectful tone possible for his Kaiser.

"Exactly, when he returns to the Imperium, he might have some nice words about us for Cezar, increasing the chances of having the Dacians as allies" said Rudersdorf.

Friedrich VI nodded in satisfaction, he wanted more than anything for the Empire and the Imperium to unite as allies so they could have a better chance of winning the War that was coming their way.

Of course, if they win, they will have to share the gains after the War, but that's normal.

"Great, after the Military Parade, if he wants to visit the Imperial Military Academy you have the permission, as long as he doesn't learn anything confidential, it won't hurt him to know" Friedrich VI said in a serious tone while looking at Rudersdorf and Zettour, who nodded before bowing to Friedrich VI.

"Your order from him will be carried out, Mein Kaiser" Rudersdorf said seriously.

Timeskip 1 Day

In Berlun, an Imperial Military Parade was taking place, with Kaiser Friedrich VI, Chancellor Schlesinger, along with other important people from the Government and the Imperial Military High Command, as well as Rudersdorf and Zettour.

Ferdinand saw the Military Parade firsthand and was clearly fascinated by what he saw, the Imperial Soldiers wearing Prussian Army uniforms, marching while having hundreds of civilians throwing flowers at them.

"Enjoying it, Your Imperial Highness?" asked Friedrich VI as he continued to look at the Imperial Army marching with pride.

"Yes, Your Imperial Majesty, it's really amazing" Ferdinand replied seriously while nodding, he was really enjoying seeing this.

'A pity that in the end, the Empire will fall in the future' Thought Ferdinand.

He knew very well that the Empire was destined to lose, a big part of the reason the Empire survived was because of Tanya and her tactics and intelligence, without that the Empire would still be trapped in the Trench Wars against the Republic and Legadonia, with the Russy Federation being able to take advantage of this to make a surprise attack on the Empire and create an Iron Curtain 2.0

The Parade lasted a few hours, which Ferdinand enjoyed a lot, after which he was invited by Zettour and Rudersdorf to visit the Imperial Military Academy, which he liked a lot, so of course, he accepted.

Tanya Pov

The Academy was in a mess, everyone was preparing for the arrival of the Crown Prince of the Imperium Daciae as they wanted everything to be impeccable.

I was selected along with several others to be part of the Entourage that would welcome him, as I was one of the best students.

I was at the entrance of the Academy with the Entourage, and they gave me an Officer's Uniform for my size to be very presentable, as was done with the others.

"Mein Gott, I never expected that we would be part of this entourage, Hans" Said one of the Academy students to Hans, the idiots were whispering among themselves as I stood there, standing there, just waiting for the Dacian Prince to arrive.

If all goes well, chances are high that I will get some good words from my superiors at the Academy, this is a golden opportunity for me.

'I'll also be able to find out if this boy is related in any way to Being X' I think as I get serious.

Just then I saw a luxury car arrive at the entrance of the Academy, causing the idiots who were whispering to be silent and in their positions, while the car stopped.

I could see from the car 3 people in addition to the driver, 2 adult men and 1 boy, by the way, I saw that the 2 adult men were Brigadier Generals, with the boy coming in the robes of an Officer but of Royalty, having a single medal, which it was of a Double-Headed Eagle.

There was no mistake, that boy was clearly Ferdinand Von Rotenburg, Crown Prince of the Imperium Daciae.

3rd pov

When Ferdinand got out of the car, he was joined by Zettour and Rudersdorf.

"Here, Your Imperial Highness Ferdinand this is the Imperial Military Academy," Zettour said to Ferdinand, who nodded.

As they walked, they were soon greeted by the Welcome Party, who greeted the 3, but one person in particular caught Ferdinand's attention.

A little girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, and white skin, showing the strong Germanic Descent that runs through her veins, she was also wearing an Officer's uniform along with a Computing Jewel, nothing like what she would have in the future.

As if time had stopped, they both looked seriously into each other's eyes, but that only lasted a short while before Ferdinand focused on the rest of the entourage and shook hands with everyone there.

'No doubt...it's Tanya Degurechaff' Ferdinand thought seriously as he shook hands with the people there before finally focusing again on Tanya, who he offered her a handshake.

Tanya firmly shook Ferdinand's hand, while bowing her head a little in respect for the Prince, this was also done by the other members of the Entourage.

'Now we'll see if you're a Reincarnate like me, Ferdinand Von Rotenburg, if not, then it must be your father and if he isn't either, then my assumption was correct.' He thought Tanya in her mind, with her already planning several things while on the outside she had a fake "gentle" smile that easily fooled people who didn't know her character.

Meanwhile, Ferdinand was smiling devilishly in his mind, the chance to meet Tanya was in front of him, if he played the cards right he could have the Protagonist of this world by his side.

The threads of this World's Destiny were tangling into a knot, with these two being the reason, one thing is quite certain: This is the Meeting Between 2 Children...with souls of Monsters.
