
Blood II

"More than enough," Daphne breathed out with relief. Now that the supply of blood was all but certain, she felt new hope. Nereus could be saved! 

With renewed determination, she focused on the next chain. Somehow, the blood from the dead woman was a lot easier to control than Nereus's own blood. If Daphne had the time, she would gladly ponder on possible reasons for such a difference, but since she was tired and pressed for time, she merely decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth and treat it as an unprecedented blessing. 

Meanwhile, Zephyr kept a close eye on the door, occasionally turning to look at Nereus, who was already unconscious, his face paper-pale. Zephyr knew he talked a lot of shit about that stupid water horse, but he didn't actually want him to die! 

"Oi, you kelpie bastard. You'd better live!" Zephyr said warningly. "Or I'll dump a whole bunch of meat right at your grave. Don't test me!"


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
