

Back in Ikenga realm, he watched as a being his size walked out from the cocoon. His expression changed seeing the being that walked out from the cocoon's.

"When did I have a twin" Ikem thought to himself as he looked at the look alike of himself that walked out from the cocoon, Ikem soon noticed a difference which was that his fur was all dark and his eyes were pure black and he had a dark smirk on his face.

The same thing was happening in other gods' realm as infront of Mahu was a dark replica of her only with a sadistic smile. Crepuscular had the same replica but this one was burning with dark flames instead.

Jaws also had the same replicas but unlike his calm before storm vibe this one replica of his had a constant raging storm feeling around him. Kelts also had the same but unlike the other's her replica looks a lot smaller.

Ikenga watched as the cocoon dispersed and the look of him floated in the air just like him with arms spread apart.
