
Sneaking on a plane

With the confidence of having ten max level spellcasters by his side, he made his planes for the next stage. Up until now he had only hidden inside his basement, or rather Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion. Before he tried venturing into other planes of existence, well dangerous ones at least, he wanted to create a foothold on earth.

A network of teleportation circles, underground hideouts or even a few towers around the globe.

The good thing about circles was, that they had a 100 % success rate. If he used the normal teleportation spell he would be fucked. He just knew it. No amount of contemplation had yet told him on how the rolling of dice worked here. Things just happened. Cast a spell with a ranging damage output like fireball and the effect varied in intensity depending on pure luck it seemed.

So he would be damned if he risked becoming stuck inside a mountain, just to avoid a few days of weeks of effort in travelling. Teleport accidents were really no joke. If he wanted to travel to, Tokyo, for example, a place which he only had seen videos from, he'd have a 43% chance of a mishap. Which would mean getting stuck in said mountain. Or the bottom of the ocean. And even the 57% only meant he would arrive on the same continent, probably. Only a 25% chance guaranteed landing somewhere inside the city.

He could just transform into a bird and fly there, but that would take ages, and be quite dangerous.

If you died while polymorphed, you just turned back. Yet any extending damage would go to you. Say, you were sucked inside an air plane engine. Not pretty. Etherealness, was also not an option. A great way to get yourself killed by stepping on some ghosts lawn. Still worth the risk, if you were, say we, stuck under a mountain and needed a convinient way to just walk through it.

He came up with a much better idea, after only a week of drawing mind maps inside his new meeting room.

Very nice that one, had everything. Automatic coffee maker, which meant it also flew your coffee to you. A rolling sushi to keep the host entertained and at full strength. And a marvellous, fake, view of central Park in New York. Just to get the business mindset really going. There were also dozens of giant white boards and pinboards for creative idea finding processes. His yakuza were not that helpful, honestly is was just like bouncing ideas of yourself.

After much deliberation they finally concluded that a simple plan with only Argentarius participating, would be the most likely to succeed.

Three days later, after he had switched places with Tom for a while to spend some time with his family and friends, he went to LCY, in disguise of course. This had been another topic of great importance they had tried to figure out. What persona should Argentarius go for? The young, handsome and wealthy conglomerate heir? Astute and well travelled gentlemen in his forties? Or the classic old wise man with a white beard and pointy hat? The irony of the Archwizard disguising himself as Dumbledore or Gandalf, did not elude those present at the meeting.

How does the saying go? If you want to hide something, just put a funny hat on it or something.

So after a rather expensive visit at the tailor, yes they still had those, he now really looked the part.

A long and loose fitting coat lay on his shoulders, almost resembling a cloak. Shiny leather boots with a metal buckle at the side adorned his feet. Underneath he wore a vest and a loose shirt. Everything from his tie to his underpants was made of the finest materials, at least that was what the very eager salesman told him. He paid 3000 pound for just the one suit! Why only one? Well he could just cast a cleaning spell, he had only just managed to not use Suggestion to lower the price a bit. He had not been sure if the target would have known about the magic afterwords or not.

Better to be safe.

The best thing he now owned was his new wizard hat. He even tried to store a bottle of Johnnie Walker in the tip, but this intricate piece of dimensinal magic still eluded him. "By A'Tuin, how do they do it? Maybe I can someday visit the invisible academy and ask them. Well, I'd rather not think of the implications of the Discworld existing. Hopefully the warcraft world is not real, thank you very much. I have no hope in dealing with fucking world devouring titans."

And man, ripe in years, wandered in the London City Airport and looked a bit lost as he viewed the panels all all-round. Yet, as this was London, no one cared. Only a few kids poked their already stressed parent and asked them if the man with the funny hat could do tricks.

Argentarius had even hoped that somebody would ask him to show them a magic trick, he had actually practised some. Real magic of course. But he had to make it so convincing, that the viewer would be sure it had to be a fake. Not very easy.

After wondering around and annoying half a dozen employees, Argentarius finally settled on a flight, were some seats were still vacant and disappeared into a toilet. He pulled his sleeves up and checked his new spellbook. It was a shiny, golden bangle about 12 inches in width. Grabbing on one side he drew a long scroll of parchment out. "So much better then carrying around a dam book everywhere." The book and his new amulet (ring and earring) were all granted by his supporting and loving battery's. He now had a spell foci on every extremity. You never knew when one might be confiscated or chopped off.

He spoke aloud after making sure no one was hearing him: "Gaseous Form!" Soon he turned into an unassuming trail of smoke. Now he had one hour to board the plane and hide on the toilet.

It was surprisingly easy to find a nice seat in business class, he just walked up to an empty seat and sat down. No one cared for your ID or tickets after you boarded. Argentarius sadly looked at his spells, the mind tricks and illusion's he had prepared.

After a few mediocre meals, a nap and some light spell studding, they landed in Zurich. He disembarked the plane gracefully as a wisp of smoke and after getting a piece of the airport, he made his way to the next plane. There had been no time to get out and search for a place to build a hideout, but if he teleported with the piece of the yucca tree he snapped of, in the next 6 months, there would be no problem getting here. He would have to think of making himself invisible first, as to not scare the nice lady inside the duty free store.

After repeating the procedure, he was on his way towards Tokyo.
