
Returning To The Forge

The secrets Rowan held were earth-shaking and although his feats were miraculous, it was nothing before the secrets he held inside his mind, if Caine understood the source of his powers then Rowan knew he was finished, for this creature would stop at nothing to acquire everything.

Rowan's eyes grew cold, "Caine, let us cut to the chase, I am not a mortal that needs…" he gestured to the body of Caine hanging over the flames of burning universes, "all these unnecessary theatrics to instill awe and fear in my heart, tell me what you want and we can negotiate, saving all of us time and effort."

"Oh… I love the way your mind works. Of course, I can do this, you have to forgive me, eldritch beings like us have to cultivate a certain atmosphere," Caine winked at him and everything around them transformed and Rowan's consciousness returned to the Forge with blistering speed, and Rowan suspected that what he saw was not a mirage, but was real.
