
Chapter 107 Red Horizon

Grace’s POV

“Awen?!” I exclaimed when one of the warriors came walking out of the woods with the pup in his arms. The boy was cluthing the warrior’s neck as if it was a lifeline. The second he saw me and Jack, the kid squirmed and fought to get free. The enforcer sat him down and Awen sprinted towards his father at full speed, throwing himself at him.


He sniffed and buried his face in Jack’s shoulder. Jack instantly embraced him, soothing him as the kid trembled and softly sobbed into his neck.

“What are you doing here?” he cooed his son, stroking him gently up and down his back.

“Mommy said we had to go,” he whispered, his voice as soft and broken as his silent tears. “I didn’t want to.”

His eyes went to me, and he reached his small hands for me. Without thinking I stepped up and Awen crawled from his father and into my arms, nuzzling himself closer to the heat of my body. I hugged him tightly, mumbling soothing nonsense until he calmed.

Inside I was fuming!
