
Chapter 17 Slave

Grace’s POV

I jumped to my feet as Jack let out a menacing growl. Spinning around, I quickly found what had Jack’s panties in a twist. And for a second, I thought that I might be seeing things. Because I could have sworn, I saw a kid with wings hiding behind a tree. However, the kid let out a startled squeak and to my surprise, he jumped out and fell to his knees before us.

“I’m sorry!” he pleaded, bowing his head down until his nose reached the grass. Too stunned to speak, I just gaped at him. He didn’t look much older than 10! But then again, he was nothing but skin and bone so he could be older. I noticed how his ears were slightly pointed, but what really caught my attention was his violet hair!

As in the almost pink kind of violet!

“I’m-I’m sorry!” he stuttered on, while I was too busy wondering why a purple-haired kid was doing all this way out in the woods. “I-I didn’t mean to sneak up on you! I-I was- I was just…!”
