

"God damn it!" I was far too cocky when I stepped onto this damn floor.

The one's before it had been all of relatively the same difficulty. So with that logic, it should have been sensible that there would only be a small increase in difficulty on the 11th floor right? WRONG!

What did I tell myself about logic?

Thanks to my overconfidence, I was now without a shirt and now instead of pants I had ripped shorts.

Praying mantises on Earth were harmless, but when you beef it up a bit and sharpen the death traps that are its arms and boom, you got a god-awful murder weapon.

The thing wasn't that fast, thankfully, but neither was I.

It had been around two days since I started my venture into this dungeon and honestly, I haven't grown much in terms of physical ability. Well, what can you expect? It's been two days.

My swordsmanship has gotten better though, that's a plus. I wasn't accidentally embedding my sword in walls anymore.

It was that improved ability in swordsman that allowed me to slash off one of the thing's eyes. In its agonized twitches I was able to easily puncture its throat turning the thing into fragments.

Well, I learned some things through that fight. I need to remain cautious as I go through each floor. Also, I would not be able to make it through this entire dungeon.

I really didn't want to spend too much time here. I was anxious about leaving my family alone for so long and planned to only stay here for around three months.

Livie had told me there were around 100 floors to this place and I had just spent a full day on this one floor and was nowhere near to getting to the next one.

Admittedly I could probably go a lot faster using [Get Creative], but I really just wanted to stockpile any of the little LP I could get for more useful stuff. Instead, I chose to just work on my magic and physical ability.

It should still be fine though. It was hasty of me to even think of the idea of breezing through the dungeon in the first place.

Plus, even while not completing the dungeon, I was already completing my goals as I went through each floor.

On each floor, I had stumbled upon various treasure chests. Most had just junk in them, but in some, I had found some very valuable-looking gems and armor that I was sure I could see for quite the price.

Everything I found I moved down to the room Livie was kept in for safekeeping.

It was quite nice to talk to the girl when I got the chance. She didn't tell me much about herself but was a great mentor. She departed to me many strategies for various monsters I may encounter as well as lessons that might help improve my magic.

She could talk for hours on just about any topic I asked for unrelated to the past. I guess the girl really did just really want an apprentice.

It was around a month in that I had started to notice the changes that were rapidly occurring in my body.

For one, when the hell did I get so tall? Before I had the height of a child who hadn't even begun puberty.

What prompted my observation was what Livie had said to me one day.

'Woah, were you always that vertical?'

Ignoring the weird way she spoke I stood confused for a second before reluctantly conjuring up a mirror with [Get Creative].

'No, I wasn't always this vertical… or built.'

Looking in the mirror I couldn't help but be shocked at what was reflected.

I stood around a head taller than before. I was shirtless and only had on the equivalent of ripped shorts so I could see very well my physique that had gone through a change. There were signs of definitions all over. When I flexed in some places I noticed new muscles that hadn't been there before.

I was in a word, lean. Though it didn't do much to hide my still remaining mobbish face.

'You must've been not fooling around in the dungeon huh? All that experience has done wonders I will admit.' Livie praised me peculiarly.

So that's why. Maybe it's because the monsters here are stronger than in other places. My body must just be trying to keep up.

Can't complain. Though maybe I shouldn't eat as much, the last thing I want is to look like Hulk.

With that in mind after talking to Livie about a few things I returned back to the surface and to my ship.

I wasn't leaving no, but I had found when I took all the supplies out, it offered the perfect place for protection while I slept.

I had eaten dinner while talking to Livie and just needed to wash up and brush my teeth before I went to bed.

In times like this, it was important to practice normality. I was still a noble's son, I couldn't let what made me such go down the drain.

When I was finished washing, my attention was drawn to the coolness in the air. It wasn't freezing but it was enough that not wearing a blanket would be annoying.

Usually, though, I was too tired before bed to care and just slept in what I wore all the time.

'It's time for an outfit changed.'

I had been saving the clothes I had brung in case my current ones got ripped or destroyed… which they did.

I was a particular fan of the color black, and all I wore reflected that.

A black tunic, black vest, black trousers, and black boots. I was sure in a dark environment I'd be practically camouflaged. I did like the look, however.

With the clothing adding more warmth, I hopped in my 'bed' and dozed off quickly.

The remaining two months I gave myself passed by in a breeze.

I had managed to make it to the 43rd floor before my time ran out. The monsters really did just keep increasing in strength very inconsistently.

On the plus side though, I had gotten so much treasure that I had to move some out of the room Livie was in.

It was, for this reason, I decided to invest in a storage space.

I had 41,350 LP.

It would cost 5,000 LP to store everything I wanted to and another 5,000 to retrieve it out.

It was expensive, but worth it nonetheless.

'Leaving me already?' Livie sulked.

'Yeah… I gotta go deal with what I told you about.'

I had gotten used to this chained girl. She had just the amount of charisma I needed to make a wonderful talking buddy.

I'd miss her.

'Hmph, make sure you come back soon, it's boring around here.'

'I will, I will.'

Which is exactly why I have been saving so much.

With a sigh I got down on my knees, preparing to lose what I had spent months gathering.

From my hand, a symbol began to expand from it and onto the floor.

[LP: 6,100]

I wanted to cry when I saw how low the number was. At least now though, I had a way back. What I made was a teleportation circle, one that would stay permanently.

If I wanted to use it, I'd have to connect a different one to it which meant another 35 thousand if I wanted it to be permanent.

'I see, I guess your absence won't be long." Livie concluded with a much softer tone.

'Exactly, can't get rid of me that easy.'

With those words, I looked around the room and made sure everything I needed was now in my storage.

When I was sure I turned back to Livie. 'So erm, bye.'

'See you soon.'

With that, I left the room leaving the former best of the best adventurer back to her solitude. I'd make sure it didn't remain that way for long however, it's the least I could do after all she's done.

Plus, I still needed to find a way to get her out of this place.

The ride back was a lot more pleasant than the one it took to get here. I had stored everything but my food, water, and daily necessities in storage and kept everything else out. It was nice to have space to move around.

Monsters attacked like they always did but compared to the ones in the dungeon they were barely even a challenged.

The trip back was faster thanks to the lesser baggage and I couldn't help the restlessness I felt. I wondered and worried about my Mother and sister. Hell, I even paid half a mind to Felix.

The bastard better have had changed in some way. For his own sake.

The island was just as I left it. The mansion that stood in the center, the forested area off to one side, it was all the same.

It wouldn't be for long though. With how much wealth I had accumulated I could make some serious renovations to this place.

As my ship approached the island I began emptying my storage space into it. The ship nearly plummeted from the weight of it but remained strong nonetheless.

I could already see my family running out one by one and standing near the landing zone.

Alice came out first and with both hands raised high she waved at me with a beaming smile. From what I could tell she hadn't grown much at all since I last saw her, which was a good thing, I'd rather be there for all of that.

My mother came out next. She fell to her knees with clear tears pouring out of her eyes.

The last to exit was my father. The man was just as always. He had a meek expression as he stared without any movement.

When I finally landed, my Mother and sister tackled me before I could even get out of the ship.

"Noir" My mother whispered faintly as she held me in her death grip. Not even with my newfound strength would I be able to escape this hug.

All I could do was hug the two as I readied myself to be interrogated all throughout the night.
