
Gift From An Aunt I Never Knew

As I was walking to school, I began to reminiscence on what has happened to me.

My name is now Joey Wheeler. I was reincarnated into the world of Pokemon after a fatal accident involving a Truck. My new reality was that I live in a world of magical animals and multiple gods.

I am living in Viridian City, originally from Goldenrod City of Jhoto. We moved when I was 3 years old due to my mom wanting a fresh start.

As I walked through the city, a scarce amount of snow left on the grass as it was getting warmer. I clapped my hands together, telling myself to go through 3 more months of school then I'm done.

As I finnaly made it to school, I walked past a sign that read:

'Viridian City Trainer School.'

I transferred into a trainer school when I was 10 years old. They give you an option at 10 years to go to school specifically designed to grow capable trainers or stay in regular school and get a normal job.

The training school lasts until your 15.After that, you receive your Trainer Card and are officially a trainer then.

It was my last year here and I was getting sick of it. The sleepless nights of studying Pokemon anatomy, medicine, and their tendencies was exhausting. In normal school, at least I was passing with flying colors thanks to past life experience.

After a pretty normal routine day at school, I was walking home, wanting to just go to sleep already. When I made it to our apartment, I walked home to see my mother and father in the living rooms looking at something very peculiar.

My father was 6'2 with blond hair. He was pretty average looking and I looked like him when he was younger. My mother on the other hand, has silvery-blue eyes and long silvery-blue hair that reaches past her waist with two long bangs. I'm glad I didn't inherit her hair, as I would be standing out to much.

They were sitting on the couch looking at something I never saw apart from a screen. They were looking at a small black incubator, that was storing a Pokemon egg in it.

My parents noticed my arrival and began talking."Hello sweetie, can you talk from us for a minute". She motioned for me to come closer, which I did.

"Honey, you're probably wondering what a Pokemon egg is doing in this house. It's a gift from my sister, Karen", my mother informed me.

Karen, her sister? My mom never talks about her sister or any relatives from her side of the family. We moved away before I even formed memories of them

"You might even know Karen since you're such a Pokemon fanatic. She's pretty famous in the Jhoto region. She's one of the Elite 4 there", my father continued, dropping a crazy bombshell that I'm related to an Elite 4 member.

My mom's sister is not just any Karen, but Karen of the elite 4! Not that I'm thinking about it, they both have the same silvery blue hair. Karen was one of the 4 most strongest trainers in the Jhoto region, and she's my aunt!

I remained shocked for a minute before I calmed down."So Karen gave me this Pokemon egg, why? I don't even have memories for her".

" Karen always was talking about how she would love to give you your first Pokemon. I decided to accept the gift, thinking that it could boost you if you got a Pokemon from a first rate trainer", my mother responded.

I looked at the incubator before picking it up. It had a sticky note on it that read:

'Hello nephew. You probably don't know me but you're still family so I thought I could help you in your first steps as a trainer. The Pokemon inside the egg is a secret. Hope you can grow into a world class trainer and challenge me'.

I cursed in my mind when I read how she decided to keep the Pokemon inside a secret.

That's how my day turned from boring, to the most confusing day of my life.


(3 months later)

As I got up that day, I smiled because it was graduation day. I got ready that day, making sure I look extra good for my special day. I never got to have my high school graduation as I was 17 when I died.

I looked over at my incubator it hadn't hatched even in 3 months. That's alright though as I learned the longer it takes, the more rarer and stronger the Pokemon is.

As I walked into the living room, my mom had a camera snapping photos of me on my special day.

I walked to school, and went inside and prepared for graduation.


"Joey Wheeler", my principal called me on stage to receive my diploma.

The crowd erupted in claps, but my mother clapped and cheered louder than them combined.

I took my Diploma, posed for the camera, then off the stage. I can see why people remember their graduation day. It just feels so surreal.

I looked at the back of my diploma and my Trainer Card was there , taped to it. I took my trainer card, looked at it, before I smiled uncontrollably.

I was finally a trainer. I could finally go out and become the best version of myself. I can grow strong and challenge other strong trainers. Aunt Karen, here I come!


As I entered my house at night after a day of celebrating, I walked into my room. I scanned the room for any abnormalities, and I found a big one.

As I looked into my incubator, there was a cracked egg in pieces. Did my egg hatch during the day!

I looked at the Poke Ball on the top of my incubator, designed to instantly catch your Pokemon when they are born.

I grabbed the Poke Ball in a hurry, wanting to know who my first partner is. I clicked on the poke ball and it released a red light. Seconds later, the Pokemon was in front of me.

It was a small, green reptilian Pokémon with rocky skin. Red scales cover its diamond-shaped belly, and there are several small diamond-shaped holes in its body. Its short arms lack fingers and it's red eyes were staring at me in awe.

The Pokemon Aunt Karen sent me was a Larvitar.
