
The Aftermath

Isaac couldn't do anything with the armor until he got back home to his lab, so he stashed it away in his storage space, something he created years ago. Surprisingly magic made such things remarkably easy, especially if you were well educated in its use, Isaac created his first one when he was 15. Before he did anything else Isaac did a quick cleaning spell to get rid of all the blood and dirt from his person, then he hopped in the shower. As the warm jets from the shower hit his tense shoulders Isaac felt himself relax almost instantly, this was just what he needed. As he let the water ease his tension Isaac's mind ran over everything that happened, including all the information he stole from Yyreok.

What really concerned Isaac was the thought that he didn't cover his tracks as well as he usually did. Things happened so fast he didn't have time to worry about getting discovered, he already thought of one way he could have gotten caught, his bike. He was not disguised when he rode his bike right before the attack, he only got a chance to do it after, hopefully no one paid too close attention to it. After a much-needed wash Isaac quickly changed into some fresh clothes and then teleported to where Yyreok's kept his ship.

The first thing Isaac saw were trees, they were everywhere, he couldn't be sure, but Isaac thought he was in the National City Forest. Isaac walked into the clearing next to him, at first glance nothing was there but grass, but he knew better. Isaac called out Yyreok's password for entry into its ship, having learned the alien's language when he downloaded his knowledge it wasn't difficult. A sudden gust of wind blew past Isaac as he heard an almost silent hum right before the air started to shimmer and the ship's cloak disengaged.

Isaac couldn't help but stare at the beauty of his new ship, he knew what the ship looked like from the alien's memory but seeing it in person was a different story. It was surprising that this ship was meant to be Yyreok's species most technologically advanced ship. Isaac knew from the alien's memories that the ship was meant to punch way above its weight class and the weapons and shielding it had proved it. He would have never guessed that Yyreok was that important to them, especially with how stupid the alien had acted. Isaac shook his head and walked up an open ramp to check out the interior. As he walked in, the door closed on its own and Isaac called out the code to cloak itself again. The inside was very spacious and extremely high tech, it looked like it could fit at least 5 people easy, Isaac sat in the fancy chair at the control table. He ran his hand over the control panels that were made with programable matter, according to his stolen knowledge.

The table lit up and responded to his touch from there all Isaac did was follow Yyreok's memories and shift sole control over to him. After he went through all of the ship's settings and capabilities Isaac was honestly astounded by Yyreok's stupidity, or arrogance, the alien had not even bothered to use a fraction of the ship's protection capabilities. If he had, Isaac would have never been able to take it even after he beat the alien, the security system was just too robust, with too many ways for the alien to screw him. So, Isaac did what that fool didn't and secured the hell out of his new ship. He tied the ship to his blood, voice, and energy signature so that nothing else could ever use it without his permission. With his ownership established Isaac activated the ship's AI, after he thoroughly checked that it wouldn't go all Skynet on him.

"Dg Jgf hfud hdhh jdka kskis nhhshsyhwmk…" Isaac ignored the AI as it continued to talk in the alien's language and searched through the ship's systems to see if there was a way to get the AI to speak English. It took him about 10 minutes before Isaac figured out how to set the AI's language to English, while he was at it, he also changed the voice and look of it too.

"Sir, did you hear a word I said?!" The AI's new female Australian voice demanded. Isaac smiled at his success; he had just gained an extremely useful tool.

"Sorry Claire, I only just fixed your language settings, I couldn't understand a word you were saying." Isaac answered honestly.

"Ok, I understand Isaac. I was trying to tell you that all systems are operating at 100% capacity, is there anything you would like me to do?" Claire asked quizzically. Isaac thought it over for a minute, he couldn't think of anything he needed the ship to do at the moment.

"Claire, at the moment I don't have anything I need you to do, do you have any way for us to keep in contact long distance?"

"Oh ok." Claire said disappointedly. After a moment she continued on to say, "As far as communications go, if you take your watch and put it into the machine behind you, I can replace it with a duplicate that will allow us to communicate. The new watch will be voice activated, keyed specifically to your voice, just say the ship's password and I'll respond." Isaac did as Claire instructed and was rewarded with a beautiful new, old, watch. As he tested out the watch's function a thought occurred to Isaac of how Claire could be helpful.

"Thank you, Claire, and actually I think I do have something you can help me with. Do you have Yyreok's information on that alien criminal he was chasing?" Isaac asked hopefully.

"Yes, I do in fact have that information, is there anything you would like me to do with it?"

Please search all CCTV footage in the city for any sign of her and contact me the moment you find her."

"Will do sir!" Claire responded, her voice practically vibrating in excitement.

"Thank you, Claire, and I promise if there is ever anything I need done in the future you'll be the first person I ask for your help. Now I just put some coordinates into your nav system, I want you to operate from there, we can keep in touch through the watch and please make sure you keep up your cloak and don't take it off until I say. We don't want to scare the natives after all." Isaac added pointedly. He spent a few more minutes and checked out what his new ship was capable of before he headed back to his hotel.

One quick teleportation later and Isaac was back in his hotel room enjoying some room service. After a quick check-in with his family, Isaac headed up to the roof to relax by the pool, until he either heard from Claire or it was time to get ready for his date with Kara. As Isaac laid out on his back in the pool, he felt his watch vibrate almost imperceptibly. Isaac quickly got to his feet and wadded to the edge of the pool and dragged himself out, after he dried himself off Isaac found a quiet place and answered the call.

"Yes, Claire, what did you find?" Isaac wondered aloud. From everything he had seen in the armored alien's head Isaac had serious concerns about whether or not the criminal alien was in fact truly criminal.

"Your alien entered an abandoned building off of Q street, two blocks away from the CatCo Worldwide Media building, and hasn't left."

"Thank you, Claire, I got to run, good job. Oh, and tell me if she moves." Isaac ended the call and ran back to his room. He rushed to put on some clothes and then headed down to his bike. Isaac got on casted a quick disguise spell and the teleported into an alley right by the CatCo building. He broke all the speeding laws and got to the abandoned building in record time, luckily magic is great for evading police. Isaac got of his bike, its license plate still altered with magic, and would be until it was dispelled, and walked over to the building. It was a brick, three story building in surprisingly good shape, it only had a few broken windows with almost no graffiti on it.

"Ignorame (ignore me)." Isaac whispered as he cast the spell. Ignorame was a powerful area-of-effect (AoE) notice-me-not spell that didn't just work on people and animals, it worked on technology too. Essentially no cameras would be able to catch anyone's image while the spell was cast, it was an extremely useful spell. While he was already disguised, he wanted to make sure that anyone he was with would be too, plus he didn't like the idea of leaving any video evidence. Isaac walked through the darkened doorway and continued through the almost silent hallway, the only sounds he heard was the pattering of the rats that lived there. As he headed deeper into the building, he came across several homeless people, none of whom were who he was looking for.

"Accipe Me Ad Scopum. (Take me to my target)" Isaac whispered as he casted a potent 'point me' spell to find the hidden alien, he was tired of wandering in the dark aimlessly. The spell went into effect immediately and lit up a path in front of him that was supposed to lead him to his target. After a few more minutes of walking Isaac was led to a closed door at the end of an abandoned hall on the third floor. Isaac reached for the doorknob but paused before he touched it, his spider sense was tingling, he guessed the alien didn't want any visitors.

Isaac held out his arm and whispered, 'Revelare Occulta. (Reveal the hidden)' the doorknob lit up a bright green, it was a trap. While Isaac could have disarmed the trap it was simpler to just teleport in, so that's what he did.

"Scutum (shield)." Isaac thought, casting a spell of protection. It was a good thing he did too because the moment he appeared inside the room his senses screamed at him. He jumped up to the ceiling and stuck himself there as a bolt of plasma passed where he once stood. Isaac dropped down from the ceiling hand raised and cast, ' Habitu (stasis)' at the hooded figure holding the weapon.

"Thud" The figure's weapon fell to the floor as its body seized up, frozen in place, before the alien tipped over, hitting the floor. Isaac kicked the gun away and then pulled back the figure's hood and saw the alien he had been looking for. When Isaac saw her face in Yyreok's memories he honestly thought it was just a coincidence and that she wasn't who he thought she was, he was wrong.

"Blackfire." Isaac said, resigned, this was going to be a mess.

"Wa ki adme as orati waritu asrit uuman!?" Blackfire growled out unintelligibly, at least to him, as her body struggled pointlessly against his spell. Isaac waved a hand and lifted her onto her feet, though still restrained, he then cast three quick spells on her. One was to search her memories to see what kind of Blackfire he was dealing with, the second was a gentle calming spell, and the third was a lust inducing and multiplier spell. Hey, he was only human and Blackfire was even sexier than the comics and tv shows had shown, Isaac really wanted to sample both sisters at some point. Isaac took a moment to shift through Blackfire's memories, they went all the way back to her childhood, what he found surprised him. Unlike every other version of Blackfire Isaac had seen, or read about, this one was extremely close to her sister.

According to her memories their father, the king, was an abusive ass who sold both his daughters into slavery, where they were both experimented on. It was during a particularly rough experiment her sister was going through that Blackfire made her move. While the guards were focused on her sister during the experiment, she killed them with a medical tool, not unlike a scalpel, that she'd stolen previously. Things had gone well in the beginning, she managed to stop the experiments on her sister, and they both made their escape. Unfortunately, there were a lot more guards, they made it all the way to the docking bay, they even got the bay doors open. It was while Blackfire was in the computer opening those bay doors when the guards came charging in.

Luckily, Starfire was on the other side of the now locked doors, in their getaway ship, the guards unable to get to her in time. It was only after Blackfire begged her to go that Starfire left, that was four years ago. Blackfire wasn't as fortunate, her experiments were ramped up, each one worse than the last, and she was held under stricter guard. It was only after she was sold yet again last year, this time to Yyreok's people, that she found her chance to escape. Apparently, she spent the last year tracking down her sister, hoping to reconnect, unfortunately, Starfire is very good at hiding.

"Huh, go figure, a decent Blackfire. I should be more surprised, I bet this is God's doing." Isaac thought to himself as he shook his head. He moved in close to the restrained alien and motioned to his lips, then hers, he hoped Blackfire understood what he meant. Isaac grabbed her waist and the back of her neck and pulled her in for a quick, but passionate, kiss. Blackfire had even slipped some tongue into it, not that Isaac minded, he had responded in kind.

"Y-you kiss well for a human." Blackfire panted out, as she looked up at Isaac. He looked back down at her and smirked, he was going to have fun with her.

"Why thank you, you're not too bad yourself princess, and please call me Isaac." Isaac flirted back shamelessly.

"Ok um..Isaac, why are you here and how do you know my name and what manner of powers seize me?!

"Woah, slow down princess, I'll answer your question just chill for a sec."

"What! Why do you want my body temperature lowered, are you trying to harm me?!" Blackfire demanded as her hands lit up with a purple energy before they promptly fizzled out. Blackfire looked up at Isaac in shock and slight fear as her power failed her, Isaac just smiled and wagged his finger at her.

"No, no, Blackfire, it's just a human saying, it means calm down or relax." Isaac held his hands up placatingly as Blackfire visibly calmed.

"Now, to answer your questions, I'm here because I killed an alien that was sent to capture you and I found out about you and your name from him. Lastly, I used my abilities to restrain you and your active powers, so no energy blasts for you until we get to know each other." Isaac answered. And that is exactly what they did, afterwards, Isaac finally released Blackfire from her constraints. After several more minutes Isaac had convinced Blackfire to leave with him and head to his hotel for a shower and some food.

As they headed outside Isaac insisted that if Blackfire had clothes on underneath the cloak that she should then throw the filthy over cloak away. When she did, Isaac was thoroughly shocked at what he saw, apparently, the experiments she went through really enhanced her appearance. She looked like an even more attractive version of Lori Harvey with pitch black hair, with purple highlights, and deep purple eyes. Isaac quickly put his eyes back in his head, hopped on his bike and waved over Blackfire, he took off as soon as she got on.

Pic here

"Wooow! This is amazing friend Isaac!" Blackfire squealed as she walked around Isaac's room and looked out each window, marveling at the sights, her eyes were literally aglow. Isaac just chuckled as he watched Blackfire hop from window to window in a blur, her excitement palpable. Isaac guided Blackfire into the bathroom and showed her how to use the shower, he then pushed her in and told her to take one.

After she got out, they just sat, and Isaac told her a bit about his planet and made plans to not only find Starfire but to also set up identities for them both. Before he knew it, it was almost time for Isaac's date with Kara, and he was ready to tame himself a Kryptonian.

"Ok, Blackfire I have to go take a shower and get ready for a meeting I have later tonight, we'll finish this conversation tomorrow. If you get hungry just pick up this phone and order whatever you want, you don't have to worry about prices. Also, if you happen to hear me come in with someone stay hidden, we don't want anyone to see you yet, ok?" Isaac pointed out and smiled when he saw her nod. It didn't take long for Isaac to take his shower and get ready; he was out the door in record time and took off to pick Kara up from her place.

"Knock, knock, knock." Isaac did not have to wait long before Kara came to the door and boy was she a sight. His jaw dropped when the door swung open and there Kara was, wearing a short, tight, forest green dress that clung to her drool worthy curves. Isaac picked his jaw up and handed Kara the flowers he picked up on the way to her, her head dipped down in slight embarrassment, though a smile did make its way to her face.

"Kara, you look sensational!" Isaac said in wonderment. Kara invited him in while she finished getting ready, Isaac was a little geeked at being in the room of the future Supergirl. As he looked around her living room Isaac saw someone he had previously overlooked, her sister Alex.

"Hello, I am Isaac Queen." He said as he held his hand out to Alex. She took it with a firm shake and introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you Isaac, I'm Alex, Kara's sister." Alex said, a charming smile on her face as she shook his hand. She looked quite gorgeous as well, Isaac noticed, she looked even hotter than the actress who played her, Alex's figure was fuller and her face flawless with nice plump lips. After greeting each other, Isaac and Alex used the time until Kara was ready to get to know each other, Isaac made her laugh heartily several times.

Once Kara was ready, Isaac said his goodbyes and headed out with Kara to his bike. Thanks to his knowledge of Kara from his past life Isaac took her to the restaurant with the best potstickers in National City. Isaac helped Kara off his bike and left it with the valet, he even held the door open for her when they headed into their table. Before they sat Isaac quickly and silently casted a lust increasing spell on Kara so that any feelings she felt would be increased exponentially.

"Kara if you only order one thing here order the potstickers they are to die for." Isaac suggested as they looked over the menu, Kara's eyes lit up at that.

"Oh my God! I love potstickers!" Kara exclaimed as she practically vibrated in her seat. Isaac just chuckled at that. They spent the rest of the time talking, laughing, and getting to know each other, Isaac used his considerable charm throughout the dinner to great effect. Kara was blushing constantly; Isaac was loving it. As he expected Kara was obsessed with the potstickers and practically inhaled them, making obscene sounds as she did.

After dinner and drinks Isaac grabbed his bike and they went to a karaoke bar nearby for some singing and dancing, which he knew she'd like. As he parked his bike, Isaac looked over his shoulder, he felt like he was being watched but his spider sense wasn't going off, so he let it go.

The bar was packed with people dancing and singing along with a girl on stage singing karaoke for 'Sweet Caroline'. Kara pulled Isaac onto the dance floor as soon as they walked through the door, she was a huge fan of the song, apparently. As she jumped up and down to the beat of the song, Isaac smiled at the look of pure joy on her face as she danced. They danced for a little while longer before they found a booth to sit at, Isaac brought over the karaoke book and they both picked a few songs to sing.

Kara went first and did a cover of the Beastie Boys song, Intergalactic, she even choreographed it a little as she rapped the song. Isaac clapped and laughed his ass off as he watched Kara dance as she raped her song, it was hilarious.

"Hahaha, I did not expect that from you Kara, you were amazing!" Isaac exclaimed as Kara came over, a smile lit up her face. Kara ducked her head as a blush spread across her cheek at his complement, a few minutes later it was Isaac's turn. He had picked one of his own songs that happened to be in the book, he walked onto the stage and introduced himself as Isaac Jones.

When the crowd heard that, most of them went crazy and took their phones out and trained them on him as he got ready to perform. The song he picked was one from his past life that Ed Sheeran wrote called 'The A Team'. As he sang his more soulful version of it, right at Kara, the crowd went silent as they watched him perform. Kara's face went wide with shock as she heard him sing, Isaac couldn't help but smirk at the look in her face while he was on stage.

The crowd loved his performance, so much so they asked him to do two more, which he did. Afterwards he and Kara grabbed some drinks and just sat and talked for a little while.

"Oh my God Isaac, you were amazing, I had no idea you were 'the' Isaac Jones, I love your music." Kara gushed as she wrapped her hands around him and pulled him in for a hug. Isaac held her against his chest for a moment longer than was entirely necessary, as they pulled back, their faces only inches apart, Isaac made his move.
