
Chapter 123: Under Attack Part 2

"Stay away from her!" Kiba instantly got in front of Eri, taking a defensive stance in front of the girl. Ken, Nara, Netsu, Fu, Sansan, and Yami quickly doing the same.

"So you must be the creeps that tortured Eri!" Mina said glaring at them. "I've been wanting to kick your asses for a while!"

"Yeah! Time to pay for what you did to Eri scum bags!" Kirishima said, hardening himself and getting ready for battle.

Ochaco activated One for All at 15% and turned to Izuku and the kids. "Izuku, take the kids and get to the saferoom."

"Alright, but we need to get these guys off the stairway first," Izuku said, looking at all the villains lined up on the stairs, blocking their way.

"No problem," Todoroki said going out in front and shooting out a massive blast of fire, aiming just above the staircase, so as not to set it on fire too.

All the villains jumped off the staircase, dodging the fire, which hit the back of the wall, setting it on fire as well.

I knew getting him to use his fire was a good idea. Yonda thought to herself, smirking proudly.

"Kill them!" Chrono ordered.

"Ah yeah! This is gonna be fun!" Rappa smiled, as he and the others ran at 1A, who went to fight them off.

Izuku and all the children ran up the stairs, many of the children looking down at the fights around them, wishing they could help.

Damn it! I feel so useless! Kiba grit her teeth so hard it hurt, feelings of anger, fear, and self-loathing flooding her body. One day! One day I'll fight too!

As Izuku and the kids reached the third floor, they quickly ran into the hallway heading towards the training room.

"They're going to be ok right?" Kei asked, looking very, very worried, many of the children sharing a similar expression.

"They will be." Izuku lied. In truth, he had no idea if everyone was going to be ok. But he couldn't tell the kids that, otherwise they'd insist on joining the fight. "All they have to do is hold off the villains until reinforcements come. I've already sent a message to the police, they're sending heroes here to help with the situation. We just need to keep you all safe until they get here."

All the children looked at each other worriedly, each having different thoughts on the matter.

Damn it I should have stayed back and fought them off! Ken hated the idea of running away. The only reason he followed Izuku's orders and did so was because the Nomu outside had freaked him out a bit with their overwhelming abilities.

Man, this sucks! I really wanted to kick those Yakuza guy's butts! Netsu thought.

Please be ok! Please be ok! Please be ok! Eri was still shaking, desperately hoping that this whole thing was another nightmare and that she'd wake up any moment.

I hope 1A makes them suffer for hurting Eri! Kioku thought, absolutely furious to see the former Yakuza out of prison.

Oh, father, I hope you're right about this father. Yonda thought to herself before she noticed something. Wait…those voices…I don't recognize these thoughts.

"Alright, the training room is right around this corner!" Izuku said to the children, as they approached a turning point in the hallway.

Wait! Father stop! Yonda stopped running along with everyone, as she tried to warn them all.

But it was too late.

Izuku and all the kids turned the corner and stopped when they saw what was in front of them.

Four more villains. Standing right in front of the training room, which was locked tight.

Two of them were more of the same brain exposed things that were outside, both of them were massive hulking figures.

One had grey skin, and rhino-like feet, as well as a rhino-like horn coming out of its forehead.

The other had a dark green body, with bumpy reptile-like skin, and dragon-like claws, its ears were pointy like a goblin's, and a face like that of a goblin as well.

There also was a young boy present, around the same age as the other children. He wore a black cloak and an all-black outfit that complemented his pale skin. What's more, he was completely bald and had a rather boney face, almost a skeleton with skin. He looked at them with a cold, neutral expression.

Lastly, there was a nine-foot-tall very pale woman, looking down on them, wearing an expensive-looking white dress, a pair of black heels, and a white sunhat. Her black hair was styled in a bun and her eyes were the most piercing blue Izuku had ever seen.

"Finally. Hello children." The woman said kindly to the children, smiling at them, before turning to Izuku, her expression instantly morphing into that of disgust and fury. "Quirkless scum. I am Lady Kyuketsuki. And I am here to set things right, and save these children."

"Somehow, I doubt that," Fu said, standing in front of Izuku, with quite a few of the other children doing the same.

"Oh but it's true. I'm here to save you all, from this quirkless piece of trash, and his brainwashing." Lady Kyu spat, glaring at Izuku with eyes full of hate and anger. "You children all have wondrous power, but those ignorant curs in the government decided to push you away to the edge of the city. Treating you like outsiders rather than like the superior beings you are. And what's worse, they put you under the care of someone who doesn't even have the right to exist! Unforgivable! I'm here to correct this mistake, by killing this quirkless welp, and taking you with me, to be given to more suitable parents. Except you."

She pointed to Kiba, giving her a look that made Kiba's blood boil, it was an affectionate look. One that would normally make her feel good if it wasn't being given to her by someone she now utterly despised.

"You, I will take as my own daughter." Lady Kyu explained, smiling fondly.

Kiba looked down, her face covered in shadow. "I am going to beat you into a coma."

And before anyone could stop her, Kiba rushed at Lady Kyu, kicking her in the abdomen so hard, that it sent her flying, across the hallway, and through the opposite wall.

"Kiba!" Izuku called after her, but it was too late, as Kiba rushed after Lady Kyu, intent on fulfilling her promise.

Seeing as the first punch was already thrown, the fight began.

Ken and Nara activated their Omnitrixis. Ken transforms into Four Arms and Nara turning into Diamondhead.

At the same time, the Goblin Nomu(or just Goblin for short) shot a fireball out of its mouth, aimed right at the children.

Nara ran in front, and slammed her hand into the ground, making diamonds rise up, forming a barrier.

The fireball exploded against the crystal shield, cracking it, but not breaking it.

"We can stand fire. Get that thing away from us!" Fu ordered.

"Go it!" Ken and Shiruku ran past the crystal, ducking to dodge another fireball, before tackling the Goblin, dragging him through the hallway, and sending him through the same wall Kiba had gone through.

It was after this that the Rhino Nomu(or just Rhino for short) rushed at them.

Fu and Sansan both rushed into action, grabbing him with their tendrils, and trying to steer him to the left.

It was difficult because of its immense power and weight, but they managed to turn it slightly towards the left, causing it to crash through a wall, taking Sansan and Fu with it.

"I'm gonna help Ken and Shiruku! You guys protect Izuku!" Nara said as she ran past the cloaked boy to help her brother.

With all the other enemies gone, it was just the small boy in the cloak left.

"Listen, I don't know who you are, but you don't need to do this." Izuku tried to reason with the child, desperately not wanting his children to have to hurt another child.

Unfortunately, it seems his pleas fell on deaf ears, as the child just stared at them, before transforming their right arm into a scythe.

Yami and Netsu went to the front, preparing to fight, but to their surprise, Kei pushed past them.

"Sorry, but I won't let you hurt my family!" Kei said as she got ready to lift up her visor.

However, she never got the chance.

Suddenly the boy rushed forward, moving at superhuman speeds, and cuts Kei's arm.

"Kei!" Everyone shouted in concern.

"Aghhhhh." Kei groaned in pain, a suddenly her body started to feel strange. "What's…happening?"

And then her body began to change rapidly.

Her snakes just vanished off her head, her skin turned a pale white, as her body began to shift and change, her clothes doing the same, her usual white dress shifting color and becoming black, and changing shape.

In just a few seconds, Kei had turned into an exact copy of the boy that had attacked her.

"K-Kei?" Eri whispered, staring at the copy in fear and disbelief.

"Sorry, Kei isn't here at the moment." The copy that was once Kei said in a cold emotionless voice, turning to face the group. "Right now, you can call us, Gami."

"Wh-what did you do to Kei!?" Fuku asked, tears spilling out of her eyes, as she did everything that she could to avoid spilling out her gas.

"My quirk, it's called Death's Hand." The original Gami explained, raising up his scythe hand. "It allows me to transform my hands into scythes, and if anything gets cut with my scythe, I can kill any part of them. Whether that be something physical, or not. In this case, I killed that girl's individuality, causing her to become an exact copy of whatever person she just touched, which was me."

"Hence the transformation." Said the copy Gami.

"But don't worry too much. My quirk only lasts for nine minutes." Gami told them, before pointing his scythe at them. "Can you last that long? I wonder."

Damn it! I have to get the kids to safety! Otherwise, they'll all just be turned into copies of that boy and be used to fight against Ocahco and the others. Izuku thought, looking towards the locked training room door. But the doors are locked, and Gami is standing right in front of them. How do-

And then their saving grace appeared.

Mu popped his head out of the side of the wall. "Everyone! Come in here! I can get you into the room!"

"Mu!" Fuku called out, happy to see her friend come to their rescue.

"Not gonna happen," Gami said, rushing forward to cut Mu, only to be hit by a fireball.

Gami flew back but didn't look to be in any pain, and the copy Gami had to dodge another fireball that Netsu threw at them.

"Not on my watch! Your speed won't take me by surprise again!" Netsu said, running in front of Mu to protect him.

Yami also ran forward, having created two Lickers on his arms to use as weapons.

"Everyone go! Me and Yami will take these two!" Netsu ordered.

Izuku clenched his teeth. He really didn't want to leave these kids to fight on their own, but at this point, he had no choice. "Alright, be careful you two."

Then, Izuku quickly helped all the other kids into Mu's portal, which took them through the wall, and out of another portal, which took them out of Mu's dimension before they started to decay.

Eventually, it was only Izuku and Aka left.

"Come on Aka we need to go," Izuku said, about to grab Aka and take her with him through the portal, but she stepped back.

"I'm afraid not. I need to help make these villains pay! I'm going to help Fu and Sansan destroy that Rhino thing, and take over its body!" Aka told him, before running through the hole Rhino made.

Izuku looked at Aka as she ran, with a remorseful look. It shouldn't have come to this.

He then turned to Yami and Netsu. "You two. I believe in both of you. Make me proud."

Yami nodded.

"Will do dad!" Netsu said giving him a heroic smile.

Izuku smiled back, before jumping through the portal, leaving them to fend for themselves.

Netsu and Yami turned back to the two Gami's and saw one of them cutting their arm, but the cut also appeared in the other one's arm, despite him not actually cutting himself. It was also then they noticed there were a few other shallow cuts on their arm.

Then, they both rushed at Netsu.

"Oh no, you don't!" Netsu unleashed a flamethrower attack on the two of them, completely engulfing them in fire.

Only for them to jump out of the fire, right in front of him, with not a single burn on them, the only sign they'd been inside a fire at all was that all their clothes had been incinerated off of them, leaving them both nude.

But the bigger issue was that they were both descending on him, scythes ready to cut into him.

However, Yami jumped back and had the licker shoot out its tongue, wrapping around Netsu, and pulling him back just in time, as the two boy's scythes hit the floor instead.

"That was close, thanks for the save bro!" Netsu thanked him, as Yami had his Licker detach its now burned tongue so it could grow a new one.

As the two Gami's were pulling their scythes out of the floor, Yami opened his mouth and spat out a bunch of Grimm batter, that turned into Ravagers before it even hit the ground.

Soon the entire hallway was completely filled with Ravagers, that attacked the two Gami's distracting them for a while, and obscuring their vision.

Meanwhile, Yami rushed Netsu to the side of the hallway. "Must be killing weaknesses. Makes them stronger. Harder to fight."

"Killing weaknesses?" Netsu thought about what Yami was saying for a moment. He thought back to how his fireball had damaged them at first, but after they cut themselves, it didn't he also thought back to the other cuts he saw in their arm. "Oh yeah, if they cut themselves and killed their weakness, I guess that would make them stronger. It explains why they're so darn fast. They must have just killed their flammability or something. Darn! Does that mean my quirk is useless now!?"

Yami shook his head. "All quirk have limit. All things burn if get too hot. Try making hotter flame."

Netsu nodded. "Alright, I'll try-"

And then suddenly, the floor started to creak, and shake.

"Huh?" Netsu looked down at the floor, while Yami jumped backward, concerned that something might pop out and attack.

Only for the floor to collapse, dropping them both down to the second floor.


Meanwhile, Fu, Sansan, and Rhino had crashed through multiple walls and floors, ending up in the cafeteria.

Rhino threw Fu off his leg, chucking him to the other side of the room, breaking a lot of his bones, which quickly started to heal.

Sansan wrapped herself around Rhino's body, trying to restrain him, but to no avail, Rhino was simply too strong and started tearing pieces of her off him, eventually ripping her into so many different pieces that were now scattered all over the cafeteria, and shaking her off of him, before trying to stomp her to death, which of course didn't do much to her.

While Rhino was attacking Sansan, Fu had finished regenerating and was wondering what to do. Looking at Rhino, and his exposed brain in particular.

Its skin is so thick. I'm not sure I can even put a dent in him. Fu thought. Too bad Sansan's not in her acid form. The only way I can think to defeat it would be to attack its brain. Only problem is that would definitely kill it.

It's not that Fu couldn't kill. He definitely could, and he probably wouldn't feel too bad about it (something he'd been horrified about the first time he thought about it.), however, killing had consequences, and he's not sure how exactly those consequences would play out, or how they'd affect Izuku.

Plus he also didn't want to completely forsake his humanity, so he'd try a bit harder instead of immediately resorting to murder.

And so instead, he charged at Rhino, jumping on his back while he was distracted, and making a bunch of tendrils before shoving them in Rhino's mouth, hoping to suffocate the monster into unconsciousness.

Rhino's counter to this was simply, he bit down, severing the tendrils before spitting out the remaining parts of Kyosei that were still in his mouth. It then started to flail around wildly, trying to shake Fu off him, destroying the floor and all the tables around him.

He tried to reach up and grab Fu off his back, but Fu was stuck on part of his back that he couldn't reach.

Fu then just tried stabbing him with sharpened tendrils, but to no effect, Fu couldn't scratch it.

Well, that didn't work. Alright, murder it is. Fu's tendrils were now pointed at Rhino's brain, ready to pierce it and kill the monster.

"Finally! I've found you at last!" Aka suddenly ran into the cafeteria, ready to help.

And immediately, she caught Rhino's attention, the beast of a man staring her down.

"Uh oh," Aka said, realizing perhaps she shouldn't have announced her arrival.

Rhino immediately started running towards her, but before he could get to her, Sansan slithered in front of him, letting him step on her, making him slip and fall on his face.

Fu grabbed Aka with one of his tendrils and kept her next to him.

"All you need to do is make a cut, and I shall take control over this creature's simple mind!" Aka told him.

"Yeah, I know, give me a second," Fu told her, going into deep thought as Rhino got off the ground.

I can't kill it now, if Aka takes control of it, this thing could be a massive help. Fu thought. But how do I cut it? I can't break its skin…maybe it's insides? But wouldn't that kill it? What can I cut that's squishy, and won't kill it? Wait! That's right!

Fu sent out another tendril into Rhino's mouth as he got to his feet, and quickly made a cut in its tongue.

"I did it! Now give me a piece of you!" Fu ordered.

Aka quickly tore off a piece of herself and threw it at Fu, who caught it with one of Kyosei's tendrils.

Kyosei then shoved the piece of Aka against Rhino's tongue.

That piece then tunneled into Rhino's tongue, entering his body and starting the assimilation processes.

"Rahhhh!" Rhino groaned as he rampaged around a bit more, breaking things in the area until eventually, it fell to its knees and its eyes turned blue.

Once it stopped moving, Fu looked back to Aka. "Are you controlling it yet?"

Aka nodded, but she looked, perplexed. "This thing is not…normal. Its body, its mind, it's all…this creature is not human…at least not anymore."

Fu was very tempted to ask what that meant, however, they had more pressing matters. "We can worry about that later. For now let's go help Ken, Nara, and Shiruku with that Goblin thing."



Kiba crashed through the wall of one of the empty bedrooms and rolled across the ground until her back hit the opposite wall.

"Aghhhh." Kiba groaned in pain, as she rolled over onto her belly, before pushing herself up.

Her clothes were in tatters, covered in slashes, and soaked in blood from the various cuts and gashes in Kiba's body.

As Kiba was pulling herself to her feet, Lady Kyu stepped into the room. Her dress was also very much destroyed, the bottom part of it just completely gone exposing her long legs, and she had a couple of cuts and bruises on her as well.

But most notable, was that her fingernails had extended, into long thin, needle-like claws, that were covered in Kiba's blood.

The blood was quickly sucked into the claws, and then, all of Lady Kyu's wounds started to heal, until they vanished completely.

Lady Kyuketsuki. Quirk: Vampiric Power. She can extend her nails into long claws, which can absorb blood. Once she's absorbed blood, she can use it to enhance her body, as well as heal herself.

"So much power. You're even stronger than I am and your just a child." The tall woman said, giving her a slightly disappointed look. "But you don't know how to use it. That quirkless idiot can't show you how to use your power."

"DON'T CALL HIM THAT!" Kiba roared, at this point, she was so mad, she could barely feel the pain, as she forced herself to her legs.

"Oh please darling can't you see, that thing has no right to exist. A weakling who hides behind children." Lady Kyu said, disgust and contempt dripping from her voice. "I am far, FAR superior to him."

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" Kiba screamed, breathing heavily not because of her wounds, but because of the sheer rage coursing through her. Her body felt like it was on fire, and her mind was getting cloudier by the second. Her rage was so overwhelming, that she clutched her now aching head. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

"You know I'm right." She smiled confidently at Kiba. "If you really wanted to defend him, you would have gone all out at the beginning of the battle and killed me. But you didn't. You know you want to be with me."

"Kill," Kiba grunted, that word sticking with her, and embedding itself into her mind.

"That's right. We are the powerful. We take what we want, and kill those weaklings who stand against us." Lady Kyu preached.

"Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill! Kill! Kill! KILL!" Kiba's repeated over and over again, as suddenly it was all she could focus on.

And then her body started to change.

Her hair began to turn red, starting from her roots, going all the way to her tips. The whites of her eyes and her fingernails joined in, turning crimson red, and her fingernails extended as well, becoming even more claw-like. Her veins popped out, almost glowing red, and her muscles seemed to increase in size slightly, as her fangs extended.

While this transformation was happening, Lady Kyu looked on in shock. "What-what is this?"

"KILL! KILL! KILL! KILL!" Kiba roared, her voice now carrying an animalistic rage, and just looking at her, Lady Kyu could see only a rage-filled demon.

And then with strength, unlike anything Kiba had shown before, she lunged at the woman, intent on ending her life.
