
Torn Firmament

Michael didn't want to enter the Origin Expanse for too long because he would be busy for a long time, but he had to talk to his brother.

He found Danny fighting a bunch of Tier-1 Monsters near Arx and thought about interrupting him to tell him what happened, yet Michael hesitated, seeing how exhilarated Daniel was. Michael had never seen his brother smile this brightly, and he was not going to interrupt this moment.

He could only hope his brother would be fine and that his excitement would never leave him.

Thus, instead of interrupting his brother, Michael released his emotions on the surrounding plant life. He unleashed the Extraction Aura outside the Pentagon Fort, stretching the aura incredibly thin to spread it as far as possible. The surrounding energy was consumed to maintain and expand the Extraction Aura, which uprooted trees that had been obstructing the surrounding plant life from growing. 
