
Lord Rift

Coherent Information was pieced together in Michael's mind, and he digested it quickly.

"An entrance ticket to enter the Lord Rift? How did I obtain that?" He wondered.

Michael recalled that he extracted the golden piece of paper from the deep pit where he killed the Paladins, but the Lord Rift Entrance Ticket didn't originate from the Paladins. Their bodies had been destroyed, leaving Michael no target to use Extraction on. 

'Did I meet a certain condition to extract the entrance ticket?' Michael wondered, thinking that it was the most likely case.

He nodded subconsciously before focusing on the information that had entered his mind.

'By using the Lord Rift Entrance ticket, I don't even have to travel through the Zentika Empire to enter the Rift. Utilizing it will teleport me straight into the Lord Rift when it opens. That's pretty good.' 
