

The barrage of Pieckers shot through the densely grown flora and fauna without being restricted in any way.

They impacted hard and drilled deep into the Blood Oath Demon Monkey King's joints where the Blood Parthen poison began to spread.

The Blood Oath Demon Monkey King roared out once again. He tried to locate the invaders, who were daring enough to attack him in his own territory. Yet, before he could find the invaders, a second barrage of Pieckers came flying at him.

The Blood Oath Demon Monkey King's lengthy arms and tail shot out. He plucked two Pieckers out of the air while blocking a third with his tail. Meanwhile, the fourth Piecker found its way into the monster's left calf.

A roar escaped the Monkey King's mouth as he felt something invading his body.

His palms began to itch, and it was only now that the Blood Oath Demon Monkey King saw the dark-red Blood Parthen Poison that was seeping into his palms. 


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