

The moment the thin longsword manifested out of thin air, everyone realized that Michael was actually a Lord.

Niklas, who had been mocking Michael before, couldn't help but stare blankly at Michael and Tigerfang. 

"How can that be possible?" He murmured in disbelief while Michael removed his gloves.

It would be rather inconvenient to continue wearing the gloves now that he would be entering the archery competition. He didn't want to lose the bet over a silly mistake and be forced to part with Tigerfang because his fingers slipped from the bowstring.

Michael showed Niklas his War Rune intentionally, but Niklas was too baffled to react. However, it was not just Niklas who was left speechless. Their former head teacher, Kelen Dame, looked stupefied too. He stared blankly at Michael's War Rune and his jaw hit the ground the next moment.

"Refinement degree close to the Late stage…"
