

Perseus POV

"You look grumpier than usual." Shawn commented

For today's class, we are to just do some assignments through the school's website using the tablet, we're allowed to talk and are basically given free and we are to practice our own magic in our own time for today he taught us only a little, like giving us spell suggestions and stuff like that.

It's not that bad, because the assignments are angel related, like having a diagram of an angel and circling all their possible weak spots.

"Nah, I look normal."

Just how did I end up in this predicament? Oh right, owing that blasted guy and his group a damned favor. Of course, I'm probably looking a bit more grumpier than usual, cuz it's hard to rack my brain for a way to tackle this situation without losing my sanity.

Pursuing a forbidden grimoire was never on my bucket list. Yet, here I am, concocting a plan to step foot into a place where I can get killed by my own instructor, who's the most probable guard for such an item.

The mere thought made my skin crawl. The story had more than enough warnings, but who am I to defy fate? Cuz protagonists are meant to venture into danger, whether they want to or not.

It seems I'm destined to venture into the dark pages of my own fictional novel, it's fantastic. Yes, pages, get it? Grimoire, pages...yeah, I'm already going insane.

"Even though today can be considered 'boring' for you, tomorrow, I have invited a guild of sorcerers to come and take my place as your instructor for the day." Mr. Arthur announced "As you know, your career path can lead you to join a police force, a soldier, or a peacekeeping sorcerer which may sometimes be a high-level danger zones.

"As you know, once you decide to work directly for the UPF like being a peacekeeping sorcerer, you are at the mercy of following absolute orders, you can't choose where you'll be deployed, you can't choose who you work with, it's similar to that of a soldier, though soldiers to mostly fighting humans instead of angels.

"But a guild, they have the authority to take over a zone of their liking and stay there, you'll also not be at risk of being pulled away to fight at other locations, though they are still a part of the UPF, they also have lesser restrictive rules, they may participate in other side careers such as acting, singing, and many other things that might earn them more money in the long run.

"If you value money or want to be a celebrity on the side, being a part of the guild may help you accomplish that goal." Mr. Arthur explained, "Though, on average, those who serve directly under the UPF kill and meet more angels than those who are part of a guild since some guilds choose to put their base in a low-level danger zone."

Most of us already knew that coming into the school, but it's still nice to be reminded, I personally want to be a part of a guild, though, I'd prefer those in a high-level danger zone, I didn't study to become a wizard only for me to just have my days doing everything else.

Working in a guild also grants more free time, so it'll be stupid to not do that, you'll have your guild leader being the middle between the UPF and the guild members, though you're going to need a capable guild leader for that, lots of weekly calls and monthly paper works.

"What guild would be coming tomorrow? May we know their names?" Diana asked raising her hand

"They're called 'Wing Cutters'." Mr. Arthur answered "A guild led by a level 8 wizard."

"What?" Shawn and I exclaimed simultaneously as the principal just smiled.

That's what the fucker meant?! Sterling Wylie...he's the guild leader for the Wing Cutters, a guild where my brother used to work at. Sterling's a 180cm tall guy, who has white skin, light blue eyes, and black hair.

But...he's also secretly a part of the MSS, he tried recruiting me to be a part of that group after he caught me doing my 'walk' when he came to visit my family, but I easily rejected it since I didn't want to be associated with them.

I don't think that their ideology is bad, but they are still technically criminals and if one of their members is caught, my name might get out and be arrested with them.

Members of the MSS mostly live normal lives, but they got secret bases everywhere, and last time, I was heavily injured, so I called him to have some of the MSS members come to pick me up and save my life, and that's how I owed that favor, they value favors, and if I used their services, I will have to pay them back, I gave that promise once I woke up.

I wasn't fully healed because they wouldn't give me the full thing for free, and of course, if they ask me for my services, I can also make them owe me a favor, and the person who's owed can order the other to do anything to repay the favor as long as it's reasonable.

Their members are perfectly blended into our society, it was quite scary when Sterling introduced me to some of their members who lived in my town and it's hard to just root them out since most of their members just work as scouts and recruiters for the cause, some of them don't even possess the ability to use magic.

But it's not like they really care since their goal is to just work toward the goal of children being able to learn and use magic earlier than the allowed age.

"If I remember correctly, your brother used to work for them." Mr. Arthur turned to the both of us

"Used to? Hah, I bet he got fired." Ollie sneered

"Mr. Maddox, I would like to ask you to not mock their brother, since he lost his life protecting a town from an angel general." Mr. Arthur warned in a stern manner "We do not disrespect death of such a warrior."

Vote with power stone and add to library please

PerseusSilvercreators' thoughts