
The Saffron medal

Ash was starting to get back to normal capacity, after a few Pikachu shocks how couldn't he? 

Speaking of which, Pikachu somehow found a bucket of popcorn and then poured ketchup on it. Ash really didn't question it at this point, it felt like Pikachu could pull Ketchup out of thin air.

Ash had a corner seat and Misty and Yellow had the two adjacent, but Yellow looked over to Ash and asked, "Hey what did they mean when they said that stuff to Brock, shouldn't giving the Poliwag more Pokeblocks be better?"

Ash looked over at Yellow, "Well that depends on how you use them because using them as supplements and using them as boosters are two completely different things."

As he said that he went into his bag to pull out a Pink Pokeblock, "Let's use this as an example for simplicity, in this case, these pink ones would help cuteness, but in training, they help with training speed." he said before tossing that block over to Pikachu who ate it up happily.

"Ok but then why did they say that he shouldn't have given Poliwag more than one," Yellow said, tilting her head.

"Because when you give them more than one it can benefit in both aspects, but they usually conflict with each other, so it isn't worth it in competitions where you want to bring out the best in a Pokemon, of course, I don't know much about it, this is mainly stuff I have heard from some of our friends who wanted to be coordinators."

"Oh like Dawn and May, yeah now that you say that I do kinda remember them telling me about it, back when they wanted me to be a coordinator," Yellow said shyly as she slightly scratched her cheek.

"Haha yeah, but you followed what you wanted and where did that lead you, to me finding you abandoned in the woods," Ash said smugly.

Yellow covered her face in embarrassment since Misty also heard it, "I told you to stop saying it like that."

Ash put his hand under his chin and smiled, "But why would I ever do that hmmmm(•̀ω•́)." 

As Ash kept teasing Yellow and Misty was debating stopping it or laughing, the announcer spoke up again.

"Now that everything has been set up let me explain how everything will go down!" Mr. Pokemon said, raising one hand as high as he could, and handing it over to Suzie.

"This won't be like orthodox tournaments, there will be one battle against a different opponent that has been preselected, in this battle you will be allowed one Pokemon, the goal of this battle is not to win but you will be given some extra points if you do, you are to demonstrate your bond with your Pokemon as such the match could be called off by one of the judges or the trainer themselves if deemed so."

"Other than that regular battle rules still apply, now let the show begin."

Suddenly the grounds of the stadium started moving and changing, then separate pieces of metal started rising from the ground as a total of 4 Pokemon battle stadiums were made.

On the screen it showed all the battles that would be taking place, Brock would be facing that girl, Yui Shiori.

Immediately people started moving to their respective stadiums but Yui walked up to Brock, who seemed to still be a bit out of it.

"Hey, I recognize you, You the the Pewter Gym Leader,"

"Former," Brock corrected

"Well Former or not, don't think I'm intimidated by your status, I have my own dreams so don't think you're going to win easily just because you're a more experienced trainer," Yui said with a grin.

Brock didn't completely register everything she said but almost as if on instinct he said, "Too bad this isn't a beauty contest, otherwise you would have already won." He said that with no extra gestures, not throwing himself to the floor, he wasn't even trying to make it Flirty.

But it seemed to work, Yui got a bit red and used her hair to cover her face, "D-don't think you can sweet talk your way out of this, I-I won't go easy on you so you better be ready to lose." Yui stampeded away and quickly moved to her spot before Brock could look at her.

Brock finally slapped back to reality and walked over to his side, he was about to grab Kabutops's Pokeball until he realized something, 'I've been neglecting the rest of my Pokemon, I've been using Kabutops and Graveler for everything, I should use someone else.'

As Brock walked up to his side he was still thinking to himself, as the announcer spoke up again, "It seems like everybody is in place now let the battles begin, remember try not to hurt each other too bad, and don't hesitate to give up if you feel your Pokemon will get hurt." Mr. Pokemon said.

Then everyone released their Pokemon, Brock decided to use his first Pokemon, Onix. Meanwhile, he could see that Yui released a Slowpoke.

"Nix!" Onix's stone body shifted as he started getting ready. 

Meanwhile, Slowpoke sat down and had its derpy face stare into the screen.

The screen turned into a countdown timer and everyone got tense just waiting for the signal.


"Onix just like old times, Take Down!"

Onix raised his tail and slammed it down onto the Slowpoke, Slowpoke looked at the incoming tail and did… nothing, causing her to get hit and knocked back but still relatively fine. Meanwhile, Onix didn't take the recoil because of his ability Rock Head.

"Slowpoke Curse, then make distance for a Brine!" Yui commanded.

"Onix block it!"

Slowpoke was covered in purple light making her even slower, then shot a mouthful of Seawater at Onix, Onix on the other hand was ready and used an Iron tail to block it as his tail continued down and hit Slowpoke again.

"Slowpoke hang in there one more curse than Slack off!" Yui commanded.

"Onix we need to stop them, Dragon Breath!"

As Slowpoke started getting covered in purple mist again, Onix opened his large mouth and started shooting out a blue beam hitting Slowpoke and causing full Paralysis before she could get the Slack off.

"Great job Onix, now let's end this with Skull Bash!" Brock commanded, stretching himself up and standing proud.

Onix started slithering across the field and aimed his head down to deliver a powerful headbutt at Slowpoke, who still had its usual derpy face and was on all fours.

Yui was slightly panicked since her original plan was stopped, "Slowpoke Please hang in there one more time!"

As soon as Slowpoke heard her, its demeanor changed, her eyes frowned and it got up on two legs looking back at Yui with the best smirk it could give and crossed its arm in defense and put a Reflect screen in front of her.

Then Onix connected and broke through the reflection connecting into Slowpoke and kicking up a cloud of dust obscuring everything.

From the top, Mr. Pokemon was being held back from announcing the battles to end, and when he saw Slowpoke he tried even harder.

"Let me go, those poor Pokemon are being treated so harshly, this isn't right we need to stop this!"

"Calm down, that Slowpoke is going to be fine," Suzie said trying to keep him away from the mic, "You saw how she acted, she braced herself because her trainer was worried about her, which means it isn't over yet."

Onix slithered back as the dust started dispersing and standing there was Slowpoke still standing with a smile across her face.

Yui's smile also grew, "Ok let the real fun begin, Slowpoke use Trick Room."

Slowpoke's eyes glowed as Onix tried charging again to stop her but it was too late, suddenly the field was covered in purple squares in a 1 x 1 pattern creating a giant room, when Onix was about to reach Slowpoke, she vanished then appeared on the other side of the field.

"Now Rest."

Slowpoke fell asleep with a bubble coming out of her nose as she slightly snored, also curing her of the Paralysis.

"Onix we need to move quickly," 

Onix quickly rushed over to Slowpoke, Onix wasn't the fastest Pokemon but this time he was even slower than usual, when he got to the Hippo/pig creature he sent another Iron Tail and Take Down.

But just as he was about to deliver another combo, Slowpoke woke up, as the tail came down Slowpoke disappeared and reappeared on top of Onix.

"He's too comfortable on the ground, use Telekinesis"

Slowpoke did a backflip and as she did that her eyes glowed Purple and Onix started floating above the air.

"Onix No!" Brock said panicked

Yui cut in, "It's too late now, Slowpoke Calm mind then let's end this with Hydro Pump!"

Slowpoke jumped back and closed her eyes taking a deep breath, then when she opened them again she gathered up as much water as she could and shot one big blast of water aiming directly at the Rock snake dealing x4.

The attack ended the Telekinesis, causing Onix to be slammed back into the ground.

The announcers were watching this battle, all the other battles had been called off or finished so it was just their battle still going on.

Mr. Pokemon looked hurt seeing Onix getting smashed but he just took a breath, "Well I guess that's it," then he raised his hand, "The winner is-" but was stopped when Suzie grabbed his arm.

"I already said this before and you didn't listen, this battle isn't over," Suzie said pointing to Onix, who started to move again.

The attack should have taken down Onix if it wasn't for Sturdy, so Onix was still up and ready to keep going.

Brock smiled, "Let's do this Onix, Gyro Ball!"

Onix's body was covered in a silver shine and some of his rocks started spinning as a light-blue ring surrounded his body and he dashed towards Slowpoke.

Yui was surprised that Onix was still up and ready to continue; she expected the battle to be over, "Slowpoke Quick stop him!"

Slowpoke raised her mouth and summoned a light blue beam of ice and shot it at Onix, Onix however went underground and dodged it.

Slowpoke didn't know what to do, she didn't know where Onix would come out of, Yui tried to say something but before she could Onix emerged from below and slammed onto Slowpoke.

With Trick Room Slowpoke was much faster than Onix, so even though Gyro Ball was resisted it still did a lot of damage causing Slowpoke to be sent flying into the sky.

"Let's do this Onix, Meteor Burn! (Rock Blast + Dragon Pulse)"

Onix's mouth was covered in a brown and Purple light, then he shot out a Rock that was followed by a beam of energy making it even faster and stronger.

Slowpoke couldn't dodge since she was in the air and so the attack landed creating a smoke cloud in the air also breaking the Trick Room's ceiling.

After a while, Slowpoke started falling and the rest of the Trick Room dispersed. And Brock commanded Onix to catch her.

Mr Pokemon looked horrified so Suzie spoke up, "And that is it, the winners have been decided and now it is time to see who the winner of this competition is."

The screen turned back to the scores and the points started being calculated, Brock moved up to 2nd and was neck and neck with Yui until they both stopped at.

Yui - 823

Brock- 945

"And the winner is Brock Harrison from Pewter City."

The Judges walked down to meet with Brock and Ms. Gold held a violet pillow holding a case and Mr. Gold walked up to Brock.

"You showed good promise and a greater bond with your Pokemon, if we had the authority we would have given both of you the medal, but only one person can win, so it is with great honor I award you with the Saffron medal."

He reached into the box and pulled out a small gold medal that had a ribbon tied around it, and he clipped it onto Brock's shirt.

"Is this your first badge?" Mr Gold asked to which Brock nodded.

"Well, then you should know that you need 2 more from different towns to be qualified for nationals, which will be taking place in Johto next year." Mr Gold said before patting Brock's shoulder.

Mr Pokemon finally took the mic and looked at the Audience, "And that is the end, I hope you enjoyed the show, and if you want more don't you worry there will be more competitions not only here but throughout all of Kanto, so don't miss it!."

After that, most of the competitors left, but Yui walked up to Brock.

Yui was slightly blushing, "You may have won this time, but don't you think this is the end, this won't be the last time you see me, next time I will beat you"

Brock, Completely not remembering their last interaction, got heart eyes and threw himself at the floor, "I hope so, if I can see you again I'll go through every competition in Kanto."

Yui looked at Brock and Blushed in anger, then slapped Brock causing him to hit the floor.

She turned around with her face red, "S-Stupid." and walked away.
