
Cerulean City

The artwork I had made came, tell me what you guys think, there where some....Rejects.


Ash, Brock, and Yellow decided to set up camp since it was nearly the middle of the night and they were all very exhausted from the Team Rocket incident. And so they slept.

Before Ash went to sleep he pulled out his Pokedex and looked through the Cerulean City 'Gym Battles'. Mainly because there were none, since the previous Gym leader being Misty's father retired it was taken over by the three sisters, and unlike Misty, they didn't Battle, but instead turned the battlefield into a performance hall for their water acrobatics shows.

Sometimes they would battle but every time they would lose, so much so that most of the time they would just give a badge out, leading their Gym to become a joke and a target for new trainers. There were even some rumors of the sisters hitting on some challengers, which with their position was extremely unprofessional.

So if Misty doesn't challenge me in the Gym then I will only need to fight 3 Pokemon, 1 for each sister, but if Misty shows up then I have nothing to go on since she hasn't ever battled in the Gym, I can probably assume that she will potentially have Seel and Shellder since 1 they are water types and 2 she idolizes Lorelei of the elite 4.

Well, I'll think about that tomorrow and start training some Pokemon for that battle, how many do I need to prepare I don't know so no point in thinking about it. Before going to sleep.

The next day they were all woken up by the sound of People gathering, as they all looked out they noted that not even a day went by before News people and miners rushed to Mt.Moon. The trio looked at each other before leaving before anyone started questioning them about what happened.

On the way, they saw Rangers trying to reintroduce Pokemon into the routes and trying to stop people from entering Mt.Moon. They even saw a weird Guy selling Magikarp, specifically from Hoppy Town with a bunch of different patterns of Magikarp, it didn't take a genius to tell they were Painted.

After traveling they eventually reached Cerulean City and they were all dead tired.

"Finally we are here," Ash said to his two companions, Brock was looking fine but Yellow looked like she hadn't slept in a day or two.

"Finally I am so tired, I thought we would never arrive, I want to go rest in the Pokemon Center," Yellow exclaimed.

"Why didn't you let Dody carry you if you got tired then?" Ash asked Yellow as they started walking.

Yellow looked embarrassed, "W-well I didn't want Dody to get tired." Received a stare from both Brock and Ash before she blushed a little and said, "I also forgot."

Brock sighed as they started approaching the Pokemon center, "Well I'm going to call my Family back at the Gym to see how things are going."

"I also need to call my uncle, I haven't talked to him since I left," Yellow responded.

"I guess I need to call Oak," Ash responded before he thought of something.

"By the way, Yellow wants a Pokemon?"


As they walked into the Pokemon center they gave the Pokemon that needed healing to Nurse Joy, not without Brock flirting with her, but with no one to pull his ear Chansey hit him on the head.

'Poor guy even without Misty he is still cockblocked.' Ash thought as he went over to the PC with Yellow and called up Professor Oak.

"Hello, is this working this time?" Oak responded as the screen was getting blurry as he was too close.

"Yeah, just back up a little professor," Ash responded and Oak fixed himself quickly.

"Well, what can I do for you, my boy?" Oak questioned.

"Well I am in Cerulean, and look who I have here with me" Ash signaled for Yellow to get into the frame and Oak looked surprised.

"Yellow, I wasn't expecting you. I thought you were still with your uncle, you should have told me I would have gotten some things prepared for you." Oak responded.

"Yeah, Uncle Wilton wanted me to look for what I wanted to do, and I met up with Ash and he invited me to come with him," Yellow said nervously.

"Well, I want to have been able to properly give you a Pokemon at least," Oak said.

"Well, that is why I wanted to call you" Ash responded, getting Oak's attention. "Can you transfer ownership of my Caterpie to Yellow?"

Both Yellow and Oak looked surprised, "Are you sure Ash transferring a Pokemon to someone else is simple but your Pokemon is a Shiny and extremely rare?"

"Yeah why not, I wasn't planning on using it anyway," Ash responded.

"Well if you both are sure I can do it" Oak responded as he started typing on his computer and pulled out what looked like a Pokedex and a Pokeball.

"Here, I will give you a Pokedex as well since I couldn't give you one myself, you don't have to try to help me with my research I just hope you will do well," Oak said as he sent over the two items through the teleporter.

Yellow received both items and was excited immediately, letting Caterpie out of his Pokeball, "Hello Caterpie, let's be friends I'll call you Kitty!" Yellow picked him up and he seemed excited.

Also as Oak was distracted watching Yellow and Kitty, Ash secretly used his Pc feature to get Weedle and put it in his storage for later use.

"Well I will leave you to continue bonding with me, take-out is here, call me when you need something, and good luck at the Gym," Oak responded before hanging up.

"Well you can call your uncle I'll go reserve all of our rooms," Ash said getting up, noticing that Brock finally got up and was walking over to the computer.

He picked up his Pokemon and went to reserve the rooms.

Ash decided to take a shower and start preparing how he would train all of his Pokemon for the Gym battle he may or may not need to do.

'Well regardless, at least Pikachu will be willing to fight since he doesn't see Misty as a friend yet. But regardless I am working with nothing right now, I can also go to the nugget bridge that would probably be some good training.'

'Regardless, I should be 100% prepared for the worst-case scenario in a week, maybe less, I mean if Misty isn't there then I can get it now but knowing my luck and plot BS she will probably be there the second I enter the Gym.'

As he was thinking he heard someone knock on his door, "Hey Ash we are going out to get Dinner do you want to come with us?" Yellow said

'Well, not too much of a point in thinking about what if now' Ash thought, "Sure I'll go in a second."


Meanwhile, in a different building, the three musketeers were breaking into a building through the vents.

"Coast is clear"

"No one here"

"Nothing to fear"

It was Jessy, James, and Meowth. They recently broke into a warehouse after it became dark to steal something.

"Hey guys don't you think it was weird for Archer to assign us to specifically Cerulean while most of the other grunts were pulled back to base for a separate task?" James asked as they were walking past a lot of machines.

"You worry too much Jimmy," Meowth responded

"Yeah, Archer probably just saw we had potential and sent us to a more important task while the rest of them were off ambushing twerps," Jessy responded.

"But didn't we fail the last mission" James responded as he was ignored as they approached a large Machine.

"Here it is, with this, we will get exactly what we need," Jessy said

"Pokemon" Meowth responded.


It was the next day and Ash was out in the training field by the Pokemon center preparing all of his Pokemon to train.

"Well everybody the next Gym is coming upon us and it is a water gym, now I don't know how many of you can participate I know some of you are itching for a fight," Ash said before turning to Spearow, "I am looking at you"

Spearow was stopped in his place, he was prepared to fly up and start screaming.

"Well nonetheless whether you fight or not I will still train you. We have some time before I plan on challenging the Gym, so if you want to fight you can go have a mock battle." Ash said, causing Spearow to look at Pidgeotto.

"Well let's get started," Ash said, causing some of his Pokemon to get excited.

The training started with just a race to try and Improve speed EV of his Pokemon

Clefairy made it clear that she didn't want to fight so she sat with Yellow and helped by using Gravity to improve the training.

Pikachu, Weepinbell, Oddish, and Nidoran♂ would start training Special Attack since Pikachu and Weepinbell would both start using their Special Attack. Oddish even started helping Weepinbell to learn to absorb so they could both learn Mega Drain.

Spearow, Pidgeotto, Scyther, and Machop all trained in Physical Attack and Poliwag was used as a punching bag to work on HP and Defence.

Meanwhile, Weedle and Magikarp couldn't currently train in the same way the rest could so they mainly trained with each other.

'The hardest part about training these two is waiting until they reach their final stage, Gyarados is a monster, and in the Manga Giovanni's starter was a Weedle and it was able to push back Lance's Pokemon, and mine has that Queen Bee mutation.' Ash thought but shook his head deciding to think about it after.

In the middle of training, Brock approached Ash and asked, "Have you heard that someone broke into a warehouse and stole some kind of Vacuum?"

Ash was surprised before he remembered that Team Rocket appeared during OG Ash's battle in the Gym and they used a big vacuum, but he had forgotten that they got it this early.

"Does anyone have any Idea about who did it?" Ash asked

Brock shook his head, "No I was out shopping and met this beautiful Officer Jenny, she questioned me and told me the situation, I then invited her to go out for lunch but then her Growlithe bit my leg." Brock said looking sadly and Ash just patted him on the back.

Ash decided to prepare for the worst-case scenario and wait to see if they try anything, but knowing Plot BS they will only attack during his battle. 'Welp we'll get there when we get there'. And so he returned to training.

By the end of the training, Ash helped Pikachu to learn Electro Ball for later use, and Weepinbell and Oddish both managed to learn Mega Drain. Weepinbell and Scyther learn Swords Dance. And Machop learned the Elemental Punches. Meanwhile, Weedle and Magikarp were making progress.

Ash made sure to give each Pokemon a Pokeblock to help their Progress and Mastery respectively over the week of training.

Brock and Yellow were sitting on a bench waiting for Ash noticing he started returning his Pokemon, "Are you finished training?" Yellow asked.

"Yeah, I think I am prepared for anything that could happen," Ash responded.

"Yeah about that why did you try so much, I admit the sisters are beautiful but they don't have that much talent in battling, there were even some rumors in the league were planning on stopping their support to the Gym"

Ash shrugged, "Well you never know, maybe their father has had enough and decided to come out of retirement"

Brock thought about it and also shrugged and nodded as Ash returned Magikarp who recently started to shed some of his scales since he started training. Ash put the new-old scales in the trash with the rest of the red scales.

"Well now is as good a time as any, let's get to the Gym," Ash said as the Trio started walking to the Gym.

But if someone were to look back at the red scales there would be a small shine coming from the scales, revealing a single Golden scale.


Btw I have a question for you system haters when does a system become intolerable, is it that they make things easy, when the MC is a slave to the system, when the system just fixes all of the problems, Ect?
