

Ash found her way back towards the village but the lights could still be seen moving around. 'So they have yet to find them.'

She started to venture off around different outer parts of the village searching a little away from the others.

Ash would occasionally look over towards them to see if there was anything strange about each person.

There was no visible signs of them being able to detect spirits from the way they acted so she kept moving around as she tried to pick up any slight traces of fear.

She headed further north from the village trying to cover a larger area just like she had in other directions.

There were a couple of spirits that inhabited the forest that looked like ordinary animals or took on forms suitable for the forest environment whether it was a shape of a plant or even a bug.

They stayed in place within their territory or moved around it but they did not seem to take offence to their homes being invaded.

They seemed curious about the invaders and approached each of them circling around and occasionally trying to interact with them.

A small number quickly became disappointed that they were ignored and were unable to interact with the people who had been in front of them.

They were like innocent animals that were not bad natured and were naturally curious about anything.

The humans in front of them were seen as being something strange that they could see but they themselves could not be seen by them.

The spirits each were born from various collective wills so it could be that they seemed to have some form of connection or familiarity with those people since may have been born from or given more power from that persons will.

Each spirit had its own personalities and temperaments so it was still best to be careful around them since even a normal spirit could attack if provoked in some way or if it had traits within it that could lead to it becoming an Evil Spirit.

Not all ordinary spirits were peaceful and there were some that had caused problems in the world due to them acting based on their instincts.

They may have been created using the wills of humans but a lot of spirits that had been formed were concepts of wills which took on different forms different from humans.

Spirits still lacked the ability to judge right and wrong or to handle certain matters rationally unless they had reached a very high level of power to let themselves evolve.

Only the highest of spirits could be distinguished from other spirits as true Guardian Spirits or spirits capable of surpassing their animal-like natures which was ruled by their instincts and other impulses.

It was one reason why Ash continued to keep up her facade of being unable to see them as she encountered them.

If they thought that she could not see them then they would lose interest and would not see her as one of those that could interact with them.

Some spirits had bad relationships with Balancers and that was another reason why Ash could be attacked by them if she responded to them.

It was not too surprising since there were always those kinds of people or groups that hunted or exploited ordinary spirits in order to achieve some purpose like capturing spirits for nefarious purposes.

Some Balancers just killed spirits to test their own powers and to gain experience so it would not be too surprising for spirits to be wary of them if they had encountered such situations before.

A small spirit was circling around Ash as it seemed to take some interest in her who had walked through its territory.

Its eyes were full of innocence as it circled around her feet and motioned to touch her several times.

It was like a small child that was testing out something new and fun in front of their eyes.

The touches on the body of Ash seemed to get no response as Ash casually walked forward not looking towards the spirit.

The spirit followed along for some time before finally giving up leaving Ash alone to wander further.

A sigh escaped her mouth once she was further away from it. 'This is so difficult!'

It would be easy for ordinary people to just continue what they were doing since they could not sense the spirits in any way but Ash quickly learned how difficult it truly was to try to ignore them.

Most ordinary people could brush off a weird feeling on their body that was caused by a spirit trying to interact with them since their connection with the Balancer world was non existent.

It could easily be explained as a natural phenomenon of them getting a chill down their back or having a sudden itch.

Perhaps some would sneeze or fall suddenly then after they experienced such things, they would be see nothing around them so they would go on with what they were doing.

It was different for Ash who could see and feel everything that the spirit was doing.

Each nudge against her body and the small form dancing around her was something that most would find difficult to ignore.

She almost put her focus towards the small spirit several times before restraining herself.

Ash soon picked up on something so she was able to focus on something else.

The fear could be sensed and she was gradually closing on it.

A small pond was off in the distance and she could see two forms together but the situation seemed quite bad.

Not too far away from the pond, there was one of the figures that seemed to be stuck and had sunk into the wet mud unable to get themselves out.

There was a lot of fear coming from the small form which had allowed Ash to finally locate them so deep and far away from the village where nobody had yet to venture.
