
Countdown: To save a life


It's all over now".


If you ever love me, then you'll let me go" It whispers, I watch my hopeless lips whispering those words out, but it was too much for me..

The words itself crushed me, my legs decided not to stay any longer, my hands bends, it bends down, it picks up my scattered bag up, all it content, it put back in it place..

My hands making sure that nothing was left behind, I ran!...


Down the streets like an unstable mad man, I ran so that I would be free, I ran so that I would live, I ran and I never looked back again... not until I reached...

My destination...

Locking the door behind me, my heart's pounding.

I tried slowing it down, but yet it pounds harder, it races and threatens to make me weak, it threatens to take my soul and kill me completely, for good, it threatens to tear out from my chest..
