
One more to go

Adrian's bloodline Mythos had been severed into 8 parts each holding one such causality-shaking ability.

Adrian the main body gained one such part, while his seven "counterparts" that live in his head rent-free gained the other seven parts, one of which gained the name Zero.

Witnessing the power his reformed eyes released, Zero's demonic grin consumed his featureless face leaving only two mutant eyes visible.

Walking along the newly opened path, Zero felt a sealed "secret" that the energy tried to share, however even under his command the energy refused to speak, only responding with a distorted image of Seal.

Feeling a burning gaze on the back of his head, Zero glared at the mass of energy behind him asking, "How can you use a Mythos ability? Nevermind, just don't get in his way. I'm much nicer than the rest. Oh, and I'm the weakest."


Moments before on the multiversal battleground…

Demon felt his power coming from Adrian as he transformed into Zero, but this power was many times purer than his own at that level as it was only a step below his current abilities.

Entranced, Demon started to reach into the lake wanting to interrogate Zero on how he had such pure demonic energy without even stepping onto the demonic path.

Seal glared at Demon when he touched the lake, allowing a portion of their energy to invade the island and be noticed by an entity that was not the normal Adrian.

But, before Seal could reprimand him someone appeared dragging Demon away from the lake with a single arm.

Seeing the new face by the lake Seal only glanced at him not acknowledging his presence.

Eve, on the other hand, yelled out seeing the fractal humanoid appearance, "Unity?! You rejected my invitation, and now you show up."

The new face was named Unity, his appearance was hard to discern as he looked like what you would get when you overlaid multiple people over the top of each other.

"How could I not stop by when this thing breaks our basic rules? Also, you didn't tell me this incarnation's bloodline was similar to mine." As Unity responded each word sounded like it was spoken by different people.

Unity was the leader of a special group in the battleground called Enforcers. Each enforcer carries a fragment of Seal's mist allowing them to subdue most of the rowdy residents.

In exchange for holding the fragment, they could never interact with the lake or any new incarnations making their existence extremely 'limited' in pursuit of their goal.

Unity ignored Eves' ranting, nodded at Gramps, and asked Seal how he should punish Demon.

Seal waved her hand looking back at the lake with slight intrigue in her eyes lazily saying, "Deal with him as you like. Also, I think you might need to pay attention to your bloodline if you want to keep your enforcer status."

Unity quickly understood what she was insinuating, so he bowed and answered, "Yes, Madam it won't happen again."


After saying his piece Zero continued walking down the open gap in the energy, while something ate away at his mind telling him that something on the other side was similar to them.

However, it was not his place to intervene in matters that Adrian could solve.

Coming upon the eighth stair Zero felt blood trickle down his face as he tried to control the next step before entering.

Zero absorbed all of his blood mist and the extra energy on this step to replenish his emaciated body.

While using his ability in return for the ability to control everything around him he can no longer feel any effects on his body and his body becomes a source of energy to fuel his power.

His power drains life force to fuel his ability so Endurance was in constant use, and with him unable to feel the effects of his power his endurance became limited in its efficiency.

Unlike Adrian who used Endurance while having full control over his own body to become functionally immortal, Zero never had such an option. In return, Zero could use Wisdom exponentially more than Adrian.

Wisdom compounded with his ability, Absolute Domination, allowing his mind to be constantly clear making every command absolute without hesitation.

Zero had to consciously limit his ability to uphold his promise to Adrian making his speed significantly slower.

Stepping up to the eighth step nothing happened…

Seeing this, Zero became even more vigilant as not even the previous energy accumulation, pressure, gravity, mental attacks, nor even size increase applied to this step.

Nothing being in his way was extremely uncomfortable to Zero, whose entire purpose was to take care of things that Adrian could not.

As that thought crossed his mind the step extended in all directions, while an inky shadow rose from the ground that mirrored Zero's appearance and actions.

When the shadow appeared Zero immediately took a defensive stance while the shadow mirrored his actions. Zero increased the effective area of his ability to watch and hopefully take control of the shadow in front of him.

The shadow, unable to replicate the ability, only vibrated its eyes slightly faster while becoming visibly thinner.

Noticing that the shadow acted like a basic mirrored image Zero rolled his eyes telling himself that he was just paranoid over nothing.

Emptying his mind Zero took control of the shadow commanding it to "return to the shadows."

Following Zero's command the shadow started to sink into the ground, however just as the shadow mirrored him, he too mirrored the shadow, sinking into the ground.

Noticing the change in sightline Zero realized exactly why this trial made him paranoid, quickly commanding the shadow to return to its previous position.

Silence overtook the step as Zero thought of a solution to this trial, and after a few minutes, an odd strategy appeared in his mind. Zero chose the most simple option, choosing to run around the shadow.

Inches from hitting each other Zero quickly turned right as the shadow turned left barely missing each other, before they both returned to their original trajectory, the opposite side of the step.

As Zero reached the ninth step so too did the shadow reach the edge of the eighth step moments away from dropping onto the seventh. Zero ran and jumped onto the ninth step, so too did the shadow jump off the eighth step, and when it did the energy field covering the seventh step dispersed the shadow.

Watching the shadow disappear, Zero leaned his legs back landing on the edge of the ninth step commenting, "Eight down, One to go."

I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter.

Every interaction is appreciated more than you know.

system_evolvercreators' thoughts