

Card Rating: SR (4☆) 

Class: Rider

Full Name: Angélique d'Aumont 

AKA: Angie; [||¦¦¦¦¦||] 

Ascension 1:

Ascension 2:

Ascension 3:

Ascension 4:


ATK: 1496/8953

HP: 2147/16421

Attribute: Man

Growth curve: Reverse S

Star Absorption: 192

Star Generation: 8,8%

NP Charge ATK: 1.11%

NP Charge Def: 6%

Death Rate: 23%

Alignment: Lawful - Neutral

Gender: Female 

Basic Traits: Non-Hominidae Servant, Humanoid, Demonic, Seven Knights Servant, Riding, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish

Active Skills: 

Alchemy (EX):

- Has a chance to increase one Ally's:

- 33% - Buster Effectiveness (50%) for 3 turns

- 33% - Arts Effectiveness (50%) for 3 turns

- 33% - Quick Effectiveness (50%) for 3 turns

- Increase their NP Gauge (30%)

- Recovers Party's HP (2500)

- Recovers Own HP (1000) 

Free Spirit (C):

- Decrease Party's Cooldown by 1

- Increase Own Attack (30%) for 3 turns

- Increase Party's Attack vs British Enemies (50%) for 3 turns

- Increase Party's defense (30%) for 3 turnsIncrease Party's defense vs British Enemies (50%) for 3 turns

Châle Libérateur (B):

- Changes all own Command Cards' type to selected one type from Quick; Buster; Arts; for 1 turn.

- Increases own selected Command Card performance for 1 turn. (20%)

- Selects own NP Command Card's type to Selected.

Passive Skills:

Riding (B): Increase own quick performance by 8%

Item Construction (A): Increases own debuff success rate by 8%

Independent Action (B): Increases own critical damage by 8%

Feared by Masses (B): Increase own damage against British enemies (5%)

Append Skills:

Extra Attack Finesse Improvement: Increases own Extra Attack performance (50%)

Mana Loading: Starts battle with NP gauge (20%)

Anti-British Critical Attack Chance Resistance: Increases own critical attack chance resistance against British enemies (30%)

Noble Phantasm:

Champ de bataille des imbéciles (EX)

Type - Quick 

Noble Phantasm Type - Anti-Unit

Hits - 6

Per Hit Percentage - 7%, 13%, 21%, 28%, 32%, 40%

Effect - Deals damage to all Enemies; Decreases their defense (25%)

Np Level:

- NP Level 1 - 300%

- NP Level 2 - 350%

- NP Level 3 - 450%

- NP Level 4 - 475%

- NP Level 5 - 500%

Overcharge Effect - Deals extra damage to British enemies.


- 100% - 150%

- 200% - 162.5%

- 300% - 175%

- 400% - 187.5%

- 500% - 200%

Bouclier De France (B)

Type -Arts

Noble Phantasm Type - Anti-Army

Effect - Increase Party's Defense for 3 turns; Removes Party's Debuffs

Np Level:

- NP Level 1 - 20%

- NP Level 2 - 30%

- NP Level 3 - 35%

- NP Level 4 - 40%

- NP Level 5 - 50%

Overcharge Effect - Grants party Anti-Purge Defense buff for N attacks, 3 turns.

(Anti-Purge Defense: Nullifies Invincible Pierce Ignore Invincibility and Damage.)

(N: Based on Overcharge.)


-100% - 1

- 200% - 2

- 300% - 3

- 400% - 4

- 500% - 5

L'épée De La Libération (EX)

Type -Buster

Noble Phantasm Type - Anti-World

Hits - 9Hits percentage - 7%, 15%, 22.5%, 30%, 34%, 36%, 40%, 44%, 50%

Effect - Increase own Attack for 1 turn (30%); Ignore Invincibility for 1 turn. (Activates first); Deals damage to all Enemies; 

Deals 150% extra damage against enemies with Evil Trait; 

500% Chance to sacrifice self. [Demerit]

- Np Level:

- NP Level 1 - 500%

- NP Level 2 - 600%

- NP Level 3 - 700%

- NP Level 4 - 750%

- NP Level 5 - 800%

Overcharge Effect - Deals extra damage to Evil enemies.


- 100% - 200%

- 200% - 225%

- 300% - 275%

- 400% - 300%

- 500% - 350%
