
Warm and Sweet

October rolled in, replacing the summer's scorching heat with autumn's cool breeze.

That day, Alicia spent hours baking a cake. She designed it like a sailboat and nestled it in a pretty box. She took it to Chuck's house, as it was his birthday. The last time she had celebrated his birthday was thirteen years ago when she was a shy ten-year-old girl.

Back then, he was twelve, a quiet and skinny boy with big eyes that held a world of thoughts. Her parents were divorced, so she grew up without a dad. Her mom was always working, so her grandmother, Véronique, took care of her. Chuck didn't have a dad either and was raised by her grandmother too. Both of them had similar personalities and experiences, so they understood each other, became neighbors, and best friends.

Now, thirteen years had zipped by. The boy Alicia thought had died was still here. She could still celebrate his birthday. It seemed unreal, like a wonderful surprise.
