
Chapter 73 A Scumbag

Louis's eyes were focused and flaring, staring straight at Leslie. His face was full of anger, and he seemed to be surrounded by a cold energy. Leslie suddenly felt a bit horrified.

He knew who Louis was, but this was their first encounter. Leslie's mind went blank with fear, his legs shook, and his instincts told him to get out of there. As he tried to dash past Louis, Louis grabbed his arm and pushed him against the wall.

With a loud thump, Leslie's back hit the hard wall, and cold sweat dripped down his face. Louis grabbed his shirt, raised his hand, and punched him right in the nose.

Leslie felt a burning pain in his nose, saw stars in his vision, and heard a ringing in his ears. Before he could react, another strong hit landed on the corner of his eye, almost blinding him.

He tried to break free, but Louis, taller by a few inches and stronger than he looked, held him tight. If this went on, Leslie would lose not only the money but also his life.
