
Counter-Strategy (Part 2)

The following morning, I woke up earlier than usual, feeling a bit anxious after our mission the previous night.

After stretching a little, I walked up to the window and noticed there was a group of soldiers that were waiting outside the residence's gate.

Walking in the garden towards the gate, I spotted Lady Bao and her personal servant.

'Hmmm, this could be a problem…' I thought.

When Lady Bao opened the gates to talk to the man leading the soldiers, they walked inside the garden a bit rudely, which instantly put me on alert and made me wake up Melina and the two kids.

"Quick, get into the underground room…" I said.

Melina didn't know what was happening, but she still acted fast and carried the two children before rushing to the trapdoor, which we had hidden under a rug.

I kept peeking out of the window and used my sound magic to listen to the conversation between Lady Bao and the leading soldier.
