
A Moon Dragon

[Hecate, Maeve, Nefertiti and Talila's POV]

The four girls continued their journey through the forest while watching their surroundings. They had just lost some marines to a nasty pitfall trap. Hecate took point as she used her moon magic to scan the ground, finding dozens of traps all over their path.

Talila had her bow ready while Maeve protected the rear as the marines circled them. While traveling through the forest, the two pink eagles returned to Nefertiti, letting out a few squawks and informing her of everything they knew.

Nefertiti nodded before talking to the others. ''There are a lot of monsters between us and the swamp we need to reach, but they don't seem too strong.''

Everyone nodded and continued through the dense foliage, only to see more trees blocking the way. Maeve and Talila had to use their swords to cut their way through until they ran into a group of goblins fighting cannibals.
