
Who Are You

Archer and Hemera entered Mehmet's carriage and saw an older woman, and two teenage boys that looked identical sitting there playing a game.

The three turned to their news guests and the woman spoke. ''Love who are these two?''

Mehmet quickly introduced them. ''This is Archer and his Fiance Hemera. They are adventurers traveling to Larissa City.''

The woman nodded her head, but one of the two boys spoke. ''Why are traveling to Larissa?''

Archer looked over to the boy as he answered. ''To collect a princess.''

When the boy heard his answer he got a confused look on his face before Mehmet laughed.

He started to introduce his family. ''This is my wife Zeynep and my two sons, Ahmet and Mustafa. They are twins.''

The two of them nodded their heads at the three as they took a seat, and that's when the carriage started moving.
