
chapter 1: Reincarnation

I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was a short blonde haired girl wearing a nurse's uniform.

Beside her I saw a man who looked to be in his late twenties, he looked nervous as he looked at me and at someone lying on the bed.

"Congratulations, your child was born healthy, and the gender is male, sir."

Said the female nurse who was holding me.

She then thrust me towards the man indicating to carry me.

Wait... Carrying? Who? I? Wait, no! What is this!!!!

The man took it carefully so that I was comfortable in his arms, looked at the woman lying on the bed and said.

"Look Ning'er, our baby has been born perfectly healthy, he looks very handsome."

The man smiled at me and spoke to the girl called Ning'er.

"Let me see it, I want to hold it."

She said in a low voice and asked.

When I was in her arms, I felt warm.

What is this feeling? This is the first time I feel like this... Like being in a mother's arms.

Wait, mom's hug?

I saw my own body, small and weak hands and feet. I tried to speak and all that came out was a baby crying. Trying to move my body also can not.

I felt very weak, and my whole body ached too.

Wait, wait, what is this?!! Why am I in a baby's body. Am I not fighting?

Wait, my memory is a bit fuzzy, I can't remember my last memories.

When I was panicking and trying to speak, I saw the girl who was holding me.

She was beautiful, even though her face looked very pale and sweating profusely, it couldn't cover her long red hair and very pretty face.

Is this the so-called pitiful beauty? Just looking at it makes me feel a bit of sympathy.

Anyone who saw this kind of display would definitely make him feel like helping out.

In short, the woman who was carrying me was extremely beautiful despite her pathetic state.

And the man beside her, perfect features exuding a sharp charm, with night black hair and red eyes.

It gave off a dangerous but enchanting enchantment effect, though judging from her body, she didn't seem to have much training.

And people like that are my parents?

Hehe, like I can guess my future. I have to try to stay straight.

By the way, what exactly is with this situation?

Even though I want to enjoy imagining the future more, but I have to know what is happening to myself.

"Look at my husband, he looks like he's trying to talk. What's wrong my dear?"

My mom smiled as she asked me, hey I'm still a baby how can she talk, and how can she know if I'm trying to talk?

Is this the so-called mother's instinct? Well that was my first time seeing it.

"Ning'er, our child is still a baby how can he talk?"

My father smiled wryly at my mother.

That's right dad, tell that to my mom.

" Is that so? I think he's trying to talk."

Mother's instinct is scary, she can guess my thoughts.

"What name will you give this child?"

The nurse asked interrupting my parents' conversation.

My mom and dad looked at each other and said.

"Then, from now on your name will be Yang Kai, that's your name, kid."

My father smiled gently at me, I felt these warm sincere feelings from my parents.

"That's a nice name."

The nurse said before turning towards the door.

"Right, what a nice name. My dear will definitely be a good and handsome boy in the future."

My mother said in response to the nurse's words, she also smiled like my father when she saw me.

But my mother, your hopes for my future are too good. I'm not sure if in the future I will be a good person but for my new mother I will try.

And to be handsome in the future, that's for sure?!! You see who I am, both in my previous life, now, even in my next life I will still be a handsome person.

Then I feel a deep sleepiness, is it because I'm still a baby? This body is still too weak, it can't even fight against sleepiness.





A few days after I was born, I started to understand a bit about what was happening to me.

It seems I was reborn, I don't know what this concept is called because it's the first time I've heard anything about being reborn.

Also, I was born in a different world from my previous world.

Things here are very different from my previous world, the monsters here are more rampant than they were in my previous world.

The point is this world is very dangerous?!!

How not, in this world there are super strong monsters called spirit beasts. This spirit beast's level of strength depended on its age.

The higher the age of the spirit, the stronger the spirit beast will be, there are also spirit beasts that have bloodline bloodlines.

Normally spirit beasts with bloodline bloodlines would be stronger than spirit beasts of the same age.

Even though the spirit beasts are numerous, fortunately they only live in the forests of their habitat and tend not to venture out of their habitat.

How can humans fight these powerful spirit beasts? If you ask that I also want to ask my parents.

From what I heard in the talks of adults, humans also have the power of being called spirit masters.

Spirit masters increase their strength by practicing cultivation.

Spirit master power levels are divided into ten levels, and within each level there are ten levels.

For example the first level is called Spirit Traine, level 1 – 10.

And the second level Spirit Master, level 11 – 20.

In order to break through that level, something must be needed, namely the Spirit Ring.

When a Spirit Master reaches a level limit, they must absorb Spirit Rings in order to break through.

For example, Spirit Master level 20, they must absorb the Spirit Ring to reach level 21.

A Spirit Ring is a must-have, without it, a Spirit Master's strength will not increase.

Besides that, absorbing the Spirit Ring also has another advantage, namely being able to get a Skill.

If you ask how did I get all this knowledge even though I just came into this world and that too as a baby?

The answer is that my parents were traders. I could get a lot of information from my father's business associates and my father's customers.

My father's name is Yang Xiao, he is a merchant and not a spirit master. Even so my father had something called spirit martial.

It seems that everyone in this world will have a martial spirit when awakened at the age of 6.

My father's spirit is plain paper, because it's not very useful, my father became a trader.

My mother's Martial Spirit is a short sword, she is a real spirit master. My mother is currently at level 26 called spirit Grandmaster.

It seems my parents met when my mother accidentally saved my father from the spirit beasts.

My father who was mesmerized by my mother's bold appearance. And my mother who fell in love at first sight with my father.

They are truly a perfect and romantic couple.

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