
We Can All Stay Together

[GoldenSun VI here with my daily blog on World Conquest Online!

Firstly, I need to thank you all for the views, reviews and upvotes! It seems that my World Conquest Online blog is hitting the big time globally, and it is all thanks to you my loyal readers! I have had a few people ask about my progress, so I'll start with that!

I have now crafted my first respectable sword in my weaponsmith apprenticeship. My tutor who I must say is a fantastic NPC character that has been developed, is very impressed with my work and is going to sell it within the store. The city I am based in is thriving and I have bumped in to several other players. We have created a little community where we meet at the local tavern every evening to partake in some of the ancient drinking that is happening there. My story isn't as exciting as some of the others, but I am hoping to get to the Top 10 Blacksmith on the leader board eventually, who knows I may already be when they are released tomorrow!]

Dom smiled as he read GoldenSun's post, he really did wish he was from the Western Kingdoms and not their historic enemies from across the borders. He could hear banging from Andrew's room as he was getting himself ready and continued to read the blog.

[So I have combed through the many comments and stories that I have been made aware of and have a few interesting ones to share with you today! The first is not from the Lord themselves, but from a player who has wished to be anonymous. This Player had spawned in the wilderness of the south east of the northern continent, she happened upon a small Town built by a Lord class player who has created a hostile nation where he mistreats the NPC's that spawn. The other players that have spawned in are also doing the same and she has reported that the despair within is so chilling that she has attempted to leave, but has been stopped by some of the male players.

I won't name the Town's Lord for now, but she has attempted to report the issue to Game Support, who has explained to her that even though it is not humane what they are doing and the restrictions they are putting on her are her own challenge to over come. She has wondered about trying to respawn and start a new character. Let her know what you think she should do in the comments!]

Dom realised that he was based in the south east of the northern continent, as was Kai and Andrew who were making their way down to him, he wondered if they would ever make contact with this group. He had seen some terrible things on World Conquest Online so far, with Gluttonous Chief's Village, the Tribe's poisoning and the bodies in the clearing. He didn't want anyone, be it player or NPC to struggle and wondered if he should offer some help, but then again he had his own issues at the moment. Dom decided to respond and scrolled down to the comments and typed a reply. His anger starting to flair for no particular reason, most likely due to the constant things he had seen and the current stress of Riverside's current situation.

[LordLazarus - I'm based within a similar area and don't agree with the persecution of those that are weak, be that Player or NPC. World Conquest Online should be an enjoyable place for everyone involved, do not let them push you around. You should speak with the NPC's who are struggling and see if you can raise up a small rebellion force. What Military do they have, are they also persecuted? If you can share precise details, we may be able to work together in the future to rid this land of players like these.]

Dom pressed send, and then sat back and re-read what he wrote. He realised that he had just announced his name to the world for the first time, and that this probably wasn't the way he had intend to do it. So much for keeping low key he thought to himself, next he'll be telling everyone he has a grade S town, his force composition and Riverside's postal address.

He stopped kicking himself and continued to read the blog post whilst Kai and Andrew continued to take their time to get dressed smartly for breakfast, on the of chance they did get pulled for any entry interviews today. Dom himself felt he was prepared and if anything his slight body changes made him look more mature.

[Next we are on to some more positive things, BananaDinosaur has got in touch to tell us he has joined some ancient Celtic Kingdom from ancient Europe. He has been on some hunts with the tribal chief who felt that BananaDinosaur was an interesting person and wanted him to be one of his guards. BananaDinosaur has said that he has been feasting like a king and that he recommends players to head to the centre of the Northern Continent as the Celtic Kingdom is a great place to be.

I have done some research in to the ancient Celtic Kingdoms of ancient Europe, and I must say they do look like a fun place to play around in. Supposedly they have been hunting some strange creatures that wouldn't normally be nearby Celts, such as Woolly mammoths and he has even a flagon made from mammoth tusk that he has been given to drink from.]

Dom was just about to continue reading when Andrew appeared from his room, not looking any different than usual. Dom could tell that he had tried to put some effort in, but Andrew was tall, dark and handsome and didn't really need to put any effort in.

"Ready to go?" Andrew asked Dom as he put his phone down and got up.

"I am." Dom replied with a smile as Kai appeared from his room, his hair gelled back tightly.

"Let's go get food then!" Kai said with a grin.

The three of them headed to the the cafeteria for breakfast, all going for something simple today as they continued to discuss either World Conquest Online or their future plans depending after leaving the campus, having lived here for the last few years. They sat and ate together and were soon joined by Alice. Her two long blonde pigtails had bows in them today, and Dom had to hold in a laugh as he saw them.

"What are you looking at?" She threatened, touching her pigtails where Dom had been looking. "You had best not be laughing at my bows!"

"I wouldn't dare!" Dom laughed back before turning away.

"I won't warn you again." she said, before changing the conversation, "How has your adventuring been on World Conquest Online?"

"It's been good!" Dom replied, giving Andrew the side eye hoping he would step in at some point.

"I've decided I am going to travel south and adventure." She announced, "It's cold in the north and I am wanting some warmth. I know Claire and Florence are in that direction so I may adventure to them."

"Oh, we are heading south to meet up with Dom!" Kai stated, "You should join up with us."

"Oh really?" Alice said, "Is that what you guys are doing? Where are you meeting, I'll head down there myself."

"It's a long way away." Andrew said, stepping in. "It will take you a long time if you are in the north, the World map is just to big."

"That's fine." Alice replied, "It gives me a goal, the lack of the ability to level up means that my normal goals are skewered, I am learning skills but I need some long term aims."

Andrew gave Alice a loose explanation of where they were heading, not wanting to give her all of the details until they were ready. They wanted Alice as a leader in their guild, but Dom had been wanting to keep the fact he was a Lord quiet from her so it could be a surprise.

Time soon passed and they headed towards the central building where they would see if any of them had been called for interviews or if any of them had received any letters of confirmation that they had a place at their chosen destinations. The building was packed as they arrived as many of their fellow students were gathered and looking to see if there was any news. Most of the Nobles or Royals hadn't turned up as they had their places guaranteed. Kai was one of those with a guaranteed place, but he went with Andrew and Dom anyway as he had applied for central as well, where he wasn't guaranteed a place.

Dom noticed that Horatio was there, stood at the front of the queue in his black hoody, reading the lists to see if their were any appointments. As Dom and the others arrived he looked over at them and locked eyes with Dom, before he began heading over towards then.

"Morning." Horatio said to them.

"Hey Horatio!" Alice said excitedly, "I haven't seen you in ages!"

"I've seen you." Horatio replied matter of fact.

Alice just rolled her eyes at this response before grabbing him and giving him hug. Horatio accepted the hug and looked at his three dorm mates from over her shoulder.

"I have just checked the list. You all have interviews with Central. Congratulations. Dom, you will be surprised to see you have an invite to a hidden sect for an interview as well as Central." Horatio began. "Andrew, you have been invited to an interview with Central as well as to the Military University of Central Intelligence. Kai, you have also got an interview at Central, but no others, but I suspect that is because you only applied there as you have a safe seat."

"Erm, thanks Horatio." Andrew replied, "We were going to look ourselves, but it saves us the effort."

"I thought that would help you skip the queue." Horatio smiled, "But you will still need to check for your times. As your friend, I would advice you all to not head to Central though, you will learn much better skills at alternative destinations."

"If we go to Central, we will have much better long term opportunities." Kai answered back.

"And we can all stay together." Dom agreed

"Where are you going?" Alice asked as she let go of him, "And what did I get?"

"You got an invite to Central, to the Military University of Central Intelligence and also to the Heroes Sect." Horatio replied. "I have my plans for now, and even though Central would keep you together, as long as you keep playing World Conquest Online together, does it matter where you go? Times are changing and the now is more important than the future."

"What do you mean?" Dom asked seriously, but Horatio just shook his head and walked off through the busy crowd. The group all looked at each other and sighed, before heading to see when their interviews were, excited that they had all received an opportunity to join Central, the most prestigious in the Western Kingdom.
