
Failed As A Mother

Nixon always sought refuge in Rosalie whenever he felt lost or distressed.

Just when his mind was dwelling about her, he received a text from Rosalie, "When will you be home Nixon? I am waiting."

His heart jumped in happiness, she still considered the Beloiz estate her home, at the same time he felt nervous, what if she was mad at him.

Today, no sooner than his dreadful meeting with Navien Langton ended he thought about Rosalie. By now she must have learnt about Anastasio's accident, he didn't know how she would react if she heard that came to know that he was behind it. Fortunately Manila's name has come up, Nixon left a sigh of relief at that thought, and she was also not aware that he was the leader of the cruor.

"Nixon" Rosalie rushed into his arms in the usual way. They were at the entrance, the servants took the hint and scurried away.

He looked at Rosalie carefully, she seemed to be angst, but even the, 'Could she be anymore beautiful?Nobody could be as wonderful as this woman.' And so he didn't regret in having the intention of killing her son whom she had got from another man.

His lips automatically reached her, while her hands wrapped around his neck comfortably, they continued kissing as they moved upstairs to his bedroom, on the way he removed the jacket she was wearing over her corset top.

"You visited the company?" He asked, she was after all the chairwoman of the Magnolia corporation.

"Umm... Yes" She replied, her voice was raspy. Rosalie visited her lawyer earlier. She couldn't stay still after knowing everything. Rosalie recalled her ex-husband had once said, "I intend to give back everything to my cousin that is rightfully his."

The money-grubbing woman that she has been throughout her life, she had vehemently fought with him that day, although she was in love with Mr.Faunoa, but a materialistic woman like her could never come to terms with the idea of parting away with wealth. Money made her feel powerful, important and people valued her. She had worked really hard to climb up the ladder. Nixon always told her, that quashing the pride of these houses wasn't enough, we must have our hands on their wealths. We deserve everything. Now having known the reason why Mr.Magnolia had mentioned it the night before he met with an accident, he might have known the secret.

Even if Rosalie atoned for her sins one life wouldn't be enough. However, she already transferred her rights and shares of the company in Anastasio's name. She felt quite calm after it, 'so this is how great it feels to give something to someone you love.'

The pearl beads made noise while scattering on the floor, Nixon had torn it in one tug, he is always quite aggressive.

"Your mind's somewhere else Rosie" He said while dragging her into his lap as he sat on the bed. Over the years this room had remained the same, Rosalie had so many beautiful memories of days and nights spent with him here, they have come really far. Even now when she is a woman and the mother of two sons, with him she still felt like the girl who yearned for warmth and love, life could have been simple, but instead it was like a stretch of quicksand.

Seeing him frowning, she shook her head and responded with a smile. The truth was her head was in a ruckus, because she has come here with a deadly plan nobody knew about. The original plan about which only Anastasio, Nathenel and Edmon discussed about with her was that their next move would require her help. That she would go to Nixon Beloiz and complaint about how lonely, humiliated she felt as Anastasio married Evelyn, and that ge was right that Anastasio could never become her own and it was the biggest blunder she has ever made, because in that way she only created hardship for Nathenel who was their son. It was about appealing to him emotionally and softening him up, when that would be accomplished, she must confess that, she has finally been able to tell the truth to Nathenel, even though upset he still wished to meet his real father. That would set the baut and lure him, after that it was in Nathenel's hands to earn his trust and make him confide in him as his son.

However, what the three of them didn't know about was that Rosalie had bent the plan slightly, because she knows how dangerous a man Nixon is, and she didn't want any of her children to risk their lives, playing with this man was like playing with a wounded man eating tiger.

'If I kill him then all this madness would stop. What's the point of digging up an old grave? They knew the truth, Sio would get back what's rightfully his, and the way he cares for Nathenel he would protect his brother from everything. Even when I am gone Nathenel would still have someone with whom he shares a bloodline.' So she had come prepared, it was just a bit of cyanide that needs to be added in the drinks, 'once he drinks it I would too. I am no less of a sinner than him.' He said while undoing her hair, which immediately cascaded down graciously, his mouth reached her hair and he kissed them, while inhaling it's scent, "I smell peonies in full bloom. But, why my Rosie looks so sad?" He slanted her body to one side.

The views, which could be seen from the front and above,was taking his breath away, Rosalie was too beautiful to be real, her figure and face belied her age. He remembered how that Senator would never lay his paws off her. Even today she was wearing a corset top and a skirt.

Without the jacket, it was far too revealing her such unblemished breasts when viewed from above. His finger lingered around the contours if her corset. It pushed her breasts upwards without any incisions, was naturally enough to attract his gaze towards her cleavage. Right at that moment, Nixon’s shameful pang of jealousy was already squirming within him, she was his woman, yet eaten by so many other men. They had no choice this was part of their scheme. But he loved this woman so much that even this thought ensnared him, and he could never hold back his anger, and he would always take it up with the whores, and recently on Manila. Though he never did intercourse with anyone, as he had promised Rosalie, but he would torment them until they would cry and pass out due to extreme pain and exhaustion.

Her question brought him back from wayward thoughts, "Have you seen the news channel this morning?Anastasio he was attacked, you know how sad I was, but then he married that wench." Tears rolled down her petite face, she smeared her lipstick as she pressed her face on his chest and wept, "in the end, he never cared about what his mother thinks or feels."

Nixon was perturbed he couldn't watch her cry and his anger towards Anastasio intensified, "Oh Rosie..." He cradled her.

"You... You were right, I shouldn't have gave birth to him" Rosalie regretted saying such ominous words, 'I am sorry my baby please forgive this mother.'

"I was wrong. A child born out of motive and not live could never care much." She cried again.

"I feel so lonely. How could he disregard his mother for that wench."

Nixon was surprised, and at the same time satisfied to hear these words, things were going too perfectly as his plan the more Rosalie distanced herself from that son the easier it would be for her to accept when Anastasio is gone.

"Who said ny Rosie is alone? I am there and you have our only son and daughter in law, we will live as one family. It's just a matter of a few days then I will marry you. I can't wait to see you in the bridal dress."

'No Rosalie don't get weak he tried to kill your son.'

"Come on now, let me make you forget all that. We are here like this after such long. Won't you let me have a bite of you my love. I am starving."

He kissed her voraciously, untill both ended up panting.

Suddenly flash of him making Manila come at the library came back. He was looking at her with those hungry eyes. She wished she could laugh, 'When Manila was caught she looked like a scared mouse. And it took her a moment to switch side when she was tempted by the promise that nothing wrong would happen to the Langtons. She vomited all that she knew about Nixon, and swore to be a witness on Anastasio's side. Right now she is under house arrest in a hotel under the Faunoa under a fake identity.

'Your little mistress who called you master has already offered her leash to your enemy.'

He pulled her closer, her amassed chest was pulled out from the insides of the wire, Rosalie let out a fleeting moan when her bare chest was exposed in the chilly air.

"Umm...Nick let me make a drink first."

He was already gobbling her bosom and sucking on her erect nipples.

"Ahhh... Rosie... I can't have enough of you. Let's drink later.Who wants alcohol when I have you." When he was this desperate it meant something bad had happened with him, Rosalie was curious, what made him so tensed.

Her hands were shaking, but if she further got swayed away she won't be able to pour the poison. It was getting harder to pull away.

"Let me be at some peace tonight Rosie, let me worship you." He said as he tore away her skirt, laying her down on the bed. "You are the only one I have" Rosalie froze, she was defeated yet again he failed to become a mother over this man's love.

Rosalie's heart stirred though she had made up her mind when she came her, but it was going to be hard. Because despite everything her twisted heart loved this man.

Instead, she heard herself saying, "I have told Nathenel the truth about who his father is." shamelessly yet again putting her sons in danger. He stopped for a moment, to look at her, she realised he had removed his lenses to reveal his real eye color, stark grey eyes with hint of silver, something which he revealed only in front of her. She was burning under the heat of his gaze, she deserved to die, but his tongue dug in even more vigorously as if in appreciation. This man would devour her tonight, she said a prayer to God, to take both their lives together, before getting completely swept away by the irresistible tide of his love.
