
Chapter X

The morning was turning out to be quite hectic. As I dried the futon on the balcony, I noticed that Naruto's diaper was leaking. It must have been a while since he was last changed. After cleaning him up, I assisted him with his baby needs. It was a bit exhausting and I knew I couldn't manage this all day.

In the end, I put little Naruto to a piece of cloth fashioned to a sling tied on my chest and headed to the Hokage tower. I didn't think reporting it to patrolling ninja would do much good, and I hoped that the Hokage would spare some time for two orphans.

"What do you need?" the receptionist asked as I walked in with Naruto in my arms. I knew she recognized the baby and I could see it in her eyes.

"I need to meet the Hokage," I stated briefly, trying to hide my nervousness.

The receptionist gave me a half-hearted excuse, saying that he was busy or away. It was clear that she had a prejudice against Naruto. I knew that ninja could hide it well under their professionalism, but it still bothered me. The incident had taken away many lives, and they needed some sort of outlet for their stress and sorrow. But that didn't mean I had to agree with it.

We had been arguing for ten minutes, and my temper was slowly rising. Naruto looked innocently between us, not knowing what was happening.

"Enough," an older voice broke through our argument. I turned to see an old man in a white and red robe. I knew it was the Hokage from the symbol on his hat.

"Hokage-sama?" The receptionist stuttered, surprised.

"Bring the kids in," the Hokage ordered, and the receptionist quickly complied.

As we walked into the Hokage's office, I couldn't help but feel nervous. I knew I had done the right thing by reporting the abuse, but this is the first time I talked to him in first person. The Hokage sat at his desk, looking at us with a stern expression.

"Nobuyuki was it, what brings you here today?" he asked.

I took a deep breath, trying to organize my thoughts, "Hokage-sama, as you may already know, I came across Naruto being abused by the Matron at the orphanage. I am requesting that you look into this incident and take action."

The Hokage's expression softened as he listened to me.

"We'll open an investigation based on your claim. If this found out to be true, she'll be replaced and the staff fired for negligence. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Nobuyuki-kun. You have done well."

I stuttered upon his praise, "N- no, I'm just doing the right thing."

"Nevertheless, it must have taken courage. I commend you for it."

Trying to shift the focus, I asked, "Also, what should I do with him?" I gestured to little Naruto, who was playing with his hands.

"Isn't it your responsibility to take care of him now for the time being?" The Hokage playfully smiled, and I inwardly sighed. He wasn't wrong, but this would be a challenge.

"Y-yes... I suppose it is," I muttered.

In the end, since the Hokage assured me that the case would be handled soon, I decided not to linger any longer in his office and excused myself.


As I walked through the market district with Naruto in my arms, I couldn't help but feel grateful for his presence. "You're such a trooper," I whispered to him, earning a coo in response. Despite the weight of the responsibility on my shoulders, I felt a sense of purpose that I hadn't felt in a long time.

I entered the general store and made a beeline for the baby aisle, scanning the shelves for the items I needed. Diapers, formula, clothes, and a new blanket. As I gathered the supplies, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as I added up the cost in my head. It would be a tight squeeze, but I was determined to provide for Naruto.

As I reached for the formula box, I realized that someone else was trying to grab it too. I turned my head and saw Itachi, to my misfortune, with his hand outstretched. I quickly pulled back, "Please, go ahead."

The world is playing jokes on me.

"Thank you," he replied politely. It turned out that he wasn't alone either, as he was carrying a baby in a sling. Naruto noticed and leaned forward, trying to get out of his own sling.

"Naruto, that's not safe. Please stay put," I warned him, but he just babbled back in protest.

"It seems his name is Naruto," Itachi observed, breaking the awkward silence between us. Despite our lack of social skills, I tried to respond, "Yes, he's in my care for the moment."

"This little one is my brother, Sasuke," Itachi introduced, pointing to the baby in his arms. "I hope they can become friends."

I couldn't help but almost snort at the irony. Fate sure had a sense of humor. "I'm sure they'll be the best of friends," I replied, watching as Naruto once again tried to reach out towards Sasuke. Best friends forever, but hopefully no homo.

The checkout process was silent and awkward as both babies reached towards each other.

At the checkout counter, I handed over the items and counted out the payment, wincing as I watched the coins leave my hand. "Is everything alright?" Itachi asked, noticing my expression.

"Yeah, it's just a bit of a stretch," I replied with a small smile.

Unsure of what to say or do next, I simply wanted to say goodbye to Itachi politely, but fate had other plans for me. I heard a shout nearby, directed towards us or perhaps the person next to me.

"Itachi! That's where you are. I was worried since Sasuke is missing on his crib." A bead of sweat on her ivory face. Even with two children I could see her beauty still standing through.

Not that I interested. I peered my eyes off her.

I don't think I can quietly slip away.

"Ara, and who is this?" I don't think I can get away, I cried inwardly at her attention on me. She hides it well but I'm sure she knows whose baby is this in my arms but chose not to say anything.

I could only offer a brief resistance in the form of an automated response. "Hello, I'm Noboyuki," I said, trying to remember a lecture on introducing yourself. "I'm Itachi's classmate in the academy."

Then I felt a nudge from my arm, and realized Naruto was demanding to be introduced as well. "And this is Naruto. He ended up in my care for various reasons at the moment," I added, hoping my introduction was sufficient. I just wanted to disappear.

As I introduced myself to the Uchiha Matriarch, she beamed at me with a radiance that defied the dark reputation of her clan.

"Amazing, I never thought the day would come where Itachi would have a friend amongst his peers," she exclaimed, her happiness evident. "He's a clever boy, but as his mother, I worry about his social circle. How will he find a bride or make powerful connections if his social skills are lacking?"

I wanted to point out that it wasn't wise to dump all of her worries for her son onto a stranger, especially in front of the aforementioned son. I could feel Itachi's annoyed gaze on me. What are you blaming me for? I'm innocent in the grand scheme of things.

"Mother, I'm here," he spoke up.

Mikoto turned to her son. "What is it, Itachi? I'm sorry, I didn't hear you."

As the mother-son exchange unfolded, I couldn't help but wonder if having a mother was a blessing or a curse. It seemed to have its ups and downs.

"I'm only six years old," Itachi stated, hoping to excuse his lack of social skills that his mother had just lamented about.

"That didn't stop you from learning all those ninja techniques, however," Mikoto countered.

Not wanting to be caught in the middle of a mother-son quarrel, I coughed lightly to get their attention. I think it would be rude to just quietly slipped away, "Etto, may we leave now?"

Mikoto's gaze shifted to me. "Oh my, how rude of me. I apologize for showing such a behavior in front of you. Anyway, I'm Mikoto Uchiha, this child's mother." She playfully ruffled Itachi's hair, much to his annoyance. "Please be kind to him in the following years, Nobuyuki-kun."

I stuttered, trying to form a response. "The feeling is mutual, Itachi's mama."

She giggled a bit at my flustered state. I lamented the fact I left the Paper Bag Izuna gave me on my desk. "It's fine." Then, she clapped her hands together, a new idea forming. "How about you come over to play for a bit? I'm sure Itachi would be delighted at the prospect."

"Mother, I have to ref-"

"Right, Itachi?"

"Yes, you can come to visit, Nobuyuki-san."

Could I say no?

Then, I looked at her eyes.

