

When Oriana arrived at the guest mansion to visit her grandfather, Erich had already arrived and was patiently waiting for her in the chamber.

"How are you, Oriana?" he inquired.

"I'm well, Master," she responded, and in turn, she heard him say, "Congratulations on your wedding."

"Thank you," she replied before asking, "How is Grandpa doing now?"

"He's stable. I'm just waiting to see if we can finally create that medicine. The King is fully recovered, and I need to return to my own place. I do hope we can heal your grandfather before that happens."

"Are you leaving, Master?"

"Not yet, as I'm still here for your grandfather. But the original purpose of my presence in this palace has been fulfilled. Although I'm not the reason His Majesty has recovered, the reason for my being in this palace no longer exists."
