This time, it was Raylen who was left stunned by the news, and his eyes narrowed considerably enough to cause the imp to cower. The torches' flames flickered, as if the Archdemon's temperament was affecting their intensity.
"And who is responsible for taking my mother's soul?" Raylen asked in a low voice.
"T—They are still looking for the culprits who released the souls, including your mother's. The rest of the souls are being captured. It isn't known whether it was a targeted act or a random one—"
"Nothing is ever random in the world that we live in. Everything is a calculated and orchestrated move towards something bigger." Raylen's words were sharp, and even Emily could detect the anger in his tone. "The souls imprisoned where she was kept were all unimportant. No one would have cared for them," he murmured.
Emily could only imagine that the Devil was trying to hunt down the person who had released them.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: