
The tests

After 5 minutes I was all dressed up I had on a black button up long sleeves shirt the sleeves was rolled up passed the elbow over it was a dark red vest that had small images of black roses on it over that was dark brown suspenders over all this was a dark red coat that had black parts like color and from the elbow down plus two pockets over the left shoulder attached to the left suspender was a black shoulder pauldron and emblazoned on it was a red serpent drake the top three bottoms was undone on my undershirt as for pants I want with dark jeans held up by a dark brown leather belt I also had a haircut since my hair had grown from my hitting 50 gains I changed up my style though I cut the sides short and keeping the top long like Heavys and I also put it up and branded it like his I pulled on fingerless black gloves and I laced up my new back military boots I put my pant leg over the top of it I stood up looking to the other 3 saying what do you think the man smiled nodding saying it defiantly fits your look Fives nodded he had his helmet off he brought a hand to his chin saying yea but it feels like it's missing something Heavy nodded and walked over to the printer he printed off three things the first was a gold chain necklace the other the next was a dark brown gun belt and a blaster that looked like a revolver he handed them to me saying put these on I did Fives nodded saying that's it he needed a weapon but the necklace is a nice touch I looked to the fitter asking does the right side do what I want he simple nodded good I said nodding right then I heard scale steal hitting against each other that ringing noise echoed through the town and I heard people moving are way Fives quickly put on his helmet ran up to me saying let's move and we ran out of the house to the forge which literally a huge force there was a huge smelter in the middle of the room with 6 work stations around it and in the left side of this room had many bleachers they were in a c shape there were probably about 7 to 8 floors of seats but Fives didn't look over there he lead me into a room of to the side which had a fang on the door this room wasn't very big there were only 4 seats and that was about it Fives turned to me saying wait here till someone from the fang tribe come and gets you dad told me to give this to you and he took from his back father's laser sword he said you would know what to do with it I took it from him I simple nodded and put it on the back of my belt where it was out of site good luck brother see you soon he patted my shoulder a few times and ran out of the room I walked in the middle of this room I sat on the ground crossing my legs I closed my eyes and started meditating connecting with the gift of the galaxy I could hear, smell and sense all the people that was coming onto the forge and all of them want and took a seat I felt a familiar presents enter the room next to me it was Helge but she wasn't alone in her room no there were 2 others Helge was sitting in a corner doing the same thing as me she sensed me and I her it was comforting to know we weren't fare from each other time slowly passed as the seats filled up after 10 minutes I heard that ringing noise again ding ding ding and everyone want quiet and I heard a males voice say welcome all it is that time again where we initiate young ones into leviathan from here on if everything goes well they will be one of us and there real training to forge them into mighty worrier's and with that we all know how this works but I will say it again there are three tests the first is simple enough they walk out here and we vote to see if we trust them if we don't they got to prove themself to the tribes that show there dedication and loyalty and if we think that their show of dedication is efficient enough we move on to the next test which is combat someone from that persons tribe will be chosen and they will deal if we think that there skills are good enough they pass to the final test which is less a test and more of strathonging there minds wall one of the smiths makes there helmet they will watch and the fire and force will show them there weaknesses like any piece of metal they will shape and farm into the warrior they can be let's get started I heard many people mumble and shuffle good tribe tail go and get your first youngling I heard someone walk and open the door furthered from me I heard muffled words and two people walked out the younging walked into the middle of the stage where I assumed the smith was standing introduce yourself the smith instructed and in a little but confident voice the youngling said Levi M Tail the smith didn't say anything but I assumed he nodded he turned to the ground saying all those who trust Levi hear hold your hands up I heard hands raze ok you can lower your hands he passed onto the next test Tail tribe send one of your members up and test the boy I heard someone stand up and walk onto the stage but I heard the smith ask Levi what weapons he wanted Levi want with a stun tonfa and a shield a very common fighting style are you two ready the smith asked the two didn't say anything but I assumed they nodded three two one and I heard that ringing noise again and the sound of battle stated but it only lasted 2 minutes till I heard that ringing noise and the fight was over the smith said to the rest saying all those who believe he is skilled enough raze your hand ok we are on to next test I will be taking Levi here to my force another smith will take over and with that, an hour passed and the sound of hammers hitting steal was very common we had to wait longer do to their only being 6 smiths but finally I heard a female voice say ok claw tribe go and get a youngling I sensed a person walk close to my room but stopping at Helge's room I heard a familiar, female voice say Helge your up it was Rage Helge got up and walked out of the room and onto the stage the smith looked at her saying tell us all your name Helge with confidence said Helge ray Dragon the smith turned to the rest saying all those who believe we can trust her raze your hand ok all those who don't raze your hand the smith turned to Helge saying you will have to show your dedication Helge probably nodded saying I choose to get my families mark branded onto my body I heard many people start whispering the smith didn't say I heard her grab something and I hear her walk over to the force I heard something enter the fire after a few seconds the smith walled back to Helge saying where do you want it I heard clothes being moved there Helge said probably pointing where she wanted it the next second I heard the sound of flesh being burned I could smell it as well all Helge did was let out a little cry at the beginning but that was it after a few moments I heard something being moved back and clothes being moved back into place is that show of dedication good enough for yall the smith asked and I heard little bite in her voice I heard people nodding ok you pass next task is showing your skill Claw tribe send out a member to test her the smith turned to Helge and asked what she wanted for weapons Helge simple said two stun axes after a few moments I heard the smith saying are both sides ready three two one ding and I heard the battle start unlike any of the battles before this it actually sounded real and took a little longer but after 3 minutes I heard a weapon brake and the ding to sound that the fight was over the smith asked is she skilled enough to join us all those who think so raise your hand ok I will talk Helge to her last test and with that Helge walked off to a forge with the smith 30 minutes passed till finally I heard a males voice it was the same smith that started this hole thing ok Fang tribe go and get your youngling I heard someone walking to me door it opened and I heard Heavy's voice say it's time Hunter I opened my eyes and stood up smiling it would seem so and I walked to the door he pat me on the right shoulder as I walked passed I walked to the stage that was at the bottom of the bleachers I glanced at the bleachers and it was all packed I seen my dad and Fives sitting at the bottom right sitting next to my dad was a woman in gold and black armor painted on her helmet was a bats head she had her helmet so I could see her face she was a very beautiful lady she was white skinned with dark raven black that was chut short it stopped at her ear and her eyes was dark green when her eyes landed on me her eyes got sharp and angry but I didn't really care cuz I was getting angry and suspicious looks from a lot of people I stood next to the smith who was normal hi probable 5'11 he had on black armor his helmet didn't have anything painted on it but there was small spikes that ran from the top do the back he had over his armor was a black coat and in his hand was a shiny hammer made from scale metal I stopped next to him he nodded at me saying ok tell is your name I smiled and in a calm clear voice said Hunter James Dragny when everyone heard my middle name many of them gasped and people started standing up but the smith held up his hammer which made them sit back down ok he nodded and looked out to the people saying everyone all those who trust him raze your hand Heavy's and Fives hand shot up immediately so did my dad and the others that I met on the ship but I also seen a women in dark purple armor she had her helmet on but I could tell it was Cortana and there were a few other clones that had been brought into the tribe who razed there hand and there was one other woman she was on the left side she was sitting next to Rage she had her helmet off and I could immediately tell where Helge got her looks from cuz Helge was a spitting image of this women but where Helge had a strong and crazy sense about her this women was calm cool and collected her armor was beautiful it was back with lines of red and gold on it there was an owl beast painted on the helmet she razed her hand so did Rage that shocked many people but no one else razed there hand except for Rex who was sitting behind my dad ok lower your hand it very clear that really no one trusted me that will change soon the smith turned to me saying it will seem you will have to show your dedication I nodded and took a step closer to everyone ass I pulled the string that attached my right sleeves and like that, my right sleeves fell to the flood I took out from my bet my father's laser sword I turned to my father as I activated it the long black blade extended out from the handle I brought the sword in front of my face saluting him and staring right at him saying I show my dedication to my father and to the tribe I held out my arm and before anyone could stop me I swung up cut it off but not at the elbow like before no I cut it off at the shoulder people screamed and gasped but I wasn't done after my arm got cut off I looked to everyone else and brought the blade to the wound burning it the smell of burning flesh mixed with the sound made many people go white fasted hell some looked sickly I cauterized the wound like I did before my eyes didn't waver off them all and unlike Helge all I did was grall and snarl I took the blade off my shoulder and deactivated it and put it back onto my belt but not in the back like before no it handed in the front on my left side I picked up my cut of arm and walked slowly walked to the furnace at this point all the other smiths stopped what they're doing and watched what would happen next I turned to everyone else saying let this lim show my dedication to the tribe let it be a constant reminder and I throw it into the forge when the arm entered the furnace it immediately caught fire and sank into the furnace never to be seen again I didn't even look back to the furnace to watch I stared at them all with my cold sharp snake eyes I showed no emotion on my face my eyes said everything the smith looked to everyone else saying is this show of dedication what you all wanted and I could hear anger and sadness in his voice even though it was the voice from the helmet and many of the tribes man lowered there heads but there was a few that didn't even move I slowly walked next to the smith back on the stage as I walked up to him I looked over to Heavy and gave him a nodd he simple nodded back to me as I stepped io next to the Smith he turned to me and in a proud voice he said you pass the first test are you capable of doing the other test I simply nodded the smith nodded saying ok Fang tribe send up one of your members to test the boy in combat I looked over to the fang tribe and three people stood up the first was Fives saying I will be honored to test my brother and he turned to our father his mother was glaring at him but here face stayed neutral next to stand up was Rex saying It would be a honor to test my nephew when Rex said that some people was shocked and started whispering with each other but all of them want quite when Heavy stood up he turned to my father saying it would be a honor to test my new little brother when he said that it was like a explosion want off many people stood up shocked and they started talking loudly no way there is no way that this boy has impressed this many hi ranking members what the fuck is this Fang tribe another member stood up from a different tribe saying yea what the hell did you really think we would believe that this well this child has impressed both the stone guardian and the red ghost yea another member yelled even your own son who is the air to your post has stood up to test the boy are you making a mockery of the but right then ding ding ding that ringing noise echoed through the room which made everyone go quite and look at the smith who was holding two scale hammers now he lowered them from above his head and in a angry voice he said that is enough the fang tribe hasn't done anything wrong if you can't except that these three have stepped up to test there youngling that is your damn problem so shut up and sit down it's funny how the Claw tribe didn't even stand up nore did they throw insults around at the fang tribe and these two tribes have the worst blood amongst each other and yet the leader and her second in command both raised there hand saying they trust this boy wall the rest of you letted your greed and anger cloud your judgment so sit down shut up and watch this youngling get tested his words stung and many people sat right down not wanting to cause any more problems but there was a few who stayed standing but when the smith stared at each one of these people they slowly sat back down angrily know fang tribe send a member to test your youngling my father looked to Fives nodded at him and Fives walked onto the stage wall Rex and Heavy sat back down the smith asked me if I wanted any weapons but I shook my head saying no I got all I need he nodded Fives got opposite of me the smith stood between us are both sides ready he asked he looked over to Fives who took his laser sword off his belt he brought the handle in front of his face and activated it the red blade extending out from the handle the red light shined off his armor the smith nodded and turned to me I moved my coat to the side so my dads laser sword was visible I opened my hand and my dads laser sword shot of my belt and into my hands I heard ma y people whispering when I did this but I ignored them I brought the handle in front of my face and used my innate ability to activate the blade but only on training mode which still hurt it was like a stun mode it would still hurt but it wasn't lethal the black blade extended out from the handle the smith nodded at me he raised his hammers above his head hitting them together which made that ringing noise he then said stepped back saying start but I didn't charge at him Fives didn't charge at me either we both lowered are swords and got into a fighting stance his was simple he put a foot behind him he bint his knees as he grabbed his sword with both hands pointing the tip at me I simple moved my right foot back as my sword was off to my left side tip pointing down I smiled saying let's dance my brother and I lunged at him spinning my sword at him he quickly blocked my first attack but I then flipped over him swinging down as I flipped but he blocked again and when I landed I noticed something my arm felt heavy I glanced at the blade which felt heavier thinking what is happening the blade felt fine before this what should I do what can I do but Fives didn't let me think cuz he turned around swinging down at me I razed the sword and blocked it we pushed against each other with our blades trying to gain ground sparks flew off are blades as Fives said can you feel it brother I nodded saying yes I do fathers blade is rejecting me Fives didn't say anything as he moved to the side which made me stumble he swung at my leg but I jumped and rolled over it I turned around swinging Fives blocked my attacks easily my sword felt even heavier if this keeps up I won't last long I thought to my self I used him as a wall to spin around and kick his legs out from under him but I lost balance do to my left side having more wait then my right but I didn't let that effect me and I used one hand to jump my self back onto my feet Fives got up as well he reactivated his sword as did I and we lunged at each other we exchanged attacks going back and forth no attack has landed but some had gotten close I jumped up and used my wait and momentum to swung down at him he raised his sword blocking the attack but it brought him to one knee I swung three more times straight down on his sword after the last attack his guard opened up and I used this chance to thrust my blade forward but then it happened the sword was to heavy for me I about dropped it so I jumped back dodging Fives attack I looked down at the blade the black blade shined at me angrily I glared at it thinking to my self what is happening is this blade alive or is it just be I looked forward to see Fives getting up I quickly brought the sword in front of my face I closed my eyes and concentrated on the blade using both my innate ability and the gift from the galaxy or the gift of the stars time seemed to slow down all sound disappeared I was standing on water I was looking at a sea it was dark and forming out of the water in front of me was a human in a black cloak he had his hands crossed in his cloak, and his hood was up and I could not see a face but I did see two glowing green eyes they flickered and danced like fire I heard a deep demonic voice say what do you want boy y did you come to this place I shrugged saying so your the sword huh how interesting the being shifted behind me saying you are both correct and incorrect I rolled my eyes at it's vague answer ok then y wound you let me us you y are you fighting me the being kept on walking around me it chuckled saying you ask the wrong questions boy the real question is y should I let you even touch me let alone us me I laughed saying you sure are cocky for a sword let me guess next you're going to promise me power if I let you take over my body or something like that right the being stopped in front of me it was shocked I laughed saying you was wasn't you I am sorry to say but I don't need your strength I am perfectly capable of getting my own strength I could tell the being was glaring at me it started walking again boy if I was you I would watch that tongue of yours before it gets you killed I smiled widely saying you can't kill me so shut up and obey my orders the being got right in my face saying boy you listen do not but right then I grabbed it by the throat I had that crazy jester grin on my face my eyes was closed and in a kind voice I said no you listen I do not care who or what you are nore do I care all that matters is your getting in my way and I get rid of my problems you have no idea who your fucking with and that kind sweet voice was gone and what replaced it was an ice cold voices and I opened my eyes which was glowing bright green they looked crazy and ruthlessness the being shuddered and the being was gone what was in my hand was that black blade good I said and I opened my eyes Fives was swinging down at me I spun to the side hitting his leg which made him go to one knee I spun around flipping in front of him and then ding ding ding the smith hit his hammers together everyone was shocked Fives was on one knee I was standing over him the black blade was at his neck the smith walked beside us saying Hunter wins I deactivated the sword I put it on my belt and I lowered a hand down to him Fives looked up to me he took it saying good fight brother I nodded saying indeed that was fun we should do it again he nodded laughing but he stood back nodding at the smith he stepped in front of me looking at everyone saying do you think is skilled enough to join us all those who think so rase your hand and unlike before almost everyone raised there hand up the smith nodded at them and turned to me saying You pass the second test let's move into the last test follow me and he walked off the stage he walked passed two other work stations the smiths was working on the youngling's helmets as for the younglings they were sitting on the ground off to the side their eyes were wide open and there mouths a little slacked jaw they were watching the smiths with misty eyes, my smith, lead me to the workstation in the far back of the room he was also the biggest out of them all he had three tables one had wires, metal glass, and paint on the second table there were many half made parts of many different things from weapons, armor, bombs, hell even ammo on the last table was a box that was propped up and opened and in there I seen many tools made from Scale steal I seen two spots that had a shape of two hammer's there was an anvil and power hammer in the middle is this area it was all spread around and close enough to the furnace he turned to me saying sit passed the anvil I nodded and walked passed the anvil and off to the side so I could see everything he turned to me saying the helmet is both the beginning and the stepping stone for your armor it will be with you at all time it will be part of you it will be like a second face so you got a few options to pick from you have seen them already on others so what will it be Hunter Dragny I thought about it saying well I want it to be painted black with the glass being red moving down the the eyes two red lines like fangs like the fangs on Heavy's armor I want the eye gaps to be long and sharp points at the end of them like my fathers as for the inside I don't need thermal or night vision sense I already gave that so just keep basic with rooms for updates sense I will do that my self the last thing I want is two red horns coming up from between my eyes that go all the way up my head like what many of the clones have on their helmets the smith nodded saying I can do all that but y that last part when you know many people won't like it I smiled saying I don't care what they think it's to show my respect to the clones who have died and who are dying for a better future that they had no voices in and it's also so that I mix with my brothers and sisters in arms I plan on fighting by there side when the time comes it is a respect thing if others don't like well that's to damn bad it's my helmet it's my choices he nodded saying ok let's get started and he pulled out many black ingots and there over the black was many different color scales he put them all in this circle pain he picked up the pain by the long metal handle it hand he carried it to the furnace the steal slowly started melting sense we don't got many scales steal everyone has to pitch in and help be it money, materials, foul and even more scale steal everyone must split what they find for the younglings and also for repairs, ammo and the such perhaps you will join our ranks only time will tell the forge will bring out your weakness and memory's just like this steal you are always being forged and shaped into your true self a better you cuz just like steal humans are thrown into the fire to take out all our weaknesses and impurities don't fight the feeling dive deep into it and shape your self I nodded as he pulled out the pain the metal that was in it was red hot liquid he brought it back to the table and poured it into a circle mold as he poured the liquid steal into the mold the first sparks jumped around that's when my eyes started to cloud over but I didn't fight it I let it flow over my body and my mind and right then I was standing in the middle of a battlefield I hiding under a body as this group of soldiers was walking by I was probably only 5 I was trying not to move these soldiers was stabbing body's as they was walking I felt something slither over the top of me but I didn't move I stayed still and I seen a black snake move in front of my face it's red eyes was staring at me it curled around it's felt but didn't attack the soldiers was getting closer and closer and this snake didn't move at all no it even yond and I could see it's huge fangs the soldiers was on top of me know and the body over the top of me got stabbed but it didn't but me that is when the who stabbed that body stopped flipped the body off of me and I felt something stab into my back it want all the way throw my body I screamed that made the snake strike at me I used my right arm to block it that's when I felt two fangs dig into my arm I pulled off the snake throwing it at the knight the knight screamed and let go of his spear I broke spear in half but I didn't pull it out I pulled out a dagger from my boot pounced onto the knight who was on the ground he throw off the snake but I landed on top of him stabbing my dagger up under his helmet killing him quickly enough I rolled off of him and started to run and I didn't look back I ran off the battlefield into the woods till I feel down my body was burning from the poison from the snake damn it I must be stronger I must train harder i do not want to be pray no I will be a predator no I will be more then that I will be the one who hunts the predators and I feel asleep and like that this memory faded and I was standing in front of my stepdad of this world he was yelling at me he pointed at the fridge saying did you eat the honey wings that was in the fridge I shook my head saying no sir he angrily stared at me and he smacked me across the face saying don't you lie to me boy did you eat them no sir I said starting at him he slapped me again he asked the same question again and again and each time I said no sir and he would smack me harder and harder I am warning you boy this is the last time I will ask nicely did you eat the wings in the fucking fridge no sir I said looking into his eyes my head was a little dizzy from how many times he smacked me but the man glared at me saying ok I warned you about laying to me and he pulled off his belt and grabbed my by the hair turning me around he raised his belt and swung down with the buckle it hit me on the back it moved my hole body I tried to get out of his grip but I stood no chance he swung again and again till my back was bruised and bloody he let go of my hair I dropped to the floor you better not lie or eat any of my foot again know go to you room and he kicked me which made me slide on the floor hitting the wall next to my door I could barely move but I slowly cradle into my room shutting the door behind me I didn't even have the strength to pull my self into my bed so I just laid there on the floor bleeding my eyes shined with anger and bloodlust I swear I will kill you, Jim when I am able to I will beat you bloody like you did to me and when it's all over I will dangle a little bit of hope in front of you right then I will kill you when you think you will live your face of shock then disappear will be glorious don't worry about my mother either she will die to but hers will be quick and easy I will give her that mercy sense she birthed me and don't worry about your kids I know a old war vet who would love to adopt them like he did for me and I feel asleep this memory faded and I was back in the current time I saw the Smith at the table that had the parts he glanced over to me saying was it in lite full I nodded saying indeed it rereminded me of what my goal is and it also reminded me of a promise a promise I will do I will enjoy it the smith nodded saying well the forge affects everyone differently but here is your helmet and he picked it up from the table it looked exactly how I enjoyed it he walked in front of me saying do you Hunter Dragny swear to be loyal to the tribe cuz what is life without your family and loyalty I do I said do you swear to be honorable cuz y should we kill and fight for our future if we don't got honor I do I said strength is life the strong role over the week do you swear to be strong I do I said lastly death do you swear to live as you die and die as you live cuz what is death without life and life without death this is the rules of the galaxy I do I said he nodded saying I the first smith of the Leviathan am honored to be the first to welcome you into the family welcome to leviathan may you bring victory and honor to your name and tribe and he lowered the helmet over my head my vision want a little dark and everything had a red tint but that could easily be fixed thank you first smith I am honored to be here I said and my voices sounded sort of like Heavys just more wild natural the smith nodded saying know come move to the feast everyone will be waiting for you and maybe someone will choose you as there apprentice I nodded standing up I stumbled a bit do to the off balances the smith cot me saying we can also ask the doctor what they can do for your arm he said I nodded saying yea as long as is a-ok cybernetic arm I can do the rest my self in upgrades and that stuff he nodded and we started walking out of the forge.
