

The first thing Liam did was grab Kamjin's limp body and throw him at Aki's doorstep. For no particular reason, other than they were both blacksmiths. 

Although Kamjin looked like a decrepit old man, Aki wasn't exactly young, despite the lush red hair and supple skin. 

She was 131 years old, while the Iron Hammer was 251. Both were dinosaurs. 

After he was done with that, he called over the figureheads of the Temple and arranged for a meeting.


"I'm gonna be leaving for a while."

Those were the words that Liam chose to open the meeting with.

Everyone who held an important role in the clan was present, from Aki to Kamjin. 

There was a pregnant pause… leaving only Kamjin's snores to echo across the wide halls. 

"How long?" Jane asked with a tinge of concern in her voice. 

Liam wasn't the strongest cultivator the Temple had, but he was its cornerstone and core. 
