
Research Team

"Hello everyone." The father who travelled to Kraudonne with Zane approached the workers who were waiting in front of him.

"Hello" The workers answered. "So you're the new guy?"

"Yes." The man nodded. "I arrived here yesterday and I've been assigned with you guys in dig site 1."

"Good Good." A worker nodded. "We need new workers here."

"Yes! We need to find something in our dig site too!" Another chimed in. "And no one from dig site 2 came to join our group either." He frowned.

"Alright then, let's get to work." The workers headed towards their dig site with new vigor to start working. Seeing the workers from dig site 2 getting rewarded for finding a door, they got new motivation to work.

As for the knights, after a good night's rest, they headed towards their stations too.

Right now, Edana was headed with two knights inside the tunnel of dig site 2.

"All that work for nothing." A knight sighed.
