
Chapter 328 : The Final Battle (6)

"Big Brother!!!"

Xie Jianyu rushed into the cloud of smoke to rescue Xie Jianshen, but Head Servant Zhou held him back.

"Master, don't," he said with an urgent voice. "Master, it is dangerous!"

"Let me go!" Xie Jianyu snapped at his subordinate. "Now!"

Head Servant Zhou never defied Xie Jianyu before, but this time he held his ground.

"No, Master," he said firmly. "This servant must offend Master this one time. I am willing to accept any kind of punishment later."


Xie Jianyu strained against Head Servant Zhou's iron grip to no avail. Just as despair threatened to engulf him, a voice cut through the oppressive silence and made his heart skip a beat.

"Little Yu, I am fine. There is no need to ruffle your scales for my sake." As the billowing cloud of smoke dissipated, Xie Jianshen emerged, unscathed amidst the swirling remnants.

"Big Brother...!"
