
Chapter 238 : Grandchildren (2)

In response, Xie Jianyu lowered his gaze.

"Truthfully, I am not the kind of omega who dreamed about building a family and giving birth to as many children as possible."

The Crown Prince's eyelashes fluttered as he pressed a hand against his stomach.

It was a subtle gesture, but it tugged at Zhang Fengxi's heart violently.

"But I have become your wife, and you have become my husband. It feels natural to have children together, doesn't it?"

With a soft sigh, Zhang Fengxi took Xie Jianyu into his arms.

"Yes," he agreed. "It does."

Only that they could not.

If Xie Jianyu gave birth, then he would...!!!

Hot tears accumulated in Zhang Fengxi's eyes. He cried silently, blinking all the tears away before Xie Jianyu caught sight of them. This was his burden to bear. He did not want to make Xie Jianyu sad. Not when his beloved wife only had several years left to live.
