
Crazy dream

"Fresh fruits, the best and cheapest in all of Govirdale! Come quick, or you'll regret it later!" shouted the vendor. Alex's eyes widened in amazement as he looked around the busy street market. He couldn't believe what he was seeing; humans and Teras were living together in harmony, trading goods and chatting as if they had been lifelong friends. The scene before him was like nothing he had ever witnessed before.

Growing up, Alex had been taught to fear and distrust Teras, and he had always believed that they were evil beings. But here, in the middle of Govirdale, he saw that his beliefs were unfounded. Humans and Teras were working together, living side by side, and it was a beautiful sight.

He watched as a group of human children ran past him, giggling and chasing a young Tera boy. The Tera boy had wings and was fluttering above the ground, laughing with the children.

As he continued to walk through the market, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. Maybe the stories he had been told about Teras were wrong. Maybe they weren't evil beings after all.

Alex couldn't believe what he was seeing. How was it possible for him to be dreaming of Olana, and why was she here in this marketplace with him? He felt a rush of emotions, including confusion and excitement.

"Olana, what are you doing here? How can you be in my dream?" Alex asked, trying to make sense of it all.

Olana chuckled softly, a warm and reassuring sound. "My dear boy, this is not just any dream. This is a dream that you have created with your mind. It is a reflection of your deepest desires and fears."

Alex was taken aback by her words. "My deepest desires and fears? What do you mean?"

Olana placed a comforting hand on Alex's shoulder. "You long for a world where humans and Teras can coexist in harmony. And you fear that your power will destroy everything around you. This dream is your mind's way of exploring these feelings."

Alex nodded slowly, still trying to process everything. "I see. So, what should I do?"

Olana smiled kindly. "Just observe and learn, my dear. There is much to be gained from exploring the depths of your mind."

Alex felt a sense of peace wash over him as he watched Olana disappear into the crowds.

He took a deep breath, feeling grateful for the experience. This dream had shown him a different perspective, one that challenged the beliefs he had been taught all his life. He wondered if there were other things he had been wrong about, and he made a mental note to explore them further.

As he continued walking through the market, Alex noticed a group of people gathered around a street performer. The performer was juggling balls of fire, making them dance and twirl in the air. Alex felt a sudden surge of energy within him, and he realized that he could control fire too.

Without even thinking, he lifted his hand and summoned a small flame. The crowd gasped and cheered, amazed by the display of his power. Alex felt a sense of exhilaration as he played with the flame, making it dance and twist like the performer's balls of fire.

But suddenly, everything changed. A massive wave of fire engulfed the market, destroying everything in its path. People and Teras were screaming and running in every direction, trying to escape the flames. Alex felt his heart sink as he realized what was happening.

He looked around, trying to find Olana, but she was nowhere to be seen. Instead, he saw a hooded figure standing in the distance, watching the destruction with a cold detachment. Alex recognized him as the same figure he had seen in his class, the one who had shown him how to use his power.

"Why did you do this?" Alex yelled, running towards the figure. "Why did you kill everyone?"

The figure turned to face him, and Alex could see the glint of madness in his eyes. "In time, you will understand, young one," he said, before disappearing into the smoke.

Alex stood there, watching the destruction unfold before him. He knew that this dream was far from over, and that he had much to learn before he could wake up. But for now, he could only watch and hope that he would find a way to stop the madness before it was too late. Alex woke up with a start, sweat dripping down his face. He sat up in his narrow bed, his heart still pounding in his chest. It was just a dream, he told himself, but it felt so real. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over him. What did the dream mean? And who was the hooded figure?

He sat up in his narrow bed, his heart still pounding in his chest. It was just a dream, he told himself, but it felt so real. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over him. What did the dream mean? And who was the hooded figure?

Taking a deep breath, Alex calmed down and took a shower before heading to the dining hall for breakfast. As he ate his meal, he couldn't help but think about the dream and what it could possibly mean. He tried to push the thoughts out of his head and focus on the day ahead.

His first class of the day was Teras Anatomy, and he made his way to the classroom. It was a small auditorium, and the walls were lined with rows of seats, all facing a large stage at the front of the room. Various models of Teras were on display, each one showing different aspects of their anatomy.

As he was searching for a seat, he felt a slap on the back of his head. "Alex, my boy, ready for another class?" It was Jiten, one of his classmates and a friend.

Turning around, Alex smiled and said, "Good morning to you too, Jiten. Yeah, I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

Jiten chuckled and patted Alex on the back. "That's the spirit, my friend. Let's find a good seat and get ready to learn!"
