
| Second Trial |


After standing up and making my way towards the second zone as my steps echoed through this space, lots of ideas were going through my mind guessing what the next zone would entail for me.

After living her for such a long time,I got accustomed to this world and it's people but still no matter what my goals haven't changed I still want to become strong and all that but the more I go on the more I think why am I doing all this for what purpose, is there a reason for me being here,why did that God gave me the power of such a strong race.

Those ideas might seem strange coming out of me but the stronger I become the more I thing about it, couldn't I just live in a small part of this continent and live there like any normal people slowly advancing my mana core,create a family and all that.

The more those ideas came to mind the more repulsive I would get,until I understood that,a part of the old human me still was scared and afraid to face his insecurities head on,refusing to admit them and just trying to run away like he always did,hiding in a corner like that and refusing to accept reality.

I hated that part of me,wich it led most of my previous life but now things are different, I won't let my past actions influence my future I will be the one to take control of my fate and future.

I am no longer the human from earth,now I Am the Demon Ráel the last of its kind and as such I will become the strongest and reign supreme over all those that stand in my way.

I thought as I made my way inside the next zone.

Unbeknownst to Ráel his inner demon had a slight smile on his face as he heard Ráels thoughts and convictions.



For a moment everything went black as I entered the next zone after a few seconds I could see again and the sight in-front of me surprised me.

It looked like I was inside an circular old and ancient library instead of walls all around me were bookshelves, a massiv pillar stood in the middle of this library supporting this place, the floor was made out of wood and it made creaking sound the moment you step on it.

I slowly made my way around this place,behind the pillar was a stone platform and on top of it was an altar of some kind with two strange balls of energy rotating in harmony around each other.

One was pure white-fluorescent almost transparent ball of energy, wich felt familiar and welcoming to me like a mother awaiting its child's return.

The other one was a royal purple almost mystic ball of energy, on the contrary this energy also felt familiar but it seemed like a spoiled child that would disobey their parents a lot.

I wanted to interact with them but I decided to first look around this place search those books most of the shelves were empty but there were a few bookshelves having a couple of books on them so I decided to take all those books and look through them.

It took me some minutes but I managed to collect all the books,there are about thirty books from the covers I could not understand anything there was a strange runic inscription as the title even with my demonic eyes active I could not understand it.

I started to open up the first book but just like the title I could not understand anything on it I decided to pour some mana in to it after some attempts at trying to understand it,

The moment I started pouring mana into the book it started glowing and it dissolved in small participles as some amounts of information appeared on my mind I was surprised because the content of the book described my first few month in this world in a third perspectives view like someone was watching me and writing my life as a book.

I continued with the books and nothing noteworthy was in the books until I started training there was a lot of theoretical knowledge and the best ways for me to improve it surprised me because some terms used in these books were clearly used only in my old world , like the theory about fire magic and how I could increase its destructiveness if I combined it with other chemicals element around me.

There were even some experiments detailed in the book for example how beasts tamer temper their body with mana for a period of time and their psychical strength becomes stronger than those at the same stage.

Most were deemed as failures or impossible to do but some of those theories were quite good it even surprised me, I got to give it to them the one who wrote these book was a genius on their own way,but the fact that I could not even sense them all this time means either they are so strong or it's the God doing.

I started to ponder the God said he won't be watching me but that does not mean we can't just make someone else watch me all the time and report to him.

I left those thoughts for later as I started to consume every book in front of me after some time I was finally done and the further I went the more surprised I got at the informations on the books especially some of them were like enlightenment to me I felt like I just began understanding mana and aether.

The moment I absorbed the last book and it's information the pillar started to shake and a square hole appeared before me inside it was a black book the runic inscriptions this time were crimson red giving an ominous feeling the moment I took it out the library shook once again as the pillar returned to normal as if there was nothing there I inspected the book but it just seemed a dark book that's all.

So this means if I had not gone through all the books I would have missed something with great value,so this is how this trial is.

I decided to pour mana in to it as this time the information was all about Aether and Pure Mana how aether is the cup and mana is the water inside the cup,on this books there were a lot of information on aether from my memory's from the book to the theories and experiments I and this being have done through my life.

Information on Spatium, Vivum and Aevum beside the basic information I already knew it went in to a bit more detail, still this was not enough for me this was just like a beginner guide to Aether Arts.

I sat down and started to meditate there all of this information was important so I could not just let it be, let's start from the beginning were everything started.

I closed my eyes and stretcher my arm forward, with little concentration a small ball of fire mana appeared on my hand it slowly started to rotate as another ball made of water mana appeared followed by wind and earth, rotating in a circles around each other, those are the four fundamental elements and followed by that there are the other higher elements a second circle was created rotating around each other.

And in the middle of all this I created another ball of pure mana the thing I did in my hand resembled the solar system.

The pure mana as the Sun and the fundamental elements as planets and the higher elements as moons of some sort each having its own role.

Still in the end they are ability's that come from a superior source of power i thought as with a mental command all the balls of elements came towards the ball of pure mana and were absorbed inside it without leaving a trace, in conclusion pure mana is much stronger than elemental magic, but as I said they have their own use

Just because someone was pure mana doesn't mean he is in advantage of some sort,pure mana attacks requires much more control and accuracy than a simple fire spell, the destruction both attacks cause might be different but still pure mana has its advantages over the other elemental magics and that is the power to neutralise the attribute mana to strip it from its effect and make the spell useless.

Still for example if a orange core mage were to do that to a silver or yellow core mage they would not be always successful just because they can apply more mana than the orange core mage is able to neutralise.

Than there is aether I thought as I tried to influence the Aether around me to come at my hand to create a ball of pure aether after some minutes a marble sized ball of pure aether appeared on my hand even with all this concentration I was sure that I could not hold it for long either way it doesn't matter the moment I shoot this ball of aether it will disperse in the atmosphere as if it was never there.

Because the moment I let it go I don't have influence over it at this level I am at.

The next step is to try and improve the mana rotation technique from the information and the ideas I got in my head I will try to create an automatic meditation technique, with the principle of the black hole spell I created to focus mana in on point and to create a type of vortex that constantly absorbs mana from the atmosphere and filters it in to my core.

It might sound easy in theory but the risks behind it are no joke if the vortex is to strong and unstable it will explode and I will die with it, it's so dangerous because the location of the vortex is inside my body inside my mana core so if I mess up and my mana core will go KABOOM! from the inside and worst case I die with the explosion best case I survive as a cripple.

I cant try it right now because I am in my soul space but the moment I pass this I will try it it will be a huge help.

I slowly opened my eyes and stood up after all of this, I have a suspicious on who might be the creator of those books,but I decided to think about that later now I have more important things to do, I thought as I eyed the two balls of energy at the altar, making my way towards the altar I slowly put my hands towards those balls of energy one was made of pure mana the other of aether, the moment I touched the pure mana one I felt a jolt run through my body and the pure ball of mana made its way towards my chest.

The moment it touched my skin it vanished as I felt my core crack all around and a white hue surrounded the core, with a little push on my side and I would be a white core mage but that would need to wait until I pass all the trials.

Now I had my focus only on this ball of aether I slowly extended my fingers towards it in an attempt to touch it the moment that happened I was shot backwards as I crashed in the pillar behind me my arm was completely gone and a small purple fire was stopping my regeneration from healing my arm.

At this rate my body will slowly burn to death if I don't stop this flame I thought as it slowly made its way up my arm, the pain was immense but I didn't have time to worry about the pain now.

I made my way towards the altar again as the flame got more intense the closer I got towards it the ball of aether was probably its source of energy and the closer I got the more it supplied to it.

The moment I reached the altar even without touching it I was blasted back like a rocket without being able to do something.

I tried different ways but the result was always the same I always ended up being blasted away it felt like the ball of aether was not accepting me like I was inferior to it.

I let out a sigh as I punched the ground with all my force out of frustration, this can't go any longer the flame is getting closer towards my neck and heart if my heart burns away then I am done for.

I wont let a mere ball of energy decided my death, I wont accept it I let out all my aura and concentrated it around the ball of mana as I tried to get control over it with this little influence I had over it.

My head started to hurt I was trying to control something out of my reach but this is the only way I can do it, I thought as I concentrated even more the headache getting even worse it felt like I was trying to move an immovable wall, the more I tried the harder it resisted.

But slowly step by step I made my way towards the ball of aether without getting blasted back,this is a crucial step if I successfully managed to do it than I think this will be my victory.

I extended my remaining hand towards it, the headache and the resistance of I felt, made me want to collapse right there and rest but I could not give in just yet my life was on the line.

Just as I reached the ball of energy I opened my hand and grabbed it the pain and resistance I felt quadrupled I started to bleed from every place of my body as I was blasted back once again barely holding my conciseness intact I thought I failed but just then I directed my eyes towards the altar and the ball of energy was gone, success I thought as I slowly closed my ways not knowing what was happening to my body.


The moment Ráel closed his eyes, runic like tattoos started to appear around his body starting from his chest as his heartbeat increases every second until you could here it from the outside, the runic tattoos continued expanding across all his body creating a pattern

His wings came out as the runic formation continue on his wings making them look majestic and royal giving a feeling of preciousness.

The barrier around him slowly started to dissolve as his inner demon was smiling atop his throne and murmured so you made it.
