
Chapter 85- Talia – Rescue Mission Part 5 Volume 2

*~*Talia's POV*~*

I had been sensing the change as well. When Sereia told me she had seen Tide moving, it just confirmed what I needed to do. He had shifted a little at a time since we had arrived, but he was getting bolder and more sure of himself. If we didn't stop him now, it would be too late.

"Are you ready?" I asked her, a grin spreading across my face. 

"When you are!" She answered, and I heard the tension building into excitement in her voice. She was running on pure adrenaline, like most of us were. It was how a lot of people, even supernatural people, made it through these tense moments.

The moment she said she was ready, I started enacting my plan. Not that it was much of a plan. We had both started flying by the seat of our pants, as my parents would have said, or was that their parents? I wasn't sure anymore.
