
Chapter 145- Rika – My Birthday with Westin Part 3 (VOLUME 1)

*~*Rika's POV*~*

After we left the art studio, Westin and I headed home. I thought that the date was over now, with all that we had done so far, but he told me that the rest was going to take place at home. I didn't know exactly what it was that he meant by that, but I knew that he was being extra sweet to me today.

Yes, today was my birthday, I was twenty now and all that, but wasn't this a lot already? What more could he want to do? What more was there to do? Oh, well, I guess that I will find out later. I just shrugged and let things happen as they would.

The first thing that we did, when we got home, was hang up the wood art that I had made. Westin had said that he wanted it to be one of the first things that other people saw when they came into the apartment.

"Why not hang up yours too then?" I asked him, looking at the blank expanse of wall next to mine.
