
A Calling From The Blood of Dragon

Throughout her pregnancy, Sophia's body was struggling to cope with the demands of both nurturing a growing life within her and battling her weakening immune system.

The symptoms she experienced took a toll on her overall well-being, causing her to feel constantly drained and debilitated.

The persistent waves of nausea and frequent episodes of vomiting left her unable to keep down even the simplest of meals.

The lack of nourishment further contributed to her dwindling energy levels and rapid weight loss. Her once-toned arms and legs now appeared frail and gaunt, as if her body was slowly wasting away.

Despite the physical changes, there was a subtle indication of her pregnancy evident in her body. Her breasts had swelled and become tender, a clear sign of the life growing inside her.

Her abdomen, while not prominently protruding yet, carried a slight roundness that hinted at the presence of a developing baby.
