

"Okay, so you can all rest for a while. In that time, we will register everyone as students and send everyone back." Asher said. 

Everyone got into a line and he took out the papers that they gave in the start. He quickly ruffled through them all and magically pulled out papers one by one. They were the papers corresponding to the candidates.

He took out 67 papers corresponding to everyone and took out a new set of sheets. It had a bunch of areas to fill out.

"So, you just need to fill out these new forms. They are basically waivers that you can fill out. If you need parental permission, then you can bring them in tomorrow." He said and handed them out to everyone.

Leo looked at the form. The only things on it that he could really fill were how much of a scholarship he needed and the waiver. The other fields were about guardians, but since he didn't have any he left it empty.

He handed his sheet to Asher. Asher looked at it.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
