
I Can’t Have A Moment Of Peace, Can I?

"A practical exam…" Izuku said as we ate lunch. "It's kinda scary since I can't what'll be on it. The written exam questions will come from what we study in class, so I should be able to manage somehow, but…"

"You can manage, huh?" Ochaco deadpanned. Ochaco is honestly smarter then I though since she came 13th for midterms.

"Seriously, what will we have to do for the practical exam?"

"'It'll be a comprehensive test of everything from first semester.'" Toru, who only came in 16th, repeated what Mr. Aizawa told us about the practical exam.

"That's all Mr. Aizawa would tell us." Tsuyu said as she tore apart her bread and ate it. She came in 6th for midterms.

"Everything we've done so far," Ochaco chewed her food. "We've done combat training and rescue training, and then basic training."

"In addition to studying," Izuku mumbled. "We'll have to keep in good physical conditio- ACK!" An elbow hit Izuku, interrupting his mumbling.

"Oop, my bad." A blond boy apologized sarcastically. Neito Monama, that annoying fly. "Your head was so big, I accidentally hit it."

I rolled my eyes, ignoring Neito's petty babbling. He really just doesn't like class A. It's really obvious he doesn't. Maybe it's because of how much attention is paid less to them.

Neito-kun!" An orange hair girl stepped in and chopped Neito on the neck. What was her name? Itsuka Kendo, I think. "Sorry about him, his heart is just, you know. Anyway, you guys were talking about how you don't know what's gonna be on the practical exam for the finals, right? Looks like it'll be combat against robots, like in the entrance exam."

Now why the absolute hell would they use the same strategy for two different exams? That's just…it's not smart, I'll just say that. The entrance exam is supposed to be something everyone can do as long as they have the right Quirk. The finals should be something for leveled up students. There's no way they'd have students do the same thing as the entrance exam.

"Itsu-chan," Neito called Itsuka by her nickname…I think. "What are you doing? We had an information advantage. This was our chance to get ahead of the detestable class A- Ah!"

"They are not detestable!" Itsuka scolded after chopping Neito on the neck again and dragging him away. She's like class B's big sister. Honestly, it's a little weird how much more mature she is compared to everyone else.


"Oh, yeah! If it's robots, it'll be a cinch!" Denki said.

"And it'll be a cinch for me to melt them!" Mina threw her arms up, cheering for herself.

"You guys look like you'd have a hard time controlling your Quirks against people." Meto said with his dupli-arms creating a mouth.

"Now you just need Momo-chan and maybe Yuno-kun to help you study and you're all set!" Hanta said.

I stared at him for few seconds. Was he dragging me into other people's problems? "What are you talking about? I have studying of my own. Besides, I wouldn't help any of you. You need to learn to figure things out yourself."

"Dang," Eijiro punched my shoulder playfully. "Touch love, huh? You know what you're doing, but you sure put it harshly."

"Yeah, yeah."

Three days, that's how long the written exam will be. In the meantime, everyone studies and digs their noses into books. Except for me. Kisu and Denki were studying with Momo. Shoto went to go study on their own time and I kept Toga at home so she would study without distractions. That means I have all the time in the world this weekend.

"Hm," I sighed as I leaned back in my chair, taking a break from my game. "Maybe I should find new League Of Legend players aside from Tomura-san and Spinner-san and their friends. It's kinda boring playing with them."

"Please, take me with you!" Toga plopped herself on my lap, laying on her stomach and sprawling her out in front of her. "I don't wanna be stuck in here all by myself!"

"Idiot, I'm not going anywhere. And I'm not about to let you fail the exam. That's a big no-no."

"But I'm so bored! I've been studying ever since I ate breakfast! I wanna get out of the house!"

I rolled my eyes and her whining. Although, she did need to get out somehow, otherwise she would start wrecking the place. I would really rather her not wreck my PC again.

Before I could give a response to Toga, my phone started ringing. Who the hell would be bothering me at ten in the morning. That's a little early to be bothering someone. Either way, I picked up the phone to see an unknown number on the screen.

"Your call has been automated to the voice messaging system," I said sarcastically after answering the call. "Seriously, why are you calling this number?"

"Who is this?" A man's voice asked. "Are you Yuno Ysumuyuki? Mind you, if you lie, we will know."

"'We?'" I echoed, putting a finger on Toga's lips to keep her mouth shut. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Are you Yuno Tsumuyuk-san?"

"Well, yeah. Why do you need-"

"The address that is about to show up on your computer is the place you are required to find and travel to. We'll discuss things there. Don't take your time."

An address popped up in my computer after the guy hung up. Tokyo, Kandanishikicho, 3-21. That's pretty far from Musutafu, a little over two hours. What did he mean by "we" exactly? I have absolutely nothing to go off of said from the address. If anything, that's where a mafia group of assassins was last seen or something. I don't pay attention to the news if I'm being honest.

"What a jerk, hanging up in the phone like that." I said while putting my phone onto the table.

"Are you going, Yuno-kun?" Toga asked, putting a finger to her chin. "He sounds suspicious."

"I may as well, since there's really nothing that could harm me. Plus, we both could use a break, huh? I'll let you come, only if you promise to study on the train to Tokyo."

"Yay! I promise! I'll be a good girl!"






That guy really makes me feel a bit uneasy. The fact that he wants us in Tokyo, in an alleyway, I mean, doesn't it just sound weird? I'm not so sure about the situation but…

Toga is driving me up a damned wall!

"Please, Toga-chan." I said while pinching the bridge of my nose. "Just open your notebook and study, dammit."

"But this is so boring!" Toga complained. "I don't like studying! I don't wanna have to do boring stuff when we're about to go and meet some unknown stranger. It's making me antsy-pantsy!"

"Oi," some random person in the row in front of us snorted at us. "Keep your girlfriend down. She's interrupting my sleep."

"How about you shut up and mind your own business?" I glared back at him, causing him to sit back down in his seat. Yeah, that's right. Keep your mouth to yourself. "Anyway, I don't care if it's boring."

"You're not studying at all." Toga whined while nibbling on her pencil.

"Yes, I am." I tapped her head with a book. "I'm just studying differently. I can remember things easily, whereas, you have to write it down to remember. You're not very bright, even if you placed 9 out of 22 during midterms."

As Toga kept complaining, I continued reading through my book. It's been about an hour and a half. Hopefully, I don't run into any smaller problems on the way, that would very much make my day miserable.

"What the hell?" The lights suddenly went out and the train stopped moving. I just jinxed myself, I don't want problems in my way, dammit.

"What happened to the lights?!" Another passenger yelled in confusion.

Soon enough, people were panicking and screaming. They were very much overthinking things. They could've thought it was just a simple power surge, but no. Since Quirks exist, they absolutely have to think they're being attacked.

My thoughts came to a sudden stop when I felt something cold press against my neck. A knife. Why do I keep getting caught in these attacks? I grabbed the stranger's wrist and ducked under their arm, keeping a hold of his wrist. I slammed his head into the seat and held their wrist that was holding the knife.

"Why can't I just have a little bit of peace for the once?" I said as I squeezed their wrist, causing them to drop the knife.

"You'll have your peace sooner or later. " He mumbled to himself(figured it was a guy). A reddish glow surrounded his body as his muscle relaxed. Before I could react, the scenery changed completely. We were no longer on the train. Teleportation, a simple but overpowered Quirk.

"What the actual fuck?" I glared at the guy who had brought me to an entirely different place. "Everything falls to shit once I start listening to other people. And you come in and split me up from my mother flipping girlfriend?"

He just stared at me like I was stupid. The only reason why this guy would suddenly attack me is he's with that person who called me. Yeah, that's probably it. I don't give a fuck anymore, I just want my peace.

"Calm down, calm down." The same voice from when I was on the phone came into play. "You were taking too long, so I had someone go and fetch you."

"And you decided to shut down the entire train and split me up from my girlfriend rather then just wait a little longer?" I asked, deadpanning from that ridiculous reason. "That's just stupid."

"No matter," he waved his hand dismissively, then looked at one of the men who stood behind him. "Go fetch me Kiera-chan."

Kiera? Great, who was this dude, who I don't know his name, bringing into the situation now. And why the hell would he need someone to fetch a random chick?

"Good evening, mister Onisuka-sama." A girl known as Kiera appeared behind the head man known as Onisuka. "How may I serve you?"

Her gray eyes looked dead. Her black hair was short and only came down to the middle of her neck. She wore a scarf that had a skull on the front. Her sweater and shorts were black while her shin high boots were a beige color. A large and heavy gun was strapped to her back. This girl looked really young, she looked like a junior high schooler.

"This is going by a little too fast," I said and pinched the bridge of my nose. "You still haven't explained thing to me, 'mister Onisuka-sama.'"

"My apologies." He nodded his head. "My name is Akuma Onisuka. I've called you here because my organization has heard things about you. We are a mafia group known for our assassinations, bounty hunting and concealment. We've seen your work and would like it if you join us."

"Now, what the hell is in it for me? And who do you send your so called assassin after?"

"If you were to join, I'd turn you into an assassin and put you in a certain group of elites. You'd be paid, as you would expect. We do need your expertise as someone who is very discreet about their crimes."

"Who exactly would I be killing?"

"People who deserve it or need to be put in their place."

Well, that was a very quick answer. I guess he's pretty keen on me joining them if he gave such a quick response.

"And," I glanced over at the Kiera, who stood behind Onisuka with her dead eyes. "Who's this chick?"

"This is Kiera-chan, an elite sniper. She is at the top of her league. If you are to join, then she will be of assistance in your assassinations."

This dude really wants me to join, for some god damn reason. It may be rushing things, but I don't see why not. Since they explained things to me, it should be harmless to join. Besides, it'll give me something to do after classes and stuff. Even if they were to betray me or whatever, then I could take care of them easily.

"That just about sums it up." Onisuka finished the explanation. "I would be very pleased if you do join, but for whatever reason you choose not to, we will leave you alone."

Somehow, I found that as a lie.

"Well, if I'm being paid," I thought out loud. "Then I would happily join. I still think it was irrational to shut down the entire train."

"My apologies." Kiera put a hand on her chest and bowed. "I was given direct orders to shut down the power of the bullet train. Please forgive me."

"Ah, whatever. If we're done here, I'm going back to see my girlfriend. She'll start attacking other people thanks to you idiots."

With that, I walked away, leaving the alleyway. Of course, I should've asked when I would start or who my first target was, but let's face it, I don't really need to be told all that. I have the internet, everything is there. Besides, there's nothing for them to hide once I find out their secrets.

Let's play for a little, why don't we, Onisuka.

Yo, sorry about the long wait and the shorter chapter! I’ve been busy with classes and I’m no longer on summer vacay. Please forgive me!

BakuNoNiicreators' thoughts