
Moving Onto The Third Round

POV Yuno

"Wait, you're just gonna end it at that?!" Denki whined at the fact Kisu was ending the story right there.

"Oh, shut it!" Kisu scoffed. "Relax a little. You'll catch in at some point."

"We don't even know why he's a monster, or how he's a monster." Fumikage crossed his arms, still wanting to here more. "Wasn't that the reason why you were telling the story?"

"Oh, drop it and watch the fight, baka-yaro(asshole)!"

Izuku stood in a three point stance, his undamaged fingers touching the ground. I put my hands in my pocket, red blood trickling down my wrist.

"Don't you know you'll kill yourself using that Quirk so recklessly?" I asked with a bored tone while blood floated behind me as I walked toward Izuku. "You'll put your arms out of commission permanently if you're not careful."

Izuku held his uninjured hand up and flicked a finger, powerful gusts raging toward me. The blood behind me surrounded me, protecting me from the powerful force of the flick. Another broken finger. Three left.

"They told me you were meant to surpass them and All Might." Izuku winced as he panted in pain. "They've controlled your life for a long time. But they're still your parents! What could they have done to you? Sure, they were the ones who made you hate them but everyone deserves-"

"A second chance?" I interrupted Izuku and finished his sentence. "You think they deserve a second chance? Urusei,(shut up)you don't know anything. You of all people couldn't possibly understand my misfortune. I know your story, but you don't know mine. You were born Quirkless, bullied, then loved and blessed. I had to climb all by myself, falling every single step of the way. You were lucky to be given a Quirk. I had to carry myself all the way up, fixing every single problem."

Izuku grit his teeth. If this idiot was trying to save me from my "fate," he needs to work in his sense of ignorance. If he thinks he can save someone like me, he has no idea what's coming for him. Who does he think he his to assume that everyone should get a second chance? Nobody just deserves something, you have to work and earn it.

"I have respect for you, Izuku-sama," I said as I walked toward Izuku, using my Quirk to keep him still. "But, let's just face it, you can't beat me."

I raised a hand and pushed him over. Unable to catch himself with my Quirk active, he fell onto his bottom and winced.

"Midoryia is out of bounds!" Midnight announced.

"Huh?" Izuku's eyes widened as he let out a short gasp. He looked down to see he was outside the ring. A look of shock and disbelief was slapped into his face. "I lost? It was that easy for him. There's no way I can beat him…"

"Izuku-san," I squatted down to Izuku and looked him in the eye. "You're not weak. But you need to learn. Learn to use your Quirk, learn to keep your nose out of other people's business. Don't dwell on this. It'll just drag you down. Take it from me, I have experience."

I left it at fhat and walked away, allowing the little robots take Izuku to Recovery Girl on a stretcher. He had broken almost all his fingers. There's no way I would let him be reckless and have him break things like his arm.

"ALRIIIIGHT!" Present Mic yelled into the microphone as Cementos finished up with fixing the ring. "Let's move onto the the next round! It's the same overpowered ice-fire boy! Shoto Todoroki! Versus! Mind you, she's a rose, not an assassin! Ibara Shiozaki!"

Ochaco and Tenya stood up out of their seats and headed over to visit Izuku. Now that I think about it, maybe I should've been more careful with spouting things out with him. He may or may not tell those two things about me, which is not something I'd want.

"Oh, Yuno-kun, kehehe." I heard Kisu laugh as I stood up from my seat, wanting to follow Ochaco and Tenya.

"Kisu-Chan," I turned around to see her covering her mouth and smiling a sneer smile. "What were you talking about with Izuku-kun? Was it personal or maybe not?"

"Bakada to karera ni ittatte iu no(are you saying you told them, you idiot)?" I responded with a glare. "You weren't supposed to say anything about me, baka."

"Ohh?! Who are you calling 'stupid?!' Urusei! You're the one who's so secretive! Karera wa kyomi o motte ita hito-tachidesu(they're the ones who were curious)."

I rolled my eyes at Kisu's blabbering as she continued throwing her hands around flipped me off. Ignoring her little frenzy, I walked away to go see Izuku in Recovery Girl's office.

"You tried your hardest, Deku-kun!" Ochaco cheered and comforted Izuku who was sitting in a chair with his fingers bandaged. "Yuno-san is just so strong. It's good you did your best!"

"Hai(yes)!" Tenya agreed. "Even if Yuno-senpai may have been going easy, it is good you did your best! Yoku yatta(good job)!"

"Ah, arigato." Izuku smiled, grateful his friends were trying to cheer him up even though he lost. "But I didn't really give it my all. I was lost in trying to…save him, I guess."

"Huh? Save him? From what?" Ochaco tilted her head.

I sighed. I guess it was good that Ochaco and Tenya didn't pay attention to Kisu's story rather then Izuku's battle.

"Well, Yuno-senpai seemed like he really didn't-"

"Urusei," I interrupted him before he could say anything more. "You shouldn't be poking your nose into other people's business. It's rude."

"Ah, gomen'nasai(I'm sorry)!" Izuku apologized quickly. "I didn't mean to invade, but there was just so much hate you were clearly carrying. I thought maybe it'd okay if I had gotten you to talk. You saw through it anyway, which makes sense. You're pretty smart after all!"

"Thanks, but if you're going to fake a smile or whatever, then do yourself a favor and quit trying to be a hero."

All three of my classmates in the room stared at me in shock. Plastered to their faces were looks of shock and a little bit of frustration. Ochaco started to get mad at me and yelled.

"Why would you tell him to quit being a hero?!" She demanded an answer out of me. "That's his dream! You can't and shouldn't tell him what to do!"

"Ochaco-san," I stared at her, dead serious with the tone I took with her name. "You're so full of crap sometimes. If Izuku fakes all his feelings, then what do you think will end up happening?"

"Huh? Well, he'll probably just come to his friends or family and vent his feelings."

"Heh," I lifted my hand out of my pocket and made a finger gun, then aimed it at Ochaco's forehead. "That's wrong." I said as I pretended to shoot her in the head. "That's not likely. And even if he did vent to all of you, he'd only add more and more onto himself since he'd also be releasing. Let me ask you something. Do you think heroes fake their courage, bravery and smiles?"

"Well…maybe a little bit. It's be understandable." Tenya said while lifting a robotic hand.

I pointed the finger gun at Tenya's forehead and pretended to shoot. He'd gotten the answer wrong as well. "Incorrect. They always fake emotions. They think it's better to hide everything even though they're risking their lives every day. Heroes carry us. But who carries them?" I l took the finger gun my hand made and aimed it at the side of my head, then smiled. "Take it from someone who tried to kill himself."

Izuku's eyes widened and shook in concern. "You…you tried to kill your self? Like, commit suicide?"

"Bingo!" I pretended to shoot my self. "Bang. You answered correctly. If you keep up that act of yours, then it'll be bye-bye sanity and hello depression."

Izuku lowered his head and gave a thoughtful look. After a few moments, he looked up again and smiled. "It's okay! Daijobudesu(it's alright), I'm fine. If I have any problems, then I'll go directly to Ochaco-Chan and Tenya-kun!"

I shook my head and left the room, allowing the three of them to talk. It must be nice to have people who care about you. When I look at it, there's only a handful of people who actually care about me. Sad, isn't it? I guess it's just me pitying myself, even if I do hate the topic of pitying others.

"You've grown." I heard someone whisper to me. I turned around, looking for the one who whispered.

"Kuso(damn)," I rubbed the side of my head. "I'm hearing things now, aren't I?"

"Yuno…Tsumuyuki…young boy."

Where the hell were these whispers coming from?! I looked around again, wondering if I was finally losing my sanity after all these years. What a headache.

Wait, when I listen to it carefully, it sounded like that stranger from nine years ago, when I was eight. I shook my head, pushing the thought away. The main problem now was why the hell I could hear those whispers.

"Yuno-Chan," Toga said with worry while Kisu stood next to her. "Machigatte iru(what's wrong)? Are you tired already?" She put a finger to her chin and tilted her head.

"Oh, nanimonai(nothing)." I answered, rubbing my head one more time before walking past Kisu and Toga.

Kisu stared at me as I kept walking. She gave me a look that said she didn't believe me, but would play along either way. The fact that Kisu knows how to worry about someone is…nice, actually. Sometimes it's just nice to have someone care about you, even if there's only one or two people who do.

"Yuno-senpai!" Ochaco waved from the seats. "Kisu-kun and Mina-Chan are in the middle of their battle! Come watch!"

That's why Kisu was roaming through the hallways. She was getting ready for her battle. I sat down next to Shoto, who had his arms crossed as he watched Mina and Kisu battle out their match.

"Please tell me you win against that plant girl." I said, hoping that Shoto didn't let me down.

"Of course I did." Shoto answered.

"Well, I'm just making sure I made the right decision of giving you that power. That's all."

"What power?" Sero and Eijiro popped up over the seat.

"None of your business, you idiots." I said, pushing their faces away and back over to their own seats.

"Ashido is out of bounds! Aoni moved onto the next round!" Midnight announced.

Kisu pumped her fist in the air and cheered for herself, then helped Mina up off the ground. At least she has the decency to comfort people and tell them they did a good job.






"You can't put a dent on me!" Eijiro yelled as he blocked Katsuki's explosions with his hardened skin.

"Man, it must be awesome to take on Katsuki's explosions like that." Denki crossed his arms and complained. "He's like an invincible wall. He could take as many hits as he wanted to without falling down."

I rolled my eyes as Kisu started her rampage of criticism. "Hey! It's not like he can just go around saying 'I can take every single explosion made by Katsuki Bakugo!' Baka yaro(you dumbasses)!"

"What do you mean by that?" Kyoka put a hand in Kisu's head and pushed her back down to sit in her seat.

"It means that Eijiro isn't able to take every single hit. Quirks are like physical strengths. If you pull something heavy, you're bound to get tired sooner or later. It's just natural strengths. Quirks wear out over time."

"Gahh!" Eijiro yelled in pain. His hardening was wearing out after all those hits. Go figure. Katsuki does hit pretty hard after all. I can tell just by watching him.

"You keep talking about how your skin is so hard and that shit," Katsuki said as he pinned down Eijiro. "But you can't hold on forever!"

"Kirishima is immobilized!" Midnight announced. "Bakugo moves on!"

Next round was me and Shoto. This would be fun, I just knew it would. Knowing that I'm the one who gave him that Quirk will make this interesting. I mean, I am the one in charge of his training. And even if I lose, it'll be a very small and slight chance. Either way, I'll make this fun.

"Alriiiiight!" Present Mic cheered. "Let's move onto the first match of the third round! It's the crazy blood boy, Yuno Tsumuyuki! Versus! Icy and fire boy! So far he's only used his ice and his fire pretty much only once! Shoto Todoroki! STAAART!"

Right off the bat, Shoto attacked with his ice. It traveled across the field, heading straight for me. I grinned and tore off the bandages that wrapped around my cut.

"That's just a pitiful attack."

Shoto's eyes widened before he turned around, a wisp of fire traveling through his hair. I smiled as red spikes broke through the ground, breaking the ice and catching Shoto off balance.

"Well, it's no wonder you keep losing to Kisu. You keep attacking right off the bat. Not to mention you keep attacking with your ice as the first move."

I lifted my hand and took control of Shoto's body. I truly wanted to see how Shoto would react to this. Maybe he'd be the one who would be capable of getting away.

"Let's see," I continued in with my talkity-talk-talk. "You attack with your ice, you attack right off the bat, and you completely ignore the fact that you can beat you right here and now. I'm offended. Now, why don't we see if you can actually break free from my Quirk. Maybe, just maybe, you'll have the willpower."

Shoto moved his finger slightly. I flinched as fire came rushing at me. I took the knife from my pocket and re-openers my wound, causing more blood to spill. The blood surrounded me and created a shield, protecting me from the fire.

When the fire disappeared, I saw giant spikes of ice all around me. Well played, Shoto. You think if I can't see you, I can't control you. It was a smart move.

"I may not be able to defeat face to face," Shoto said while hiding among the ice he created. "But I do have an advantage if you can't see me."

"Yeah," I answered. "That's really true, but your missing one thing." I dodged to the side, seeing that Shoto was trying to get me from behind. "I'm a little smarter then that."

I used my foot to sweep Shoto off balance, then grabbed his shirt before he could, leaving him dangling there.

"This isn't your play time, Yuno-San." Shoto said while holding my wrist before ice started to crawl up my arm.

"But I'm not playing." I tilted my head with a smile. Spikes of blood exploded from underneath the ice on my arm, allowing me to move it freely again. "That was a nice. Really cooled me down. I was kinda pissed off earlier. But that was nice little chill pill."

I threw Shoto over my shoulder before he caught himself with his ice, using it to skate so he wouldn't be thrown out of bounds.

"A chill pill?" Shoto asked while dashing at me with a boost of his fire. "What we're you so mad about?"

"Let's just say that this Sports Festival isn't really on my side when it comes to my mentality."

I dodged to the side as Shoto tried reaching out for me. Using the same trick twice wasn't really a smart move, even if he did add a few twists. Fire bursted from his arm, giving me a few burns before I could protect myself with a veil of blood.

"As long as I keep moving and keep you distracted, I still have a chance of winning." Shoto said while he let loose some more ice and hid among the chunks.

"You can be smart if you really want to, huh?" I said while closing my eyes and listened for sounds. I heard ice crackling with every step Shoto took. "I think we need to train more, don't you?"

A raging fire came rushing at me from behind. Seriously, Shoto needs to work on his strategies. I protected myself with a veil of blood before the fire could burn my skin. I lifted my hand out of my pocket and took control of Shoto. I guess I was wrong about all that talk and Shoto being able to break free of my Quirk.

"We'll definitely keep training, okay?" I said while looking at Shoto's feet.

"What-" He looked down to see that his foot was in the outside of the ring.

"Todoroki is out of bounds!" Midnight said. "Tsumuyuki moves on!"

"Wait! How did Yuno-senpai do that?!" Mina waved her hands up and down. "Shoto-kun is one of the strongest kids in class! He took out Shoto-kun so easily!"

"It looked like he was talking to Shoto-kun." Momo thought to herself out loud. "He must've been talking as a distraction. Remember when Yuno-senpai said that the teachers put something on him to keep his Quirk at bay. To make things fair. He was distracting and playing, uh, I think. He's kind of hard to read."

"It's close enough." Kisu rolled her eyes while crossing her arms. "Yeah, Yuno is under the teachers' watch. But he still would've been able to take out Shoto-san just like that. He may say he wasn't playing around, but he was. His sense of deception is unbelievable."

That was it. I won. I seriously thought Shoto would be a bit more powerful. The look in his face revealed all his disappointment. I don't mean to brag, but how do you defeat someone who can control your every move? Not to mention that I have an intelligence Quirk.

I walked over to Shoto and put a hand in his shoulder. "Don't look so sad. You'll make me feel bad. We'll just keep training."

He nodded at me and smiled. "Hai(yes)."
