
Tea Party - 602

Duchess Vass spoke. "It's of no consequence. He seems to have changed greatly since then."

Skymender slightly bowed his head in acknowledgement.

The Duchess turned her attention to someone else. Skymender and his Aunt took a seat at the table.

Skymender watched as Aunt Skyless engaged in small talk. He noticed that almost every sentence said had some underlying or hidden meaning.

Any compliment spoken seemed to be backhanded. This was the Noble Circle.

It could be considered a warzone of status and words.

Skymender looked at the other people's plus ones. 

Besides Skymender, every person here was a girl.

As the conversation continued, Aunt Skyless suddenly spoke about him. "My nephew, Skymender, took only two weeks to learn the noble education that most nobles spend their whole lives learning."

"How impressive. Though, my daughter had learned such things long, long ago." A noble woman said with a smile.

Aunt Skyless spoke again. "Indeed. Being born in the Imperial Capital, children tend to learn earlier. My daughters and my son were the same."

After the brief mention of Skymender, the conversation continued.

Every remark was passive-aggressive, though there was an unspoken agreement that it would stay that way and not escalate beyond.

Skymender began to think how he could take advantage of all of this. This was just a small meeting. Almost nothing could be gained. What could actually be of importance was the yearly Noble Gatherings.

In a month, a yearly gathering that all Nobles in the Imperial Capital attended, Imperial Family included, would take place.

That was where it was possible to gain something.

In addition to nobles, some wealthy commoners would also be able to attend.

If Skymender wanted to truly set the future stage, then that would be where it happened.

He was just getting acclimated at this tea party.

The door behind opened and another noble and her plus one entered.

She smoothly joined the conversation without effort.

After two hours, three more people had joined.

After another hour, food was brought out.

Everyone ate just as a noble should, including Skymender. 

Then tea came out. There was also an entire etiquette to drinking tea. Skymender had naturally learned it.

One hour after that, the tea party ended. 

The nobles took turns excusing themselves and leaving.

Skymender and Aunt Skyless were able to leave relatively fast.

Back in the carriage, Skymender spoke. "That sucked."

Aunt Skyless understood. "I found it quite enjoyable. The tea party today can be considered practice for the Noble Gathering in a month. Unless your sister takes you elsewhere, you are free to attend."

Aunt Skyless seemed to approve of Skymender after today.

They returned to the house and Skymender was officially free. 

He first found Li Youcai, who he had hardly seen since that day.

"Did you find them?" He asked.

Li Youcai nodded. 

"Let's go." Skymender said.

They departed in a carriage not long after him and Aunt Skyless had returned.

They left the noble district and arrived at a large house. It was only slightly smaller than Aunt Skyless's house.

Gates in front of the house stopped them from advancing.

Beyond the gates, a butler hurriedly moved, clearly going to inform the owner of a noble's arrival.

Meanwhile, another servant opened the gates for them and welcomed them in.

Li Youcai and Skymender stepped out of the carriage.

With a nod, they walked through the gates and advanced towards the large house.

As they reached the door, someone came out to greet them. He was big, but not too fat. He stood around six foot seven inches, and probably weighed around 400 pounds. Most of that seemed to be in muscle. Skymender almost took a step back after seeing him.

However, the man clasped his hands and bowed. 

"To what do I owe the pleasure of a noble visit?"

Skymender spoke. "I'm here to find the Fatty."

The man paused for a moment before nodding. "You call him that as well. Very good. It seems he has made a noble friend."

He turned around and yelled so loud that Skymender thought his ears would pop.

"Get down here Fatty! Put down whatever fattening food you're eating! Be careful that you don't fall through the stairs!"

Skymender immediately heard steps coming from above, clearly rushed.

A fat figure came into view.

"Yes, Father!"

The Fatty said, standing at attention.

Suddenly, he saw Skymender. "Sir?"

Before anything else could be said, the man spoke to the Fatty. "Go outside and play with your friend here."

The Fatty nodded and ran outside.

Skymender and Li Youcai were left with the Fatty outside as the door closed.

"Hello again, Fatty."

The Fatty smiled. "It is an honor to see you again, Young Lord Skymender."

Clearly, the Fatty had done some research since the last time they met.

"I told you we would meet again. But first, was that your Father?" Skymender asked.

He found it hard to believe. 

The Fatty nodded. "Yes. He is the owner of the Fugui chamber of commerce, as well as a past potential Sword Master."

Skymender was surprised, though it seemed natural when looking at the Fatty's fathers physique.

It seemed that the man had once been a potential Sword Master, much like his sister, but had not fully become one in the end.

However, despite his failure to become a Sword Master, he had actually created a successful chamber of commerce.

It was no wonder that the Fatty seemed to respect his father so much. It was also no wonder that his father didn't like how the Fatty was.

"He was known as the potential Sword Master closest to becoming a Sword Master, but he sadly failed in the end."

Hearing this, Skymender felt slightly worried. If his sister could not become a Sword Master, then all of her efforts would have been wasted.

The Fatty, seeing the look on his face, spoke.

"Your sister is different, however. No person that Sword Master Shang has taken as a disciple has failed to become a Sword Master, though he has only taken two disciples before your sister."
